PSYC 545 Quiz Reliability

PSYC 545 Quiz: Reliability

  1. What type of reliability estimate is appropriate for use in a comparison of “Form A” to “Form B” of a picture vocabulary test?
  2. A confidence interval is a range or band of test scores that
  3. If items on a test are measuring very different traits, estimates of reliability yielded from split-half methods will typically be ________ as compared with estimates from KR-20.
  4. Which of the following is TRUE about systematic and unsystematic error in the assessment of physical and psychological abuse?
  5. A measure of clerical speed is obtained by a test that has respondents alphabetize index cards. The manual for this test cites a split-half reliability coefficient for a single administration of the test of .95. What might you conclude?
  6. A police officer administers a breathalyzer test to a suspected drunk driver, does not put on his glasses to read the meter, and as a result, mistakenly records the blood alcohol level. This is the kind of mistake that is BEST associated with which type of reliability estimates?
  7. Stanley (1971) wrote that in classical test theory, a so-called “true score” is “not the ultimate fact in the book of the recording angel.” By this, Stanley meant that
  8. The meaning of reliability in the psychometric sense differs from the meaning of reliability in the “every day” use of that word in that
  9. For determining the reliability of tests scored using nominal scales of measurement, the statistic of choice is
  10. Which of the following statements is TRUE about coefficient alpha?
  11. Item response theory is to latent trait theory as observer reliability is to
  12. Prior to research on inter-rater reliability for DSM-5, DSM inter-rater reliability estimates were obtained using the ________ method.
  13. Which is TRUE of measurement error?
  14. A dichotomous test item is one that
  15. As the confidence interval increases, the range of scores into which a single test score falls is likely to
  16. Which of the following would result in the LEAST appropriate estimate of reliability for a speed test?
  17. Which of the following is TRUE of domain sampling theory?
  18. According to generalizability theory, a variable such as “number of items in the test” is a description of one
  19. The Rasch model
  20. Field trials of DSM-5 demonstrated a mean kappa that was indicative of a ________ level of agreement among raters.
  21. As used in Chapter 5 of your text, the term inflation of variance is synonymous with
  22. Which type of reliability estimate is obtained by correlating pairs of scores from the same person (or people) on two different administrations of the same test?
  23. Prior to DSM-5, a problem with the primary method used to estimate reliability of the DSM was that the method
  24. Which of the following is TRUE for parallel forms of a test?
  25. Which statistic can help the test user determine how large a difference must exist for scores yielded from two different tests to be considered statistically different?
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  1. PSYC 545 Quiz Reliability
  • Liberty University