OTCL 520 Quiz 5

  1. ָר ִא֫י ָת :Translate
  2. To send
  3. What is the name of the endings added to the verbal root?
  4. Weak Biconsonantal verbs have which vowel under the first root consonant?
  5. ָכּ ֵבד :Translate
  6. ָמָצה
  7. The Qal Stem is used to express simple action with an active voice.
  8. ָֽבּנְ ָתה :Translate
  9. נַָפל
  10. ָכֵּבד
  11. What motivates the loss of the Daghesh Lene in the ת of the Perfect sufformatives of III-א
  12. Stative verbs
  13. To be(come) old
  14. Correctly identify the correct vowel pattern for the Qal Perfect 3ms Strong Verb.
  15. The lexical form of a Biconsonantal verb is the Qal Perfect 3ms form.
  16. Due to vocalization changes in the Qal Weak Verbs, the perfect sufformatives also change.
  17. וְהִנֵּה ָא ֹנ ִכי עִ ָּמךְ:Translate
  18. שַָׁמר
  19. יַָלד
  20. To stand up
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  1. OTCL 520 Quiz 5
  • OTCL 520 Quiz 5 Liberty University