OTCL 520 Quiz 1

  1. What does a Daghesh Forte do?
  2. The Daghesh Forte can occur in any consonant except
  3. ָאב
  4. If a begadkephat consonant appears without the Daghesh Lene, the pronunciation is
  5. areallexamplesof ִבּ➣ ִבּי ֻבּ➣בּוּבֹּ➣בּוֹ
  6. ֶאֶ֫רץ
  7. Which of the following represents the names and symbols of all the Hebrew Reduced Vowels?
  8. Which of the following represents the names and symbols of all the Hebrew Short Vowels?
  9. God, gods
  10. Which of the following statements regarding syllabification of the Dagesh Forte are correct? 1) Doubles the value of a consonant (2) A vertical line is drawn through the consonant containing it (3) Hardens the consonant which it is in (4) Begins a syllable (5) Ends a syllable
  11. The form of the final כ (Kaf) in Hebrew is
  12. שָׁנָה
  13. Vowel Letters written with ו (Waw) and י (Yod) are often referred to as changeable long vowels.
  14. Day
  15. Horse
  16. Open syllables end with a ___ and closed syllables end with a ___.
  17. A Shewa is silent if the previous vowel is
  18. The two vertical dots in the Hateph Vowels are called
  19. Identify the Hebrew consonant Shin.
  20. The form of the final מ (Mem) in Hebrew is
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  1. OTCL 520 Quiz 1
  • OTCL 520 Quiz 1 Liberty University