MILT 675 Quiz 1 Introduction

MILT 675 Quiz 1: Introduction to Military Mental Health

Modules 1, 2 : Weeks 1, 2

  1. Deployment challenges include all but which of the following?
  2. Which of the following is not one of the types of military-related stress?
  3. The most obvious and lethal challenge deployed service members face is
  4. The solution focused mindset of many service members may not respond well to
  5. Regarding pre-deployment challenges and personal preparation, which of the following is not an issue?
  6. The vast majority of individuals exposed to trauma experienced posttraumatic stress symptoms immediately following the events. What approximate number meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD three months later?
  7. Robert E. Lee said that this was the “sublimest” word in our language
  8. The majority of the armed force is
  9. Military training has been viewed as indoctrination. Which of the following stages is not one of these indoctrination stages?
  10. The authors of Living and Surviving in Harm’s Way feel that one of the following value systems is a cornerstone of all aspects of military culture. Which one?
  11. In the military, underreporting, an issue facing assessment is fostered by
  12. The first and only woman to be awarded the medal of honor served during the
  13. Post-deployment challenges include all but which of the following?
  14. What is not listed as a potential reason for joining the military?
  15. One limitation of the PSS-I is it measures symptoms over
  16. Roles served by women during their early service in the military included all but which of the following?
  17. The authors of Living and Surviving in Harm’s Way feel that the military is a natural home for what type of psychology
  18. Army leadership doctrine clearly defines seven Army values. Which of the following is not one of these?
  19. Due to the issues facing accurate assessment a _________assessment process is recommended
  20. Regarding military training as a socialization process, which of the following is not a valid stage?
  21. Which of the following areas is not considered “combat arms”?
  22. The history of women in US military service dates back to the
  23. Which of the following is not one of the classes of stressors?
  24. Women finally attained true military status during which war?
  25. High levels of stress lead to mental health consequences. In addition to PTSD and acute stress disorder, three of the following are related to high levels of stress. Which is not so related?
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