LING 301 Quiz 2 Morphology

LING 301 Quiz: Morphology

Covers the Learn material from Module 2: Week 2.

  1. Derivational morphemes change the part of speech or the meaning of a stem.
  2. Examine the data set from Turkish and then match each morpheme with its meaning.
  3. What type of ax is shown in the following Kanuri data set?
  4. Match the following words with their word formation processes.
  5. In English, inflectional morphemes are always ____________.
  6. Clitics are unstressed reduced units of meaning that attached to a
  7. limited number of host words. Would the form ’tis (for “it is”) be
  8. The following tree diagram correctly illustrates the hierarchical structure of the word disappearances
  9. Match the word(s) with the correction description.
  10. Match the following words with their morphological descriptions:
  11. Although languages do not conform completely to one typological classification, Mandarin would be a good example of a predominately synthetic language.
  12. Two or more roots can be added together to form what is called a compound.
  13. Examine the following data set from Swedish. In what order are morphemes placed?
  14. Identify the head of the compound in the word “rainbow.”
  15. Inflectional morphemes, like derivational morphemes, change the part of speech of a linguistic form, but never change meaning.
  16. Match the underlined portion of each word to the correct description.
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