GLST 385 Quiz 2

GLST 385 Quiz 2 Liberty University

  1. Paul’s tent making was a cover and a platform for his real work of the ministry.
  2. According to the readings, there are many careers that just have no place in cross-cultural ministry and those who find themselves in those careers should view themselves as “senders” instead of “goers.”
  3. According to the readings, all of the following global trends except one have come to irrevocably alter how we live, think and communicate in the 21st century.
  4. All mission organizations are funded through cooperative programs within their respective denominations.
  5. According to Melody Harper, since “market-place” professionals will be financially supported there is no need for them to develop a support team.
  6. Both complementarians and egalitarians point to Scripture for their views of women in ministry.
  7. According to Dr. Chris Gnanakan, there is a collective element to determining God’s direction for our lives as global workers.
  8. Hoke and Taylor developed a cross-cultural church planter profile based on all of the following except:
  9. Having a core identity is about __________________ where our inner convictions and outer actions are in alignment.
  10. Homeschooling is clearly preferable to national schools for educating children in foreign countries.
  11. The Edinburgh missions conference called for significant improvement in four areas of missionary preparation:
  12. According to the readings, the term __________________ has come to imply aggressive proselytism and cultural imperialism, rather than describing the peaceable way of Jesus.
  13. According to Chesed Dent, children are very distracting to the ministry and it is helpful if you can find other workers to care for them when you are engaged in ministry.
  14. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages has made a major impact on global missions, but was actually viewed negatively by the 1910 World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh.
  15. According to Melody Harper, the term “market-place” professional is another way of describing tent-makers.
  16. According to Dr. Chris Gnanakan, in the New Testament followers of Christ were known as:
  17. Based on the example of Jesus, ministry is usually best accomplished:
  18. Although “Third Culture Kids” may have an enriched view of other cultures, they can often be quite ignorant of elements of their parent’s home culture.
  19. “Third Culture Kids” generally have a more expanded worldview than children who grew up in the same place their entire life.  This can often result in confused loyalties.
  20. According to the presentation, “mission” teams should rarely, if ever, consist of national workers since they are indigenous to the target area.
  21. All of the following, but one, are trends in the US mission movement:
  22. There really are no negatives to going overseas with a mission agency or a local church.  The real negatives are only found with those who choose to go independently.
  23. According to Rick Love, military metaphors are helpful ways to frame how we are to make disciples of the nations.
  24. Any one who is truly serious about going into cross-cultural ministry should plan on going with a traditional mission organization.
  25. Divergent viewpoints on women’s roles in missions are a discussion best left to the women to hash out.
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