EDUC 647 LEP Part 1,2,3

EDUC 647 Legal Entanglement Project 1,2,3

Part 1 – Moral and Legal Issues (Analysis)

The candidate will select a meaningful and relevant topic in a particular school.  The topic is to be a legal, moral, or ethical issue that—left unaddressed—could escalate into a legal entanglement (i.e., litigation). The candidate will use a template to complete the Moral and Legal Issues Analysis. When completed, the template should be 1–2 pages plus a title page and reference page.

Part 2 – Collaboration (Analysis)

The candidate will present conclusions from the first submission (Analysis: Moral and Legal Issues) to select families, caregivers, colleagues, supervisors, and students. The candidate will gain their perspectives and collaborate with them about the proposed topic for the Legal Entanglement Project.  Furthermore, the candidate will explain how they were involved in the decision-making process of supporting the selected topic. The candidate will write a 3–5-page paper about the collaboration, including the stakeholders’ perspectives and applicable data.

Part 3 – Case Law Review (Knowledge Base)

The candidate will review 4 court cases on the selected topic, applying the court’s decision to how the issue was handled consistently, fairly, and ethically within the school.    Regarding these court decisions, the candidate must also provide a statement as evidence of his/her ability to serve as a spokesperson/advocate on these issues for students and families within the school.  Length requirement is a 2-page minimum. This assignment will build upon the Analysis: Collaboration assignment.

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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. EDUC 647 Part 1
  2. EDUC 647 Part 3
  3. EDUC 647 Part 2
  • Liberty University