EDUC 500 Quiz 3

EDUC 500 Quiz 3 Liberty University

  1. _______________ is a critical component of social cognitive theory and refers to behavioral, cognitive, and affective changes deriving from observing one or more models.
  2. The first phase in observational learning defined as paying attention to a model is:
  3. Central to the concept of agency is ______________, or the process whereby individuals activate and sustain behaviors, cognitions, and affects, which are systematically oriented toward the attainment of goals.
  4. Whenever students turn in their homework, a teacher rewards them with computer time. The more often they turn in their homework, the more they are allowed to use the computers. Students have been turning in their homework with increasing frequency. Thus, the computer time is serving as a(n):
  5. Goddard, Hoy and Woolfolk Hoy (2000) discussed ______________, or perceptions of a group of teachers in a school that their efforts as a whole will positively affect students.
  6. A secondary reinforcer takes on value:
  7. In Pavlov’s experiments with dogs, which of the following best characterizes the role of the bell (or tone), prior to conditioning?
  8. The Premack Principle links less-desired activities to:
  9. A reinforcer that allows a student to escape from an unpleasant situation is called a(n):
  10. A coach is using a shaping technique to help a student work on a figure skating routine. According to behaviorists, which of the following strategy can be most effectively applied to assist the skater?
  11. Which of the following reinforcement procedures would be most appropriate for the classroom?
  12. Students do not know when a reinforcer is coming, but know that if they continue to do their work, it will eventually appear. The students are being reinforced on what type of schedule?
  13. Which schedule allows for a constant number of behaviors required for reinforcement?
  14. A teacher spot-checks how students are doing by walking around the room, selecting students to observe at random and then reinforcing those who are working well. What type of schedule is being used?
  15. ________________ through modeling occurs when observers display new patterns of behavior that, prior to exposure to the modeled behaviors, have a zero probability of occurrence even when motivation is high.
  16. People acquire information about their personal self-efficacy from all but the following:
  17. Which of the following statements best fits a behaviorist’s conception of learning?
  18. A student learns to add blocks and later transfers this skill to adding sticks, and checkers. Educational psychologists would say that the student is demonstrating:
  19. What type of reinforcer is being encountered when students enjoy taking a field trip (which is the reward itself)?
  20. Which of the following forms of assessment is the best example of a fixed-interval schedule?
  21. ___________ refers to interactions between more experienced mentors and less experienced mentees where they provide career (instructional) and psychosocial (relational) knowledge, advice, and support.
  22. __________________ refers to personal beliefs about one’s capabilities to learn or to perform actions at designated levels.
  23. An English teacher wants students to begin writing paragraphs on various topics. How should the teacher proceed in explaining the parts of paragraph construction?
  24. Consequences that weaken behavior are called:
  25. Learning occurs either enactively or vicariously. Enactive learning involves learning from ______________ whereas vicarious learning involves learning from _______________.
  26. A teacher reinforces a child first for recognizing two letters of the alphabet, then for recognizing four, then six, and so on. The teacher is using a technique called:
  27. A key assumption of social cognitive theory is that people desire “to control the events that after their lives” and to perceive themselves as ____________.”
  28. According to social cognitive theory, which is not an accurate statement?
  29. Which of the following is an example of self-regulated learning?
  30. Which of the following illustrates Bandura’s concept of self-regulation?
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