EDUC 419 Quiz Questioning Strategies

EDUC 419 Quiz Questioning Strategies

  1. A “digital native” is a term that describes
  2. Social bookmarking assists students in
  3. How do asynchronous and synchronous learning differ?
  4. The following are description for Web 2.0 technologies except:
  5. Distributed cognition is a term describing the following:
  6. Concept mapping is a type of
  7. What is the main purpose for assistive technology?
  8. With course management systems, teachers can message
  9. According to recent research all of the following justify technology’s integration into instruction except:
  10. Podcasting is defined as
  11. A wiki is a useful tool when students are assigned
  12. The following statements about digital gaming are true except:
  13. For maximum impact in the classroom it has been suggested that Web 2.0 technologies should be used with
  14. A classroom response system is useful for all of the following except:
  15. To integrate technology and instruction some key suggested criteria are that learning tasks should be
  16. The objective of review over time is to
  17. Mastery is achieved during the following direct instruction strategy:
  18. Direct instruction may include
  19. Regarding culturally responsive direct instruction, research suggests all of the following except:
  20. Direct instruction has been referred to as
  21. Researchers have found a strong and positive relationship between learner achievement and
  22. Prompting is a form of
  23. The following statements concerning learning classified as Type 1 are true except:
  24. Direct instruction is appropriate for all of the following except:
  25. Metacommunication includes
  26. When students give incorrect responses teachers might do all of the following except:
  27. While students are practicing independently teachers should practice all of the following except:
  28. Mastery learning is directly related to
  29. Direct instruction strategies may be inappropriate for
  30. The four processes that must occur for learners to benet from modeling are


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  1. EDUC 419 Quiz Questioning Strategies