CCOU 302 Quiz 4

CCOU 302 Quiz 4: Loving your Children and Sexual Development

  1. Experience loss” occurs when we lose someone or something that is very important to us.
  2. Praising children excessively or when they are slacking off can encourage them to make changes.
  3. According to the love comparison chart, parents who overcontrol are often firm, not kind.
  4. Overcontrolling parents expect too little from their children.
  5. According to Dr. Boatner, in some areas, _____ of kids are living without a father in the home
  6. According to Thomas, the early stage of adolescence includes ages:
  7. What is NOT a reason that parents give unhealthy love:
  8. Homes without a father are _______ times more likely to be in poverty, than those with a father present.
  9. Just acknowledging a child has done something right without evaluating their performance can be just as effective.
  10. Parents who overindulge tend to act as if their child’s _____ is more important than their own.
  11. Overcontrolling parents often:
  12. Children’s curiosity about sex is something that is:
  13. According to Dr. John Thomas, sexuality involves values, thoughts, feelings, ________, behavior and relationships.
  14. It is important to teach children ______ when they are upset in order to have more emotional growth.
  15. Parents still have the largest impact on a teenager when it comes to sexuality, not friends.
  16. One can become an overindulgent parent from growing up with an emotionally absent parent.
  17. Parents who put away their children’s toys and clean their rooms for them are modeling responsibility and this is most effective in teaching responsibility.
  18. Overcontrolling a child often backfires and leads to:
  19. One of the reasons parents give unhealthy love is:
  20. According to the text, “Loving our children too much”, really means:

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  1. Parents who put away their children’s toys and clean their rooms for them are modeling responsibility and this is most effective in teaching responsibility.
  2. What is NOT a reason that parents give unhealthy love:
  3. Just acknowledging a child has done something right without evaluating their performance can be just as effective.
  4. It is important to teach children ______ when they are upset in order to have more emotional growth.
  5. Parents still have the largest impact on a teenager when it comes to sexuality, not friends.
  6. Homes without a father are _______ times more likely to be in poverty, than those with a father present.
  7. Parents who overindulge tend to act as if their child’s _____ is more important than their own.
  8. According to Dr. Boatner, in some areas, _____ of kids are living without a father in the home
  9. According to Dr. John Thomas, sexuality involves values, thoughts, feelings, ________, behavior and relationships.
  10. According to Thomas, the early stage of adolescence includes ages:
  11. According to the love comparison chart, parents who overcontrol are often firm, not kind.
  12. Praising children excessively or when they are slacking off can encourage them to make changes.
  13. Overcontrolling parents expect too little from their children.
  14. Overcontrolling parents often:
  15. “Experience loss” occurs when we lose someone or something that is very important to us.
  16. One of the reasons parents give unhealthy love is:
  17. One can become an overindulgent parent from growing up with an emotionally absent parent.
  18. Children’s curiosity about sex is something that is:
  19. Overcontrolling a child often backfires and leads to:
  20. According to the text, “Loving our children too much”, really means:
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  1. CCOU 302 Quiz 4 2021
  2. CCOU 302 Quiz 4 2022
  • Liberty University