BIOL 102 Quiz 4

BIOL 102 Quiz 4

BIOL 102 Quiz 4 Heart, Blood, and Circulatory System

Covers the Learn material from Module 4: Week 4.

  1. The contraction of the right ventricle moves ____.
  2. Which condition is a major concern for IV drug users?
  3. Blood leaving the left ventricle must pass by which structure before entering the aorta?
  4. The systemic circulation of blood ow begins when blood enters the
  5. What regulates blood ow through a capillary bed?
  6. Movement of skeletal muscles helps propel blood through ____.
  7. A heart rate above 100 beats per minute is known as ____.
  8. The largest vessel in the body is the ____.
  9. The heart condition caused by Lyme disease infection is ____.
  10. In which vessel does the elastic recoil help propel blood when the heart is relaxed?
  11. The jugular veins drain blood from the ____.
  12. A heart attack occurs when cardiac cells receive an inadequate supply of
  13. Blood in the veins looks purplish because ____.
  14. In response to a mismatched blood transfusion the body produces
  15. Which of the following is found in the general circulation?
  16. Erythropoietin release is controlled by ____.
  17. A person with type AB blood has which cell markers?
  18. The most important factor that determines how much oxygen is bound to hemoglobin is
  19. For a normal, healthy individual, what percentage of whole blood is plasma?
  20. The target tissue for erythropoietin is ____.
  21. The general term for disorder associated with decreased oxygen delivery by blood is
  22. When blood pressure rises rapidly the body responds by ____.
  23. During ventricular contraction which valve closes to prevent blood reentering the right atrium?
  24. The mitral valve ____.
  25. Which blood test measures kidney function?

Other sets

  1. Which condition is a major concern for IV drug users?
  2. When LDLs infiltrate a vessel wall, which cells make the situation worse by activating the inflammatory response?
  3. Blood leaving the left ventricle must pass by which structure before entering the aorta?
  4. Excessive amounts of blood lipids increases the risk of ____.
  5. In which vessels does blood flow need to slow down to ensure adequate diffusion of substances from blood to tissue?
  6. In which type of vessel can blood flow be regulated by the nervous system?
  7. Which type of molecule is considered “good cholesterol”?
  8. A heart attack occurs when cardiac cells receive an inadequate supply of ____.
  9. Fluid that leaves the capillaries is returned to the blood by the ____.
  10. Which vessel carries blood from the small intestines to the liver?
  11. Molecules like salts and water move into tissue through ____.
  12. The most important factor that determines how much oxygen is bound to hemoglobin is ____.
  13. Plasma proteins are involved in all of the following functions EXCEPT ____.
  14. The defense response against a mismatched transfusion is called ____.
  15. For a normal, healthy individual, what percentage of whole blood is plasma?
  16. Each hemoglobin molecule can carry how many oxygen molecules?
  17. When the amount of oxygen in the blood falls, the kidneys release ____.
  18. The illegal practice of blood doping relies on ____.
  19. Most of the oxygen found in the blood is ____.
  20. Aspirin helps prevent blood clots by ____.
  21. What regulates blood flow through a capillary bed?
  22. Blood pressure is ____.
  23. The process by which water can be added to or removed from the plasma is ____.
  24. Which blood type is the universal donor?
  25. The heart condition caused by a Streptococcus infection is ____.

Other sets

  1. Blood pressure receptors are located in the .
  2. On which portion of the hemoglobin molecule does oxygen bind?
  3. A physician is listening to a patient’s heart and notices an abnormal “dup” sound on the left side. This indicates a potential problem with the .
  4. Fluid that leaves the capillaries is returned to the blood by the .
  5. The pelvic organs receive blood from the .
  6. A heart attack occurs when cardiac cells receive an inadequate supply of .
  7. Which blood component determines plasma fluid volume?
  8. The heart condition caused by Lyme disease infection is .
  9. In response to a mismatched blood transfusion the body produces .
  10. Which type of white blood cells secretes inflammatory chemicals?
  11. Which of the following is found in the general circulation?
  12. The defense response against a mismatched transfusion is called .
  13. The most dangerous arrhythmia is .
  14. For a normal, healthy individual, what percentage of whole blood is plasma?
  15. Which part of the cardiac conduction system fires off impulses at the fastest rate?
  16. In which structure are the major cardiac pacemaker cells located?
  17. What initiates the extrinsic clotting mechanism?
  18. Which type of molecule is considered “good cholesterol”?
  19. Blood passing out of arterioles next enters the .
  20. The term that means to “stop bleeding” is .
  21. Which type of vessel offers the most resistance to blood flow?
  22. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for hypertension?
  23. The pulmonary valve .
  24. During ventricular contraction which valve closes to prevent blood reentering the right atrium?
  25. Which method is used to prevent hemolytic newborn disease?

Set 2

  1. In a resting person every minute, 20% of the blood enters the ____.​
  2. The heart condition caused by a Streptococcus infection is ____.​
  3. Blood leaving the left ventricle must pass by which structure before entering the aorta?​
  4. ​Which blood type is rare?
  5. The pulmonary circuit of blood flow pumps blood to the ____.​
  6. The systemic circulation of blood flow begins when blood enters the ____.​
  7. ​What initiates the extrinsic clotting mechanism?
  8. The pulmonary veins deliver blood to the ____.​
  9. ​The first step in the prevention of blood loss from an injured vessel is ____.
  10. Blood leaving the legs and pelvis returns to the heart through the ____.​
  11. ​Plasma consists mostly of ____.
  12. When LDLs infiltrate a vessel wall, which cells make the situation worse by activating the inflammatory response?​
  13. In which structure would you find oxygenated blood?​
  14. A heart attack occurs when cardiac cells receive an inadequate supply of ____.​
  15. What percentage of heart cells are part of the cardiac conduction system?​
  16. ​The target tissue for erythropoietin is ____.
  17. Movement of skeletal muscles helps propel blood through ____.​
  18. ​Fever, weight loss, internal bleeding are possible signs of ____.
  19. ​When the amount of oxygen in the blood falls, the kidneys release ____.
  20. ​Aspirin helps prevent blood clots by ____.
  21. Exchange of materials between blood and tissues depends upon ____.​
  22. The tough tendon-like structures that anchor the AV valves are the ____.​
  23. What regulates blood flow through a capillary bed?​
  24. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for hypertension?​
  25. ​A woman who is Rhbecomes pregnant by a man who is Rh+. Which statement is true?
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