BIBL 323 Quiz 5

BIBL 323 Quiz 5 Liberty University

BIBL 323 Quiz The Good Shepherd

  1. What are 2 reasons given (from Kostenberger’s book) as to why John emphasizes the account of the anointing of Jesus (John 12)?
  2. Discuss the biblical (including Jesus’) perspective on the cause of suffering (from John 9).
  3. Set Jesus’ good shepherd discourse in it’s Old Testament and contemporary (John 9-10) context, with particular focus on the escalating controversy culminating in the charge of blasphemy.
  4. How does the raising of Lazarus relate to the rest of the Gospel (chapters 12- 21)?
  5. How do we know that John ch. 7 begins the last 7 months of Jesus’ life?

Other sets

  1. Discuss the biblical (including Jesus’) perspective on the cause of suffering (from John 9).
  2. How do we know that John ch. 7 begins the last 7 months of Jesus’ life?
  3. How does the raising of Lazarus relate to the rest of the Gospel (chapters 12-21)?
  4. Set Jesus’ good shepherd discourse in it’s Old Testament and contemporary (John 9-10) context, with particular focus on the escalating controversy culminating in the charge of blasphemy.
  5. What are 2 reasons given (from Kostenberger’s book) as to why John emphasizes the account of the anointing of Jesus (John 12)?

Set 1

  1. How does the raising of Lazarus relate to the rest of the Gospel (chapters 12-21)?
  2. Discuss the biblical (including Jesus’) perspective on the cause of suffering (from John 9).
  3. Set Jesus’ good shepherd discourse in it’s Old Testament and contemporary (John 9-10) context, with particular focus on the escalating controversy culminating in the charge of blasphemy.
  4. What are 2 reasons given (from Kostenberger’s book) as to why John emphasizes the account of the anointing of Jesus (John 12)?
  5. How do we know that John ch. 7 begins the last 7 months of Jesus’ life?

Set 2

  1. Identify the following as mentioned by Dr. Towns.



Thief and robber



  1. Match the attitude with the individual(s).





  1. Ananias prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation.
  2. Another name for the Feast of Dedication is Hanukkah.
  3. The Lazarus in John is the same Lazarus as in the Synoptics.
  4. The work of the shepherd is NOT described as which of the following?
  5. The anointing in John 12 is the same anointing as the one in Matthew and Mark.
  6. There are no parables in John.
  7. Who are the “other sheep” in John 10?
  8. Jesus had announced that Judas would betray him a year before he actually did.
  9. Which one is not a characteristic of a disciple of Jesus?
  10. Riding on a donkey meant that Christ was coming to wage a war.
  11. Only Peter heard the answer as to who the betrayer was.
  12. The first washing deals with relationship and the second washing with fellowship.
  13. The sheepfold normally represents believers.
  14. Which one is not a benefit of the door in John 10:9?
  15. On what day was the feast in Bethany?
  16. What is the key text on security?
  17. On what day was the triumphal entry into Jerusalem?
  18. What day was the last Supper eaten?
  19. Chapter 12 marks the end of Jesus’ public ministry.
  20. Which one is not listed as a time when the Father spoke?
  21. Another name for the Feast of Dedications is Booths.
  22. Jews believed the soul hovered around a body for three days after death but departed finally on the fourth day.
  23. Peter sat in the place of honor at the table.
  24. One of the reasons Jesus waited to go to Lazarus was to increase the faith of the disciples.
  25. At times the sheep were left with an under-shepherd called a porter.

Set 3

  1. Identify the following as mentioned by Dr. Towns.



Thief and robber




  1. Match the attitude with the individual(s).






  1. Peter sat in the place of honor at the table.
  2. Jews believed the soul hovered around a body for three days after death but departed finally on the fourth day.
  3. The sheepfold normally represents believers.
  4. Riding on a donkey meant that Christ was coming to wage a war.
  5. What is the key text on security?
  6. There are no parables in John.
  7. On what day was the feast in Bethany?
  8. Which one is not a characteristic of a disciple of Jesus?
  9. The Lazarus in John is the same Lazarus as in the Synoptics.
  10. Another name for the Feast of Dedications is Booths.
  11. Which one is not listed as a time when the Father spoke?
  12. Every time Mary is mentioned in the Gospels, she is busy working.
  13. The work of the shepherd is NOT described as which of the following?
  14. Which one is not a benefit of the door in John 10:9?
  15. One of the reasons Jesus waited to go to Lazarus was to increase the faith of the disciples.
  16. The anointing in John 12 is the same anointing as the one in Matthew and Mark.
  17. “Hosanna” is probably a cry for deliverance from sin.
  18. Jesus had announced that Judas would betray him a year before he actually did.
  19. Only Peter heard the answer as to who the betrayer was.
  20. On what day was the triumphal entry into Jerusalem?
  21. The handing of the sop to Judas was seen as an act of honor.
  22. Another name for the Feast of Dedication is Hanukkah.
  23. What day was the last Supper eaten?
  24. Who are the “other sheep” in John 10?
  25. John 11 and 12 refer to the fourth Passover in John.
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Files Included - Liberty University
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  4. BIBL 323 Quiz 5 2022
  5. BIBL 323 Quiz 5 2022 Set 3
  6. BIBL 323 Quiz Good Shepard
  • Liberty University