APOL 104 Test 4

APOL 104 Test 4 Liberty University Answers

Updated 2017

  1. According to Powell, after establishing that God exists, that the resurrection was an historical event, and other things, what becomes the most important question to settle?
  2. The disciples believed in the resurrection to the extent that they gave their lives in support of its’s truth.
  3. What are some good indicators that Jesus claimed to be and acted like God?
  4. What evidence does Powell provide for countering the legend theory for the resurrection?
  5. Jesus lasted _____ hours on the cross.
  6. Saved from the presence of sin and being in the presence of God is known as:
  7. According to Dr. Ben Gutierrez, the “measuring stick” by which we should view ourselves is:
  8. The message of Christianity is that Jesus is the only way to heaven.
  9. Powell seems to indicate that the resurrection and resuscitation are synonymous term
  10. According to the Bible we are all sinners
  11. Imago Dei is a term used to refer to the
  12. If Jesus was not resurrected from the dead then the entire Christian faith is worthless.
  13. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to save humanity from their sins. The resurrection of Christ was not essential for salvation.
  14. The biblical concept of the “heart” is only the emotional part of a person.
  15. Some of the minimal claims that any theory of Christ’s resurrection must adequately account for are:
  16. Getting someone to pray to receive Christ is evidence that he/she has been saved.
  17. The word salvation in the Bible refers to spiritual salvation, not physical salvation.
  18. According to Hindson, the theology of the Bible represents Jesus as the Son of God who possesses all the attributes of deity.
  19. Hamartiology is the study of the deceitfulness of the heart.
  20. The Romans were so vile they crucified everyone who broke the law, even Roman citizens.


  1. The biblical concept of the “heart” is only the emotional part of a person.
  2. What are some good indicators that Jesus claimed to be and acted like God
  3. People must understand they are “lost” before they can be saved.
  4. An emotional response to the gospel is essential for a person to know that a person has been truly saved.
  5. The Bible indicates that because of sin all mankind needs to be saved.
  6. According to the Bible, the gauge of holiness that humans are judged against is the holiness of God.
  7. Which of the following eyewitnesses of Christ’ resurrection do recent scholars agree is the most reliable witness?
  8. Powell seems to indicate that the resurrection and resuscitation are synonymous terms.
  9. Although the Bible doesn’t indicate directly, it can be inferred that Jesus possessed all the attributes of deity.
  10. Repentance occurs after salvation and is not a means to salvation.
  11. If Jesus was not resurrected from the dead then the entire Christian faith is worthless.
  12. Salvation is earned by believing in Jesus Christ and by doing good works.
  13. According to the Bible we are all sinners.
  14. According to Powell, after establishing that God exists, that the resurrection was an historical event, and other things, what becomes the most important question to settle?
  15. Knowing the facts about God is all one needs to know in order to be saved.
  16. Getting someone to pray to receive Christ is evidence that he/she has been saved.
  17. According to the Bible we are “saved” by:
  18. Most scholars agree that James became a follower of Christ after he saw Him resurrected.
  19. Saved from the presence of sin and being in the presence of God is known as:
  20. Attempting to earn salvation through good deeds is offensive to God.
  21. The message of Christianity is that Jesus is the only way to heaven.
  22. According to the Apostle Paul, Jesus’ resurrection was:
  23. Salvation is a gift from God that humanity cannot earn through good works.
  24. A person can be saved through General Revelation alone.
  25. A person must understand they are lost before they can be saved.
  26. In the orthodox theological view Jesus was resurrected spiritually but not physically.
  27. Most scholars agree that James became a follower of Christ after he saw Him resurrected.
  28. Salvation involves an act of the will.
  29. According to Dr. Ben Gutierrez, the “measuring stick” by which we should view ourselves is
  30. The Bible is the only early record which indicates the deity of Christ which is why skeptics argue against His deity.
  31. The Old Testament records over 100 prophecies predicting the coming of Christ which Jesus fulfilled.
  32. It is evident from the Bible that Jesus claimed equality with God.
  33. The idea that people who have never heard of Jesus Christ will receive a second chance to accept Him after this life is not supported in the Bible.
  34. Jesus’ deity is not an important issue for Christianity in the 21st century. His death for mankind is the key issue
  35. Sanctification is the process of spiritual maturity
  36. Nearly all critical scholars agree that Jesus’ disciples were willing to die for their beliefs and this was due to their strong conviction that they had seen the risen savior.
  37. From an evangelical Christian perspective, a person can go to heaven by believing in a God or accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
  38. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to save humanity from their sins. The resurrection of Christ was not essential for salvation.
  39. Getting someone to pray to receive Christ is evidence that he/she has been saved.
  40. The Greek word for “poor” in Matthew 5:3 means “needy” or in need of additional things to add to one’s possessions.
  41. Humans sin because it is their nature to sin
  42. According to the Apostle Paul, Jesus’ resurrection was:
  43. In the orthodox theological view Jesus was resurrected spiritually but not physically.
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  1. APOL 104 Test 4
  2. APOL 104 Test 4 2017