NBST 620 Exam 2

NBST 620 Exam 2 Liberty University

  1. The entire logic of Paul’s criticism of his opponents’ prohibition of certain foods and practices in 1 Tim. 4:3–5 is dependent on his utilization of the Genesis creation story.
  2. According to Towner, deacons most likely were excluded from participation in the ministry of teaching and preaching.
  3. Which of Paul’s letters included a greeting to the elders and deacons?
  4. According to Towner, the instructions given in 1 Tim. 2:8–15 were not intended to be universally applicable since it was written specifically to the Ephesian congregation.
  5. The lists of the qualities of elders in 1 Timothy and Titus are substantially different from one another.
  6. According to Towner, the reference to childbearing in 1 Tim. 2:15 was probably chosen because of the influence of heretical groups in Ephesus who downplayed the importance of mothering.
  7. According to Towner, what is the best interpretation of Paul’s statement that “by doing this [watching oneself and one’s teaching] you will save both yourself and those hearing you (1 Tim. 4:16)?”
  8. The practice of the laying on of hands was a practice that originated in the early church.
  9. What Old Testament passage provides the necessary background for understanding Paul’s discussion of the relationship of men and women in 1 Tim. 2:13 (state book and chapter)?
  10. The practice of public reading of Scripture is not referred to in the Old Testament and most likely originated during the first century.
  11. Ignatius was known for advocating what type of church leadership structure?
  12. The exhortations to Timothy in 1 Tim. 4 suggest that Timothy had ceased ministering in Ephesus.
  13. Paul characterized those advancing the Ephesian heresy as naïve and honestly mistaken.
  14. According to Towner, which practice or event from ancient Israel provides the background to Paul’s expressed desire that all men lift holy hands (1 Tim. 2:8)?
  15. According to Towner, what does the immediate context suggest is the most plausible meaning of Paul’s reference to the silence/quietness of women in 1 Tim. 2:11?
  16. According to Towner, when is the “latter times” in which some will depart from the faith (1 Tim. 4:1)?
  17. According to 1 Tim. 4:3, members of the Ephesian heresy taught the avoidance of what two things?
  18. Paul’s statement that “the Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will depart from the faith (1 Tim. 4:1),” is the only reference in the Pastoral Epistles to the Spirit’s present ministry.
  19. Towner argues that 1 Tim. 2:11–15 was a post-Pauline creation that was added to the text after its original composition by an admirer of Paul who was opposed to an egalitarian view of women in the church.
  20. The requirements that an overseer is not a recent convert and that a deacon goes through a testing period are not repeated in Titus but are only mentioned in 1 Timothy.
  21. What is the major exegetical question relating to Paul’s description in 1 Timothy 3:8–13 of the type of person who can serve as a deacon?
  22. Paul’s remark “great is the mystery of godliness (1 Tim. 3:16)” may have been cited as a challenge to which local deity declared by the Ephesians to be “great?”
  23. According to Towner, it is likely that 1 Tim. 2:8–15 was written in response to the presence of women in Ephesus who were living ungodly lifestyles and had assumed prominent leadership positions.
  24. Towner understands 1 Tim. 3:11 as a reference to female deacons rather than the wives of male deacons.
  25. The qualification for overseers and deacons in 1 Tim. 3 have mainly to do with an individual’s spiritual gifts and abilities.
  26. According to Towner, what is the most plausible interpretation of Paul’s instruction that an overseer must be a “one woman man (1 Tim. 3:2)?”
  27. In the Pastoral Epistles, the term “overseer” generally views the leaders from the perspective of position or status, while the term “elder” generally views leaders from the perspective of function.
  28. The ability to manage one’s family/household well is a requirement of elders/overseers but not of deacons.
  29. What is the name of the individual identified as a “servant/deacon” in Rom. 16:1?
  30. According to Towner, the reference to Jesus appearing to angels/messengers in 1 Tim. 3:16 likely refers to the rich tradition of Christ’s resurrection appearance(s) before angelic powers.
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