NBST 620 Quiz 3

NBST 620 Quiz Issues in 1 Timothy 5 – 6 and Titus

  1. Why did Paul argue that younger widows should not be nancially supported by the church?
  2. According to Towner the “washing and renewal” described in Titus 3:5 likely refers to water baptism rather than an inner cleansing effected by the Spirit.
  3. The phrase “special people” used in Titus 2:14 was unique to Paul and was not used elsewhere in Scripture.
  4. For the sake of the church’s reputation, Paul taught that the elders found guilty of sin were to be rebuked only privately.
  5. Unlike the synagogue in Jewish communities, local Christian churches provided an institutionally structured mechanism for the care of the needy.
  6. Most interpreters today regard the entire statement “the glory of our great God and Savior” in Titus 2:13 as a reference to Jesus Christ.
  7. Paul instructed Titus that his plan was to spend the winter in which city?
  8. According to 1 Tim. 6:9, what is often the end result of the pursuit of riches?
  9. Unlike 1 Timothy, Titus states that an elder must have believing children.
  10. The opening of the letter to Titus is the shortest and most simplistic of the letters to Paul’s coworkers.
  11. The qualications for deacons are discussed in 1 Timothy and Titus.
  12. While the lifestyle and character of Titus and Paul’s opponents in Crete was commendable, their theology was in need of rebuke.
  13. When Paul instructs Timothy not to rebuke an elder (1 Tim. 5:1), he is referring in general to older men rather than those who hold the oce of elder in the church.
  14. Paul encouraged slaves who were under Christian masters to appeal to their masters for freedom.
  15. The “elect angels” referred to in 1 Tim. 5:21 are likely unfallen rather than fallen angels.
  16. In his nal instructions to Titus, Paul instructed him to provide for the needs of Zenas the lawyer and which individual?
  17. Paul mentions which ruler by name in 1 Tim. 6:13 when referring to the life of Jesus?
  18. According to Towner, what is the most likely meaning of Paul’s instruction that elders who serve well are to be considered worthy of “double honor (1 Tim. 5:17)?”
  19. Paul’s reference to Christ’s appearing in 1 Tim. 6:14 was primarily an attack on what religious system/deity?
  20. According to 1 Tim. 6:9, what is often the end result of the pursuit of riches?
  21. Who is believed to be the Cretan prophet who said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons?”
  22. According to Towner, Paul’s instruction in Titus 2:5 regarding women expresses the ideal in Hellenistic and Jewish cultures that the wife should remain at home and occupy herself in running the household.
  23. Paul’s reference to God the Father as “one dwelling in unapproachable light (1 Tim. 6:16)” and transcendent seems to be an allusion to what event described in the Old Testament?
  24. The heresy threatening the church in Crete was substantially Jewish.
  25. According to 1 Tim. 6:5, what was a signicant motivation of Paul’s opponents in Ephesus?
  26. The description of a godly widow in 1 Tim. 5 recalls such models of prayer as Hannah and which New Testament gure?
  27. The Tychicus mentioned in Titus 3:12 appears only in this epistle.
  28. Paul’s reference in 1 Tim. 6:11 to Timothy as a “man of God” is the only occasion in Scripture where this title is used.
  29. According to Towner, wine was often consumed as a typical treatment of illness.
  30. The problem of slavery seems to have been limited to the rst century given that it was not discussed in any Christian writing after the rst century.
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  1. NBST 620 Quiz 3
  2. NBST 620 Quiz 3 2024
  • Liberty University