THEO 201 Quiz 1,2,3,4

THEO 201 Quiz 1

THEO 201 Quiz: Introduction to Theology

Set 1

  1. Correct doctrinal beliefs are essential to the relationship between the believer and God.
  2. _________ Theology focuses on the study of God through the use of reason and logic based on the world man experiences.
  3. ___________ Theology is the systematic and structured study of both God’s Word and God’s world.
  4. According to Erickson, when doing theology, one can simply find 21stcentury equivalents for 1st century doctrine.
  5. While the study of God’s creation can provide additional insight when doing theology, God’s Word is primarily what constitutes the content of theology.
  6. Much of the diversity in the contemporary theological environment derives from the rapidly changing ________.
  7. The study of theology is inferior to the other scientific disciplines.
  8. The word  theologycome from the words  theos meaning ______ and  logos, meaning ______.
  9. This theologian argued that theologians should correlate the permanent content of Biblical doctrine in an expression that is accessible by people today.
  10. There are ___ divisions of theology?
  11. Biblical Theology is:
  12. According to Erickson, a good example of using other sources to illuminate Biblical doctrine is ______.
  13. The term orthopraxy refers to right living produced because of right doctrine .
  14. This theological group has avoided decline due to its’ use of the Bible as being the primary source of influence.
  15. Which of the following is a study method used by a theologian to determine the meaning and use of a particular Biblical term or phrase.
  16. The Bible originated with human authors and then led to the start of the church and Christian doctrine.
  17. Erickson indicated that the permanent element of Christianity is most likely found in ____________.
  18. The study of theology is a science.
  19. Which of the following is not one of the criteria for permanence in doctrine?
  20. A tool of theology used to examine contemporary Biblical interpretation in the context of how a particular doctrine was interpreted in the past.

Set 2

  1. According to Erickson, when doing theology, one can simply find 21stcentury equivalents for 1st century doctrine.
  2. One of the more challenging types of passages from the Bible to interpret are narrative passages because they ______.
  3. Erickson indicated that the permanent element of Christianity is most likely found in ____________.
  4. The Bible originated with human authors and then led to the start of the church and Christian doctrine.
  5. A tool of theology used to examine contemporary Biblical interpretation in the context of how a particular doctrine was interpreted in the past.
  6. Our theological views affect and influence our daily decisions.
  7. ___________ Theology is the systematic and structured study of both God’s Word and God’s world.
  8. The theologian’s most pressing question when doing theology?
  9. According to Erickson, a good example of using other sources to illuminate Biblical doctrine is ______.
  10. Erickson maintains that a person must retain the essential meaning of the biblical teaching while applying it to a contemporary setting when contextualizing a Biblical concept .
  11. This theological group has avoided decline due to its’ use of the Bible as being the primary source of influence.
  12. The study of theology is inferior to the other scientific disciplines.
  13. The term orthopraxy refers to right living produced because of right doctrine .
  14. This theologian argued that theologians should correlate the permanent content of Biblical doctrine in an expression that is accessible by people today.
  15. Baptism could be used as an example for a doctrine that is intended to be applied universally.
  16. The Erickson text holds which of the following beliefs about the relationship between science and theology:
  17. The purpose of studying theology is not just to know more about God, but to learn to love God and love others in the process.
  18. The study of theology is characterized as being __________.
  19. “Correctly understood, our theological views affect our relationship(s) with __________________.
  20. Erickson used this word to describe the contextualizing the Bible’s message by only presenting Biblical concepts in Biblical terminology.

Set 3

  1. The word theology come from the words theos meaning and logos, meaning
  2. A tool of theology used to examine contemporary Biblical interpretation in the context of how a particular doctrine was interpreted in the past.
  3. Our theological views affect and influence our daily decisions.
  4. The Bible is written as a unified document and should be interpreted in light of its unified nature.
  5. Erickson maintains that a person must retain the essential meaning of the biblical teaching while applying it to a contemporary setting when contextualizing a Biblical concept.
  6. Theology is an independent endeavor that primarily begins and ends with one’s personal interpretation of a particular doctrine.
  7. Erickson indicated that the permanent element of Christianity is most likely found in
  8. The study of theology is characterized as being
  9. The dimension of “height” referring to the different levels of complexity that a doctrinal truth can be presented is related to the term
  10. While the study of God’s creation can provide additional insight when doing theology, God’s Word is primarily what constitutes the content of theology.
  11. Much of the diversity in the contemporary theological environment derives from the rapidly changing
  12. The theologian’s most pressing question when doing theology?
  13. This theologian argued that the permanent nature should be found in the doctrines of Scripture and lived out in our lives.
  14. The study of theology is a science.
  15. According to Erickson, when doing theology, one can simply find 21stcentury equivalents for 1st century doctrine.
  16. There are ___ divisions of theology?
  17. Both texts share that every person has thoughts about God, but to arrive at correct understanding of God, one must correctly study and apply theology.
  18. Correct doctrinal beliefs are essential to the relationship between the believer and God.
  19. The study of theology is inferior to the other scientific disciplines.
  20. The term orthodoxy means right action produced because of right doctrine .

THEO 201 Quiz 2

THEO 201 Quiz 2 God’s General Revelation

  1. A core passage of Scripture that reveals knowledge of God is available through the experience of God’s created order.
  2. According to Erickson, special revelation was necessary because humans lost the relationship of favor they had with God prior to the fall.
  3. Special revelation can be described as “remedial” with respect to?
  4. General revelation builds evangelistic bridges from Christianity to other world religions. IBD – 26
  5. Since the gospel and creation are coherent revelations of God, there is harmony between the two and reinforcement of each other.
  6. The Bible teaches that man is given evidence of God’s existence outside of Bible.
  7. The three modes that show man the general revelation of God:
  8. God is incomprehensible to man, because man does not have any knowledge of God.
  9. The observed order, design, and purpose in our world would be used as support for the following argument for the existence of God.
  10. This worldview elevates creation to a god by claiming that the only reality that exists can be perceived by the 5 senses.
  11. The _______________ argument for the existence of God shares that God is the primary or first cause to the universe ?
  12. This Medieval theologian argued that faith and reason are mutually complementary.
  13. Which apostle confronts philosophers and points them to the gospel using general revelation in the City of Athens?
  14. Reason involves which of the following as it relates to the human and truth.
  15. General revelation is the self-disclosure of God to all rational being.
  16. This Theologian rejected natural theology and believed that God’s revelation is exclusively in the person Jesus Christ.
  17. Jesus Christ is an example of which style of special revelation?
  18. General revelation is sufficient to save a person.
  19. According to Erickson, special revelation of God is necessary because
  20. According to Erickson, natural theology seeks to construct a valid theological framework through the study of nature, history, and human personality.


Set 1

  1. Special revelation does not require general revelation.
  2. The human conscience would be used as proof for the existence of God in the following argument.
  3. The _______________ argument for the existence of God shares that God is the primary or first cause to the universe ?
  4. Which apostle confronts philosophers and points them to the gospel using general revelation in the City of Athens?
  5. According to Erickson, special revelation was necessary because humans lost the relationship of favor they had with God prior to the fall.
  6. General revelation is God’s particular revelation of Himself to specific people and particular times.
  7. General revelation is sufficient to save a person.
  8. According to Romans 2:1-16, man is given general knowledge of God and thus are accountable for that knowledge.
  9. The Bible teaches us that there is both general revelation and special revelation.
  10. God is incomprehensible to man, because man does not have any knowledge of God.
  11. The observed order, design, and purpose in our world would be used as support for the following argument for the existence of God.
  12. This worldview elevates creation to a god by claiming that the only reality that exists can be perceived by the 5 senses.
  13. John Calvin only supported special revelation, not general revelation.
  14. Reason involves which of the following as it relates to the human and truth.
  15. General revelation builds evangelistic bridges from Christianity to other world religions. IBD – 26
  16. The three modes that show man the general revelation of God:
  17. This Theologian rejected natural theology and believed that God’s revelation is exclusively in the person Jesus Christ.
  18. According to Erickson, which of the following is not one of the modes of special revelation?
  19. Since the gospel and creation are coherent revelations of God, there is harmony between the two and reinforcement of each other.
  20. A core passage of Scripture that reveals knowledge of God is available through the experience of God’s created order.

Set 2

  1. According to Erickson, natural theology seeks to construct a valid theological framework through the study of nature, history, and human personality.
  2. Special revelation does not require general revelation.
  3. The human conscience would be used as proof for the existence of God in the following argument.
  4. General revelation is most clearly evidenced in human creatures in:
  5. The Bible teaches us that there is both general revelation and special revelation.
  6. An argument for the existence of God that argues that the human understanding of morality or “right and wrong” is evidence for the existence of God.
  7. According to Erickson, neo-orthodoxy is an incorrect view of special revelation.
  8. According to Erickson, which of the following is not one of the modes of special revelation?
  9. This Medieval theologian argued that faith and reason are mutually complementary.
  10. Since the gospel and creation are coherent revelations of God, there is harmony between the two and reinforcement of each other.
  11. Jesus Christ is an example of which style of special revelation?
  12. According to Erickson, the Bible is a place of common ground and a point of contact between a believer and unbeliever.
  13. According to Erickson, special revelation of God is necessary because
  14. Because God is unlimited in knowledge and power, God must define Himself and make Himself known to man through man’s language and categories of understanding.
  15. The observed order, design, and purpose in our world would be used as support for the following argument for the existence of God.
  16. Reason involves which of the following as it relates to the human and truth.
  17. The Bible say that you can see proof for God outside of Bible.
  18. God is incomprehensible to man, because man does not have any knowledge of God.
  19. General revelation is God’s particular revelation of Himself to specific people and particular times.
  20. Which apostle confronts philosophers and points them to the gospel using general revelation in the City of Athens?

THEO 201 Quiz 3

THEO 201 Quiz 3 God’s Special Revelation

Set 1

  1. Which of these was not an early church father:
  2. According to Jewish tradition, the Old Testament writings were completed by 400 BC and there is evidence to support that the Old Testament was completed as early as 300 BC.
  3. Which of the following is not one of three main sections of the Old Testament discussed in the textbook?
  4. Which of these passages does not refer to the inspiration of the Scriptures by God?
  5. One should differentiate between historical and normative authority as it relates to the Bible.
  6. The Chicago Statement of Inerrancy is one of the most thorough treatments of the doctrine of inerrancy.
  7. Which of the following is not one of the three important implications that Millard Erickson considers concerning the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.
  8. The earliest council to recognize the canon of the New Testament was the Council of Carthage in 397.
  9. Which of the following is not part of the “chain” of God’s communication to man?
  10. Refers to the discipline of analyzing the manuscripts of Scripture to insure its’ accuracy to the original inspired autographs.
  11. Hermeneutics refers to the methods of interpretation.
  12. Conception of Inerrancy that holds that the Bible isn’t intended to be a science or history textbook, though all its’ assertions on such subjects are true.
  13. Erickson holds that the extent of inspiration can be extended to all Scripture, meaning all Scripture is inspired, not just portions.
  14. While the Bible doesn’t claim explicitly to be inerrant, it apparent that the writers of Scripture held that the Bible was completely true and
  15. The theory insists that the Holy Spirit’s influence extends beyond the direction of thoughts to the selection of words used to convey Scripture.
  16. Scripture does not assume itself to have a divine origin. –
  17. Which of the following verifies the truthfulness of God’s character in His revelation through Scripture?
  18. All of the books except for ________ appear among the copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  19. According to Erickson, the term “inerrancy” is a more complete term than accuracy.
  20. Refers to the influence of the Holy Spirit on the human writers of Scripture.

Set 2

  1. Which of the following recognized the Old Testament as the Words of God?
  2. Hermeneutics refers to the methods of interpretation.
  3. The Gospels of the New Testament are eyewitness accounts of the ministry of Jesus written just a few decades after Jesus’ earthly ministry.
  4. Refers to the influence of the Holy Spirit on the human writers of Scripture.
  5. Conception of Inerrancy that holds that the Bible isn’t intended to be a science or history textbook, though all its’ assertions on such subjects are true.
  6. According to Erickson, the term “inerrancy” is a more complete term than accuracy.
  7. Conception of Inerrancy that holds that the Bible is fully true in all matters of science, history, and theology.
  8. Because the Bible is God’s Word, it carries the same weight as if God was speaking to us directly.
  9. The name given to the agreements that govern our relationship to God is:
  10. Erickson holds that the extent of inspiration can be extended to all Scripture, meaning all Scripture is inspired, not just portions.
  11. Refers to the discipline of analyzing the manuscripts of Scripture to insure its’ accuracy to the original inspired autographs.
  12. Refers to the Holy Spirit’s role in a person’s comprehension of the Word of God.
  13. Which of these passages does not refer to the inspiration of the Scriptures by God?
  14. While the Bible doesn’t claim explicitly to be inerrant, it apparent that the writers of Scripture held that the Bible was completely true and dependable.
  15. Which of the following is not one of the three important implications that Millard Erickson considers concerning the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.
  16. Which of the following is not one of the reasons for the internal working of the Holy Spirit?
  17. The New Testament is comprised of 27 books written primarily in Greek from approximately AD 45–AD 100.
  18. According to Erickson, this theory of inspiration refers to inspiration as being accomplished through only a high degree of insight from the author.
  19. The Holy Spirit is also called the Spirit of Truth which relates to the Holy Spirit’s work in inspiration and illumination.
  20. This passage supports the concept of illumination.

Set 3

  1. Difficulties in explaining the Biblical text should first indicate the probability in Scriptural error to the interpreter.
  2. The theory that teaches that God gave the words of Scripture much like a boss would dictate a letter to an administrative assistant is known as
  3. Which of the following evidences the truthfulness of God’s character in His revelation through Scripture?
  4. Which of the following is not one of the three main criteria used for determining the New Testament canon?
  5. According to Erickson, reason does not have a place in interpreting Scripture.
  6. Refers to the discipline of analyzing the manuscripts of Scripture to insure its’ accuracy to the original inspired autographs.
  7. Which of the following is not one of three main sections of the Old Testament discussed in the textbook?
  8. All of the books except for ________ appear among the copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  9. The earliest council to recognize the canon of the New Testament was the Council of Carthage in 397.
  10. The theory that teaches that God inspired the words of Scripture, yet directed the writer’s thoughts in word choice.
  11. According to Erickson, the reporting of false statements by ungodly persons should be considered true for the Bible to be inerrant.
  12. Which of the following is not one of the three important implications that Millard Erickson considers concerning the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.
  13. Because the Bible is God’s Word, it carries the same weight as if God was speaking to us directly.
  14. According to Erickson, the term “inerrancy” is a more complete term than accuracy.
  15. Conception of Inerrancy that holds that the Bible isn’t intended to be a science or history textbook, though all its’ assertions on such subjects are true.
  16. The Chicago Statement of Inerrancy is one of the most thorough treatments of the doctrine of inerrancy.
  17. Refers to the influence of the Holy Spirit on the human writers of Scripture.
  18. Refers to the Holy Spirit’s role in a person’s comprehension of the Word of God.
  19. The earliest evidence that we have suggests the Old Testament was accepted as the Words of God as early as 500 years after it’s’ completion.
  20. The Gospels of the New Testament are eyewitness accounts of the ministry of Jesus written just a few decades after Jesus’ earthly ministry.

THEO 201 Quiz 4

THEO 201 Quiz 4 The Nature of God

  1. The name of God that is best translated “I AM” and refers to the independent existence of God.
  2. This theologian first held that the Trinity is defined as one substance, in three persons.
  3. When God says “My thoughts are not your thoughts” in Isaiah 55: 8-9, this refers to man’s inability to approach God.
  4. The study of God’s nature should result in____.
  5. God’s personal ___________ refers to God’s personal holiness applied to His relationships with other beings and that His actions are in accordance with His law.
  6. God’s existence transcends this world and is dependent upon this world.
  7. Which of the following are reasons to support the Biblical teaching of the Trinity?
  8. is the name for God given to denote power and might, used mostly in Scripture in association with God’s creation and the Trinity.
  9. _ refers to the active and present nature of God in relation to God’s creation.
  10. According to Erickson, because God is all powerful, there is nothing that He cannot do, including things contrary to His nature.
  11. The passage “But you remain the same, and your years will never end” best refers to which attribute of God:
  12. Term used by theologians to describe the qualities that establish the nature of God in language.
  13. This heresy taught the Trinity is really just three different modes that God operates in.
  14. The Knowledge of God refers to God’s complete knowledge of ____.
  15. According to Erickson, actions of any one of the persons of the Trinity are actually actions in which all three persons participate.
  16. Which of the following moral attributes are believers expected to emulate?
  17. The concept of the Trinity is found in other world religions in addition to Christianity.
  18. According to Erickson, Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity gives insight to God’s relationship to time and space in the universe.
  19. According to Erickson, God’s immanence and transcendence are not synonymous.
  20. This theologian said that the Trinity is divinely revealed, not humanly constructed.


Set 1

  1. The law of God is an extension of His nature.
  2. The Bible often uses the phrase “high and exalted” in reference to God’s transcendence, but this should not be interpreted as God only being in the heavens.
  3. Which of these would  be classified as a moral/goodness attribute of God:
  4. The study of God’s nature should result in____.
  5. According to Erickson, our view of God only affects the way we construct our theology.
  6. God’s personal ___________ refers to God’s personal holiness applied to His relationships with other beings and that His actions are in accordance with His law.
  7. The word Trinity is found throughout the pages of both the Old and New Testaments.
  8. According to Erickson, God’s immanence and transcendence are not synonymous.
  9. The name of God that is best translated “I AM” and refers to the independent existence of God.
  10. God’s __________ is His absolute moral perfection.
  11. Deuteronomy 6 is a core passage of Scripture that best describes the ______________.
  12. Term used by theologians to describe the qualities that establish the nature of God in language.
  13. This theologian first held that the Trinity is defined as one substance, in three persons.
  14. Which early theologian held to an economic view of the Trinity?
  15. Erickson shared this illustration to understand both the transcendence and immanence of God to His creation.
  16. Our personal measure of holiness is best understood when contrasting ourselves with other human levels of goodness.
  17. The passage “But you remain the same, and your years will never end” best refers to which attribute of God:
  18. The Trinity supports the Old Testament’s polytheistic theological framework.
  19. Some theologians argue that ________________ is both a possible attribute and definition for God?
  20. This theologian said that the Trinity is divinely revealed, not humanly constructed.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. THEO 201 Quiz 1 Intro to Theology
  2. THEO 201 Quiz 2 Gods General Revelation
  3. THEO 201 Quiz 3 God's Special Revelation
  4. THEO 201 Quiz 4 Nature of God