RLGN 340 Quiz 4 Japanese Religions

RLGN 340 Quiz 4: Japanese Religions and Other Religions

  1. Who founded the Tendai school of Buddhism?
  2. Besides Buddhism, what other tradition did Prince Shotoku incorporate into his principles of state?
  3. With what is Inari, one of the most popular kami in Japan, associated?
  4. When did the ancient Japanese year begin?
  5. Kannon is the Japanese equivalent to what Chinese god or goddess?
  6. What school emphasizes the constant recitation of Amida’s name?
  7. Rinzai Zen was popular with what group?
  8. Japanese religion features a memorial ceremony called mizuko kuyo. What does it commemorate?
  9. The earliest accounts of Shinto mythology were compiled in what era?
  10. What does the term nembutsu identify?
  11. What is the term for a phrase such as “The sound of one hand clapping”?
  12. When is the beginning of the New Year on the modern Japanese calendar?
  13. When was Buddhism introduced to Japan?
  14. Who introduced Christianity into Japan?
  15. In early Shinto practice, who had a particularly prominent role?
  16. With what group was Soto Zen most popular?
  17. What was the major deed of Izanagi and Izanami?
  18. What is another term for the Pure Land?
  19. Which is not connected to rites and rituals at a Shinto shrine?
  20. Which is not true about ideas of purity in Shinto?
  21. What is a matsuri?
  22. How old are many of the prayers recited by Shinto priests?
  23. What is the term for the Japanese Buddhist belief that the present age is decayed and in decline?
  24. In the early 1600s, to where was the capital of Japan moved?
  25. To be born into the Pure Land, what need one do?
  26. The Amida Buddha is honored by what form of Buddhism?
  27. When was Christianity introduced to Japan?
  28. What is the largest religious group in Japan?
  29. When do the Japanese young usually have their first visit to a kami shrine?
  30. In Japan, which religious group generally is in charge of funerals?
  31. Of the beliefs and practices below found in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which is the only one widely shared with other adventist groups?
  32. Which of the following is not characteristic of modern Yoga as practiced in most Western studios?
  33. Key leaders in the Jehovah’s Witness movement were:
  34. The book Doctrine and Covenants is important to which religious group?
  35. Why were all the earliest European explorers to the Americas Catholic?
  36. What religious movement was started by a science fiction writer?
  37. The book Dianetics is important to which religious group?
  38. What is Machu Picchu?
  39. The Swaminarayan Movement:
  40. This ascetic group emerged at the same time as Buddhism and believed that the power of Fate controlled everything.
  41. Which of the following would not be regarded as belonging to the New Age movement?
  42. Of the North American religious movements listed below, which is the largest?
  43. The book Steps to Christ is important to which religious group?
  44. What do the Jehovah’s Witnesses call their church buildings?
  45. The largest Christian church in the world is in what nation?
  46. An eschatological worldview found in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam may have been influenced by which religious tradition?
  47. The original restoration movement in the United States was formed by which two men?
  48. What group denies the Christian doctrine of the Trinity?
  49. Which was the largest of the pre-Columbian civilizations in America?
  50. Of the North American religious movements listed below, which is the newest?
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