RLGN 105 Test 6

RLGN 105 Quiz 6 / Test 6

RLGN 105 Quiz Moral Absolutes and Relativism

  1. The bible is clear that people are accountable to the demands of morality.
  2. The “ought to” statements (you or I ought to do this, or ought not to) supports a
  3. Absolute Truth states “Whatever is true at one time and at one place is true at _______ times and at _______ place/s.”
  4. According to Rae, examples of moral decay in our culture are all around us.
  5. Rae refers to the view of morality that says just “let your conscience be your guide” as the:
  6. Utilitarianism is a system of ethics based upon
  7. According to Rae, Morality is a matter of knowledge, not opinion or even belief.
  8. Christians must learn to distinguish between matters of command and matters of freedom.
  9. To illustrate a transcendent, objective moral law that can be known by all people regardless of their worldview, Rae used a historical letter written by:
  10. The postmodern relativist promotes the belief that there are no absolutes in the world to govern our thinking and behavior.
  11. People will often abandon a relativistic moral approach when an injustice has been done to them.
  12. The source of morality, discovered in “Natural Law” is _______________.
  13. According to absolute truth, “Truth is discovered or it is ________________, it is not invented by a culture or by religious men.”
  14. statements involve a claim about the way things are not about one’s desires or preferences.
  15. The Christian worldview source for morality come specifically from the character and commands of
  16. From the definition, it is learned that absolute truth is.
  17. The “weaker” brother as described by Paul is viewed as “less spiritual” than the “stronger brother”.
  18. “Truth is “correspondence to reality”
  19. Christians should never disagree about any issues.
  20. “We make up our own rules” is a common way of expressing moral absolutism.
  21. Either morality is a human creation or it comes from a transcendent source and is discovered.
  22. Christian liberty refers to decisions and actions that we make, where the Bible does not give clear direction.
  23. “Moral assumptions” are only found in so called Christian nations.
  24. If there are actions that we say are “always wrong” then to be consistent, we must agree that there are moral absolutes.
  25. If God doesn’t exist then morality is ultimately subjective


Set 1

  1. According to Rae, examples of moral decay in our culture are all around us.
  2. If God doesn’t exist then morality is ultimately subjective
  3. In areas of Christian Liberty, we should allow our brothers and sisters (in Christ) the freedom to determine his/her own convictions – even when they may differ from yours.
  4. Christians must learn to distinguish between matters of command and matters of freedom.
  5. ______________________ statements involve a claim about the way things are not about one’s desires or preferences.
  6. According to the quote by Koukl, Relativism today has produced a profound moral sensitivity.
  7. The postmodern relativist promotes the belief that there are no absolutes in the world to govern our thinking and behavior.
  8. Some evolutionists believe that morality comes from our genes and is that moral behavior has evolved.
  9. Christian Liberty should be limited, when necessary, by:
  10. Christians should never disagree about any issues.
  11. Boundaries that restrict our moral behavior are propagated by manmade religions, not God.
  12. To illustrate a transcendent, objective moral law that can be known by all people regardless of their worldview, Rae used a historical letter written by:
  13. Rae refers to the view of morality that says just “let your conscience be your guide” as the:
  14. The bible is clear that people are accountable to the demands of morality.
  15. If there are actions that we say are “always wrong” then to be consistent, we must agree that there are moral absolutes.
  16. The source of morality, discovered in “Natural Law” is _______________.
  17. Rae notes that, “Moral statement are objective statements”.
  18. “Moral commands” are easily explained by the evolution of mankind over millions of years.
  19. Rae identifies types of “Relativism”- Cultural Relativism & ________________.
  20. Christian liberty refers to decisions and actions that we make, where the Bible does not give clear direction.
  21. Relativism supports the notion of moral progress.
  22. Absolute Truth states “Whatever is true at one time and at one place is true at _______ times and at _______ place/s.”
  23. “Moral assumptions” are only found in so called Christian nations.
  24. According to absolute truth, “Truth is discovered or it is  ________________, it is not invented by a culture or by religious men.”
  25. The “weaker” brother as described by Paul is viewed as “less spiritual” than the “stronger brother”.

Set 2

  1. Either morality is a human creation or it comes from a transcendent source and is discovered.
  2. Boundaries that restrict our moral behavior are propagated by manmade religions, not God.
  3. If God doesn’t exist then morality is ultimately subjective
  4. Rae identifies types of “Relativism”- Cultural Relativism & ________________.
  5. According to Rae, examples of moral decay in our culture are all around us.
  6. People will often abandon a relativistic moral approach when an injustice has been done to them.
  7. “Truth is “correspondence to reality”
  8. “We make up our own rules” is a common way of expressing moral absolutism.
  9. The Christian worldview source for morality come specifically from the character and commands of ____________.
  10. Relativism supports the notion of moral progress.
  11. The United States founding fathers, essentially espoused a view of natural law and morality in the Declaration of Independence.
  12. From the definition, it is learned that absolute truth is.
  13. For moral absolutes to exist a personal and moral God must exist.
  14. A key passage dealing with Christian liberty is
  15. The bible is clear that people are accountable to the demands of morality.
  16. According to absolute truth, “Truth is discovered or it is  ________________, it is not invented by a culture or by religious men.”
  17. If there are actions that we say are “always wrong” then to be consistent, we must agree that there are moral absolutes.
  18. The Christian worldview position is that ethics is subjective not objective as defined by culture.
  19. Some evolutionists believe that morality comes from our genes and is that moral behavior has evolved.
  20. God has both “don’t lists” and “do lists”.
  21. Christian liberty refers to decisions and actions that we make, where the Bible does not give clear direction.
  22. Rae refers to the view of morality that says just “let your conscience be your guide” as the:
  23. According to Rae, from a Christian worldview, “Morality is verified by __________________________”.
  24. Christian Ethics are:
  25. Absolute Truth states “Whatever is true at one time and at one place is true at _______ times and at _______ place/s.”

Set 3

  1. Rae notes that, “Moral statement are objective statements”.
  2. If there are actions that we say are “always wrong” then to be consistent, we must agree that there are moral absolutes.
  3. “Truth is “correspondence to reality”
  4. According to the quote by Koukl, Relativism today has produced a profound moral sensitivity.
  5. According to Rae, Morality is a matter of knowledge, not opinion or even belief.
  6. If the moral consensus of the culture is what determines our ethics, then any person who is seem as a “moral reformer is acting unethically.
  7. Boundaries that restrict our moral behavior are propagated by manmade religions, not God.
  8. From the definition, it is learned that absolute truth is.
  9. The postmodern relativist promotes the belief that there are no absolutes in the world to govern our thinking and behavior.
  10. Christians should never disagree about any issues.
  11. Rae refers to the view of morality that says just “let your conscience be your guide” as the:
  12. “Moral commands” are easily explained by the evolution of mankind over millions of years.
  13. The best explanation for the moral assumption is that humans have intrinsic value.
  14. ______________________ statements involve a claim about the way things are not about one’s desires or preferences.
  15. Relative Truth states “Truth that is true at only one time and at one place.”
  16. There are some debatable issues that are a matter of personal preference.
  17. God has both “don’t lists” and “do lists”.
  18. Christian Ethics are:
  19. The Christian worldview source for morality come specifically from the character and commands of ____________.
  20. The bible is clear that people are accountable to the demands of morality.
  21. Relativism supports the notion of moral progress.
  22. According to Rae, examples of moral decay in our culture are all around us.
  23. Rae identifies types of “Relativism”- Cultural Relativism & ________________.

RLGN 105 Quiz 6 2023-Liberty

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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. RLGN 105 Test 6
  2. RLGN 105 Test 6 Set 2
  3. RLGN 105 Test 6 2020
  4. RLGN 105 Quiz 6 2021
  5. RLGN 105 Quiz 6 2023
  • Liberty University