JURI 600 Quiz 2

JURI 600 Quiz 2 Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God

  1. The President issues an executive order that federal employees may not engage in political activities during work hours. Is this an example of municipal law?
  2. Which of the following is true about Israel’s laws regarding feasts?
  3. Hank Hokie is an American astronaut. Although he is married, he cheats on his spouse with another astronaut while stationed in the International Space Station. There is no law in the Space Station against adultery. Has Hank violated any law?
  4. What is not true about the Noahic Covenant?
  5. What reason(s) did God set apart Israel as a special nation?
  6. Upon which of the following did Blackstone believe all nations must found their laws?
  7. What branch of government must issue municipal law?
  8. What principle of government did Christ affirm when He said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and unto God, that which is God’s.”?
  9. Which of the following is not true of the common law?
  10. To which of the following terms did Blackstone define as “a rule of action which is prescribed by some superior, and which the inferior is bound to obey.”?
  11. Why is the government not permitted to violate our unalienable rights?
  12. Why, according to William Blackstone, must municipal law be posted or prescribed?
  13. A judge rules that the state’s adultery law is unconstitutional. What is the effect of this ruling?
  14. What principle of government did the U.S. Supreme Court affirm in Clinton v. Jones?
  15. Which of the following did not believe the common law in England was rooted in Christianity?
  16. What is not true about the doctrine of stare decisis?
  17. Which is an appropriate role for judges under a Biblical worldview?
  18. Ronnie Razorback sees his next door neighbor Vickie Volunteer using her new iPhone 6. He really wants to have it for himself and thinks about it constantly for weeks. He finally comes up with a plan to steal it. Has he violated any law at this point?
  19. Which of the following of Israel’s laws are binding upon all nations?
  20. What principle of government is not reflected in the Magna Charta?
  21. Which of the following of Israel’s laws are not binding on all nations?
  22. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the “Law of Nature”?
  23. Which of the following is not an example of the Law of Nature’s God?
  24. Which of the following is an example of “municipal law”?
  25. All of Israel’s laws are binding upon all nations.
  26. The Virginia Legislature passes a statute removing theft from its list of crimes. Ronnie Razorback takes Vickie Volunteer’s new iPhone 6. True or False. Ronnie has not done anything illegal.
  27. God provided the Law of Nature’s God in addition to the Law of Nature written on man’s heart because man is inherently sinful.
  28. The Law of Nature’s God is an entirely separate body of law from the Law of Nature?
  29. What is the “Law of Nature” according to William Blackstone?
  30. What is the “Law of Nature’s God”?

Other sets

  1. What principle of government is not reflected in the Magna Charta?
  2. A judge rules that the state’s adultery law is unconstitutional. What is the effect of this ruling?
  3. To which of the following terms did Blackstone define as “a rule of action which is prescribed by some superior, and which the inferior is bound to obey.”?
  4. Which of the following is true about Israel’s laws regarding feasts?
  5. Why is the government not permitted to violate our unalienable rights?
  6. What branch of government must issue municipal law?
  7. What is not true about the doctrine of stare decisis?
  8. Which of the following of Israel’s laws are not binding on all nations?
  9. Which of the following of Israel’s laws are binding upon all nations?
  10. Which is an appropriate role for judges under a Biblical worldview?
  11. What principle of government did the U.S. Supreme Court affirm in Clinton v. Jones?
  12. Which of the following is not an example of the Law of Nature’s God?
  13. Which of the following is not true of the common law?
  14. The President issues an executive order that federal employees may not engage in political activities during work hours. Is this an example of municipal law?
  15. Hank Hokie is an American astronaut. Although he is married, he cheats on his spouse with another astronaut while stationed in the International Space Station. There is no law in the Space Station against adultery. Has Hank violated any law?
  16. What principle of government did Christ affirm when He said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and unto God, that which is God’s.”?
  17. Ronnie Razorback sees his next door neighbor Vickie Volunteer using her new iPhone 6. He really wants to have it for himself and thinks about it constantly for weeks. He finally comes up with a plan to steal it. Has he violated any law at this point?
  18. Why, according to William Blackstone, must municipal law be posted or prescribed?
  19. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the “Law of Nature”?
  20. Upon which of the following did Blackstone believe all nations must found their laws?
  21. Which of the following is an example of “municipal law”?
  22. What is not true about the Noahic Covenant?
  23. Which of the following did not believe the common law in England was rooted in Christianity?
  24. What reason(s) did God set apart Israel as a special nation?
  25. The Virginia Legislature passes a statute removing theft from its list of crimes. Ronnie Razorback takes Vickie Volunteer’s new iPhone 6. True or False. Ronnie has not done anything illegal.
  26. God provided the Law of Nature’s God in addition to the Law of Nature written on man’s heart because man is inherently sinful.
  27. The Law of Nature’s God is an entirely separate body of law from the Law of Nature?
  28. All of Israel’s laws are binding upon all nations.
  29. What is the “Law of Nature’s God”?
  30. What is the “Law of Nature” according to William Blackstone?

Other sets

  1. What principle of government is not reflected in the Magna Charta?
  2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the “Law of Nature”?
  3. Which of the following is not an example of the Law of Nature’s God?
  4. Hank Hokie is an American astronaut. Although he is married, he cheats on his spouse with another astronaut while stationed in the International Space Station. There is no law in the Space Station against adultery. Has Hank violated any law?
  5. Upon which of the following did Blackstone believe all nations must found their laws?
  6. What is not true about the Noahic Covenant?
  7. Why is the government not permitted to violate our unalienable rights?
  8. Which of the following is not true of the common law?
  9. The President issues an executive order that federal employees may not engage in political activities during work hours. Is this an example of municipal law?
  10. A judge rules that the state’s adultery law is unconstitutional. What is the effect of this ruling?
  11. Which of the following is true about Israel’s laws regarding feasts?
  12. Why, according to William Blackstone, must municipal law be posted or prescribed?
  13. Ronnie Razorback sees his next-door neighbor Vickie Volunteer using her new iPhone 6. He really wants to have it for himself and thinks about it constantly for weeks. He finally comes up with a plan to steal it. Has he violated any law at this point?
  14. Which of the following is an example of “municipal law”?
  15. Which of the following did not believe the common law in England was rooted in Christianity?
  16. What reason(s) did God set apart Israel as a special nation?
  17. Which of the following of Israel’s laws are binding upon all nations?
  18. To which of the following terms did Blackstone define as “a rule of action which is prescribed by some superior, and which the inferior is bound to obey.”?
  19. What principle of government did Christ affirm when He said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and unto God, that which is God’s.”?
  20. What principle of government did the U.S. Supreme Court affirm in Clinton v. Jones?
  21. What is not true about the doctrine of stare decisis?
  22. What branch of government must issue municipal law?
  23. Which is an appropriate role for judges under a Biblical worldview?
  24. Which of the following of Israel’s laws are not binding on all nations?
  25. The Virginia Legislature passes a statute removing theft from its list of crimes. Ronnie Razorback takes Vickie Volunteer’s new iPhone 6. True or False. Ronnie has not done anything illegal.
  26. The Law of Nature’s God is an entirely separate body of law from the Law of Nature?
  27. All of Israel’s laws are binding upon all nations.
  28. God provided the Law of Nature’s God in addition to the Law of Nature written on man’s heart because man is inherently sinful.
  29. What is the “Law of Nature” according to William Blackstone?
  30. What is the “Law of Nature’s God”?

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