HOMI 500 Final Exam

HOMI 500 Final Exam Liberty University

Set 1

  1. You will appeal to the intellect of your hearer with illustration.
  2. The most effective delivery style for this generation can be called conversational.
  3. The sermon by definition is an aural presentation.
  4. Preaching in the indicative mood is preaching the reality of the living God and it fosters faith.
  5. The use of argumentation in the sermon invites listeners to see how reasonable the sermon ideas are.
  6. The preacher’s greater concern is for communication.
  7. Sermon Design must take into account which of the following:
  8. To design a sermon effectively for communication, the design must be around the treatment of the subject.
  9. An effective sermon design will consider the personal lives of the hearers as a key factor.
  10. According to McDill, the preacher should only say his main ideas one time in the sermon.
  11. The best term to use to capture the indicative mood of preaching is “we need to.”
  12. Most preaching is in the indicative mood.
  13. The goal of Christian preaching is to motivate people to live morally acceptable lives.
  14. A Natural Analogy is a relation of likeness between two things.
  15. To particularize an analogy, you should _________  and ___________.
  16. According to McDill, the preacher can assist the development of faith by aiming for the obedience of his listeners in his preaching.
  17. The best way to appeal to the imagination is through the use of visual media in a sermon.
  18. Abstract ideas are easily understood by most people according to McDill?
  19. Design the sermon for the eye and not the ear.
  20. Which one is not a Persuasive Element as defined by McDill?
  21. Which one is not part of the Motivated Sequence Outline.
  22. Character development is part of the Five Phases of a Story according to McDill.
  23. Deductive material involves particular experiences while inductive material makes theological assertions.
  24. McDill argues that more visuals in the sermon the better given the culture of the USA.
  25. Match the following
  26. Match the following:
  27. Match the following:
  28. Match the following:
  29. Match the following
  30. Match the following:

Set 2

  1. A Natural Analogy is a relation of likeness between two things.
  2. Which one is not a Persuasive Element as defined by McDill?
  3. To design a sermon effectively for communication, the design must be around the treatment of the subject.
  4. Abstract ideas are easily understood by most people according to McDill?
  5. According to McDill, the preacher should only say his main ideas one time in the sermon.
  6. Which one is not part of the Motivated Sequence Outline.
  7. Character development is part of the Five Phases of a Story according to McDill.
  8. The best term to use to capture the indicative mood of preaching is “we need to.”
  9. The best way to appeal to the imagination is through the use of visual media in a sermon.
  10. Preaching in the indicative mood is preaching the reality of the living God and it fosters faith.
  11. The preacher’s greater concern is for communication.
  12. Sermon Design must take into account which of the following:
  13. The sermon by definition is an aural presentation.
  14. The use of argumentation in the sermon invites listeners to see how reasonable the sermon ideas are.
  15. McDill argues that more visuals in the sermon the better given the culture of the USA.
  16. You will appeal to the intellect of your hearer with illustration.
  17. Design the sermon for the eye and not the ear.
  18. To particularize an analogy, you should _________  and ___________.
  19. Most preaching is in the indicative mood.
  20. Deductive material involves particular experiences while inductive material makes theological assertions.
  21. The most effective delivery style for this generation can be called conversational.
  22. An effective sermon design will consider the personal lives of the hearers as a key factor.
  23. The goal of Christian preaching is to motivate people to live morally acceptable lives.
  24. According to McDill, the preacher can assist the development of faith by aiming for the obedience of his listeners in his preaching.
  25. Match the following Explanation
  26. Match the following: the outer story
  27. Match the following: Form
  28. Match the following: William D. Thompson
  29. Match the following Sermon development
  30. Match the following: Situation
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. HOMI 500 Final Exam
  2. HOMI 500 Final 2020
  3. HOMI 500 Quiz 2 Final