HLTH 500 Quiz 1

HLTH 500 Quiz 1

  1. When writing a structured abstract it should be limited to
  2. When writing a paper in the AMA format an abstract is generally placed on its own page before the text of the paper. The text then typically consists of four sections
  3. The following is an example of a public health professional:
  4. In the AMA style, citations are written as
  5. At the Jerry Falwell Library a liaison librarian familiar with the information needs of public health students has created a Research Guide specific to Public & Community Health. If you are unable to find the information you need through the Research Guide it is possible to contact your Liaison Librarian through your computer either directly through our Research Guide page or by
  6. The Framingham Heart Study is considered a model for
  7. The CDC was established in 1946.
  8. The Core Public Health Functions Steering Committee identified 10 essential functions that define public health practice including a threefold element to inform, educate and
  9. Peer review provides a critical evaluation of a paper by subject experts prior to publication by someone other than the editors or publishers of the journal. From a practical standpoint it helps editors choose which papers to publish and often helps
  10. Plagiarism is a serious offense under United States law. It is considered to be an act of theft or presenting the other people’s ideas as your original thoughts. According to the plagiarism.org website an example of plagiarism includes
  11. Which of the following are settings or systems that public health activities can take place?
  12. A good literature review must…
  13. Public health is
  14. The following is an example of public health:
  15. John Snow
  16. The focus of public health is:
  17. Rather than being a single discipline, public health includes professionals from many fields
  18. Healthy People sets data-driven national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade.
  19. In the early 1900s in the United States, many major health threats were infectious diseases associated with poor hygiene and poor sanitation (e.g., typhoid), diseases associated with poor nutrition (e.g., pellagra and goiter), poor maternal and infant health, and diseases or injuries associated with unsafe workplaces or hazardous occupations.
  20. It is possible to easily find full text PDF peer-reviewed journal articles from the Jerry Falwell Library homepage by checking the Online Full Text PDF box after clicking on advanced search in the Search Tools menu and going directly to the library’s collection of authorized PDF articles.
  21. The Jerry Falwell Library provides a wide range of resources. Look at this list below and choose which resources the library provides.
  22. True or False: The 10 Essential Public Health Services describe the public health activities that all communities should undertake.
  23. In addition to investigating the London cholera epidemic of 1854 John Snow’s applied principles of epidemiology to the study of
  24. AMA paper templates can be found…
  25. The first state health department was establish in 1889 i
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  1. HLTH 500 Quiz 1 2022
  • Liberty University