HLTH 349 Quiz 2

HLTH 349 Quiz 2 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. What is sick building syndrome?
  2. Water pollution that occurs through the runoff, seepage, or falling of pollutants into the water is:
  3. Tobacco smoke inhaled and exhaled by the smoker is referred to as:
  4. True or False? Solid waste with properties that make it dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment is classified as municipal waste.
  5. True or False? A condition that occurs when warm air traps cooler air at the surface of the earth is greenhouse gases.
  6. Most municipal solid waste comes from:
  7. True or False? The number one cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers is secondhand smoke.
  8. True or False? An unsafe act or condition is an injury.
  9. True or False? At every age level, females are more likely to become involved in a fatal unintentional injury than are males.
  10. True or False? The suicide rate is higher for women than men.
  11. What are the six elements that are required for a Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative?
  12. An injury causing any restriction of normal activity beyond the day of the injury’s occurrence is a(n):
  13. Most poisonings occur in:
  14. Acute or chronic lung disease caused by the inhalation of cotton, flax, or hemp dusts, also known as brown lung disease is:
  15. True or False? Farming is considered to be a hazardous occupation.
  16. True or False? The federal agency charged with the responsibility of administering the provisions of the OSHAct is NIOSH.
  17. The first state to pass worker’s compensation laws was:
  18. In the service-producing industries, the area with the highest incident rate of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses is:
  19. The racial/ethnic group with the lowest death rate for occupational injuries is:
  20. Installing better security systems at entrances and exists is an example of what kind of prevention strategy for workplace violence?

Set 2

  1. A research body located in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and responsible for developing and recommending occupational safety and health standards is the:
  2. Work-related fatality rates in America have increased significantly in the past 85 years.
  3. Workplace illnesses are reported more than workplace injuries.
  4. True or False? Solid waste with properties that make it dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment is classified as municipal waste.
  5. The leading cause of fatal work-related injuries is:
  6. A leading cause of death and disability in the world is injuries.
  7. The second leading cause of unintentional injury death in the United States is:
  8. Water pollution that occurs through the runoff, seepage, or falling of pollutants into the water is:
  9. True or False? One of the most dangerous occupations in terms of injuries is mining.
  10. An injury causing any restriction of normal activity beyond the day of the injury’s occurrence is a(n):
  11. Most municipal solid waste comes from:
  12. In terms of unintentional injuries, falls disproportionately affect:
  13. The age group with the lowest workplace fatality rate is:
  14. An unsafe act or condition is an injury.
  15. The most desirable form of integrated waste management is:
  16. Agents, usually chemicals, that cause cancer are referred to as ozone.
  17. An example of injury prevention through regulation is:
  18. Having procedures for opening and closing a workplace is an example of what kind of prevention strategy for workplace violence?
  19. Factors or conditions in the environment that increase the risk of human injury, disease, or death are environmental hazards.
  20. The first state to pass workers’ compensation laws was:
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  1. HLTH 349 Quiz 2 2021
  2. HLTH 349 Quiz 2