HIUS 390 Quiz 3

HIUS 390 Quiz 3 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. What issue doomed Thomas Jefferson’s second term as president?
  2. The “Virginia Dynasty” in the early years of the American republic refers to what?
  3. What political issue became caught up in Virginia’s states’ rights debates around 1820?
  4. What topic did the Revolutionary rhetoric of liberty and equality NOT encourage Virginians to debate following the American Revolution?
  5. Which Virginian president was the first president to ask Congress for a declaration of war?
  6. Much like in the French and Indian War, which class of people in Virginia shouldered the bulk of military enlistment and won the War of Independence?
  7. Which Revolutionary era governor of Virginia served with great distinction?
  8. What was the main idea the “Doctrines of ’98” espoused and defended, that politicians pointed back to for many decades after their publication?
  9. Which element of Virginian society still chafed about having taxation without direct representation following the Revolution?
  10. Who was the primary author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights?
  11. What two factions in early U.S. politics could start to be seen in Virginia’s debate over whether or not to repay their debt to British merchants following the American Revolution?
  12. In which branch of government did the center of power lie in the new Virginia government created by the constitution drafted in 1775?
  13. When Virginia delegates voted to ratify the Constitution and join the new federal union, what qualification did they add?
  14. Which Virginian did the Second Continental Congress select to be the commander in chief of the Patriot forces to unite the southern colonies with New England?
  15. What document was the Bill of Rights based on?
  16. What does Virginia’s title “Mother of Presidents” best reflect?
  17. How did the Richmond theater fire start?
  18. Why was the Richmond theater so full on December 26, 1811?
  19. Where was Anna Maria Lane probably born?
  20. Which branch of the federal government did Virginians NOT dominate for the first two centuries of United States?

Set 2

  1. Who was Virginia’s last royal governor?
  2. Which Virginian is known as the “Father of the Constitution”?
  3. In 1775, what set Virginia on a course where reconciliation with England was impossible?
  4. In which branch of government did the center of power lie in the new Virginia government created by the constitution drafted in 1775?
  5. Much like in the French and Indian War, which class of people in Virginia shouldered the bulk of military enlistment and won the War of Independence?
  6. What political issue became caught up in Virginia’s states’ rights debates around 1820?
  7. When Virginia delegates voted to ratify the Constitution and join the new federal union, what qualification did they add?
  8. What topic did the Revolutionary rhetoric of liberty and equality NOT encourage Virginians to debate following the American Revolution?
  9. Why was James Monroe’s presidency associated with the concept of “An Era of Good Feelings”?
  10. What step did Governor Dunmore take to regain his control over Virginia that was a direct threat to the existence of the planter patriarchy?
  11. Which Virginian wrote nearly the entire first draft of the Declaration of Independence?
  12. Why did an opposition party arise during George Washington’s presidency?
  13. What was a key contribution John Marshall made during his time as the chief justice of the Supreme Court?
  14. What amount of the £4 million American debt to British merchants did Virginians owe around the time of the Revolution?
  15. What document was the Bill of Rights based on?
  16. When the General Assembly voted to give pensions to Revolutionary War veterans, how was Anna Maria Lane’s case handled?
  17. What does Virginia’s title “Mother of Presidents” best reflect?
  18. Which branch of the federal government did Virginians NOT dominate for the first two centuries of United States?
  19. How did the Richmond theater fire start?
  20. In what Revolutionary War battle did Anna Maria Lane actively fight in and become wounded?
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  1. HIUS 390 Quiz 3 Set 2
  2. HIUS 390 Quiz 3