HIUS 316 Quiz Religious Movements

  1. What new heterodox theology did Elias Hicks introduce to the Quaker faith?
  2. Why was upstate New York called the “Burned-over District” during the 1820’s and 30’s?
  3. A distinctive belief of the Shakers was what?
  4. What do historians call the outbreak of religious revivals that began in the 1790’s and continued through the mid-1840’s?
  5. What well known American writer was a member of Brook Farm for a while?
  6. What was Perfectionism?
  7. Who was one of the first of the Second Great Awakening religious leaders to combine religious inspiration with sexual experimentation?
  8. Mormonism began with the angel Moroni appearing in a vision to Joseph Smith and telling him of what?
  9. Who was one of the most prominent Unitarian ministers during the Jacksonian Era?
  10. Why did some criticize camp meetings?
  11. Who two times mistakenly predicted the second coming of Christ and the end of the world between 1843 and 1844?
  12. What is true about Methodism?
  13. What was true about Lyman Beecher?
  14. Which of the below were NOT utopian religious communities during the Jacksonian Era?
  15. What was the name of the town in Illinois where the Mormons initially settled and which they were forced to abandon due to violence and hostility from the non-believers?
  16. Which of the below was NOT a prominent New England revivalist during the Second Great Awakening?
  17. A distinctive belief of the Amish was what?
  18. What was the Christian Connection?
  19. Who was the founder of the Mormon Church?
  20. What was the main reason the Catholic Church grew so dramatically in the Jacksonian Era?
  21. Describe the multiple stress fractures on American protestant Christianity in the antebellum period that Dr. Schultz mentions. Explain how these led to actual divisions within the three mainline denominations.
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  1. HIUS 316 Reform Movements