HIUS 221 Quiz 4 American Republic

HIUS 221 Quiz 4: The American Republic

  1. Though most cases can be tried in lower courts, where does the Supreme Court have “original jurisdiction”?
  2. What does the Fourth Amendment prevent?
  3. According to the Tenth Amendment, who holds the powers not given to the Federal Government or prohibited to the states?
  4. Which of the following is NOT one of the items the U.S. Government must guarantee the states, according to Article IV?
  5. According to the video presentation, who requested that Madison draft a new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation?
  6. According the video presentation, James Madison should be called the
  7. According to the video presentation, which section of the United States ignored the Embargo Act and continued to trade with Great Britain?
  8. According to the video presentation, which of the following groups sympathized with the French, although they disagreed with the excesses of the Revolution?
  9. Which Acts temporarily limited free speech in the young United States (1798)?
  10. The Constitutional concept that no one branch of the U.S. Government would be all powerful or greatly supersede the power of another branch is referred to as

Set 2

  1. According to the Tenth Amendment, who holds the powers not given to the Federal Government or prohibited to the states?
  2. To which branch of government does the Constitution grant sole power of taxation?
  3. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the Constitution, as listed in its Preamble?
  4. How many witnesses are necessary in order to convict someone of treason?
  5. According to the video, our American system of government was formed by what decision?
  6. According to the video presentation, the men who resisted the Virginia Plan were trying to protect
  7. According to the video presentation, which of the following caused issues between American merchant shipping and the British?
  8. According to the video presentation, which of the following groups sympathized with the French, although they disagreed with the excesses of the Revolution?
  9. The Constitutional concept that no one branch of the U.S. Government would be all powerful or greatly supersede the power of another branch is referred to as
  10. Which action repealed or ended a set of acts that since 1798 had limited free speech in the young United States?
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. HIUS 221 Quiz 4 American Republic
  2. HIUS 221 American Republic 2023
  • Liberty University