HIEU 202 Test 1, 2, 3

HIEU 202 Test 1

  1. The first industry to grow at unprecedented rates was
  2. Which of the following was NOT a factor contributing to Britain’s early and successful industrialization? They had
  3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “artisan”?
  4. Historians still debate how bad workers’ conditions were in the early stages of industrialization, but they generally conclude that
  5. In the nineteenth century, compared to England, most European states
  6. According to the video lecture, which of the following was the name given to a group of people who objected to the changes of the Industrial Revolution?
  7. In the video lecture, which of the following was given as an example demonstrating the democratizing effects of the Industrial Revolution?
  8. Why is the word “classical” used to describe 19th-century liberalism?
  9. The Romantics saw native languages, songs and legends as the unique creations of a people. By valuing a nation’s past, romanticism contributed to
  10. Among the most basic elements of conservative thinking was the idea that
  11. Classical liberals of the nineteenth century generally opposed democracy, because:
  12. Nationalism shared with
  13. Early socialists like Saint–Simon, Fourier, and Owen tended to believe that:
  14. The most serious threat to Austrian unity in the nineteenth century came from:
  15. The Concert of Europe met revolutionary uprisings in Spain and Italy with severity. In both instances
  16. Britain was the freest state in Europe in the early decades of the nineteenth century, but it was far from democratic.
  17. Which of the following was NOT one of the members of the Quadruple Alliance at the Congress of Vienna?
  18. Which of the following may be considered a guiding principle of the Congress of Vienna?
  19. Because the revolutions of 1848 failed, there were no substantial liberal gains realized in these states until after 1900.
  20. The course lecture presentation on Restoration and Revolution focused on one state to illustrate the process of revolution in the 1830s through 1848. Which state was used?

Other sets

  1. According to the article by Peter Stearns called “Why Study History,” what are some of the reasons why we should study history? Give at least three reasons. Do not copy the headings in bold type. Instead, give three reasons from the article stated in your own words.
  2. According to the article “Why Care About History” by Jerry Solomon, what were some things Jesus did during his earthly ministry that prove he took history seriously? Write one or two complete sentences.
  3. According to the article called “Western Civilization: Our Tradition,” today, virtually the only Western tradition still embraced by the political, intellectual, and economic elites of the West is that of
  4. Before the Enlightenment the term that people in the West commonly used for their civilization was
  5. According to the lecture presentation on the modern state, what was it about Prussia that made it seem like an unlikely candidate for a national state?
  6. In the lecture presentation on the modern state, which of the following was NOT given as part of the impact of the rise of the national state?
  7. Successful early modern kings subordinated religion to the needs of the state primarily by separating the two—separation of church and state.
  8. The success of Louis XIV’s absolute authority was largely due to
  9. The Stuart kings had difficulties, and two of them were overthrown because:
  10. The Holy Roman Empire failed to unify its diverse political units into a cohesive state because:
  11. Which of the following best describes the shift in worldview that resulted from the Scientific Revolution?
  12. The most important thinkers associated with the Scientific Revolution
  13. The Scientific Revolution resulted in all of the following except the
  14. Galileo
  15. The Copernican view of the universe was revolutionary in that it
  16. Which of the following was NOT one of Newton’s three laws of motion?
  17. What was truly revolutionary about Copernicus’s heliocentric theory was
  18. In the video lecture about Isaac Newton, what object was used to demonstrate Newton’s ideas about gravity?
  19. In the YouTube video about the relationship between science and religion, what word is used to describe this relationship?
  20. What were the key components of the success of absolute monarchy under Louis XIV in France? In other words, by means was absolutism successfully established under his reign? Include at least three distinct components and explain how each supported absolutism. Write at least three full paragraphs, one for each point. Write in your own words. Do not copy from another source.

Set 2

  1. According to the article by Peter Stearns called “Why Study History,” what are some of the reasons why we should study history? Give at least three reasons. Do not copy the headings in bold type. Instead, give three reasons from the article stated in your own words.
  2. According to the article “Why Care About History” by Jerry Solomon, what were some things Jesus did during his earthly ministry that prove he took history seriously? Write one or two complete sentences.
  3. Before the Enlightenment the term that people in the West commonly used for their civilization was
  4. Of the three traditions that shaped Western Civilization, the first to decline and virtually disappear was the Enlightenment tradition.
  5. According to the lecture presentation on the modern state, what was it about Prussia that made it seem like an unlikely candidate for a national state?
  6. Which of the following definitions is correct according to the lecture presentation on the modern state?
  7. From the 13th to the 17th century, a new and unique form of political organization emerged in the west: the
  8. The reign of Louis XIV is usually seen as a model of royal absolutism because
  9. The growth of royal power in England through the sixteenth century
  10. The Holy Roman Empire failed to unify its diverse political units into a cohesive state because:
  11. The mechanical conception of nature introduced by the Scientific Revolution held that
  12. The Scientific Revolution resulted in all of the following except the
  13. The most important thinkers associated with the Scientific Revolution
  14. Galileo
  15. Kepler’s laws of planetary motion:
  16. Newton believed that God played no role in the operation of the universe.
  17. Francis Bacon believed that science should be studied:
  18. In the video lecture, a tennis ball was used to demonstrate Newton’s ideas about
  19. In the YouTube video about the relationship between science and religion, what word is used to describe this relationship?
  20. Based on course materials, identify the three most influential minds of the Scientific Revolution. For each individual, write a paragraph explaining what achievements would place this person in the top three. Write a total of three full paragraphs and use specific examples to support your choices. Make sure the individuals you identify are associated with the Scientific Revolution as presented in this course.

HIEU 202 Test 2

  1. In the course lecture presentation, which of the following was given as a goal of the Enlightenment?
  2. The primary source reading from Chapter 18 called The Treatise of the Three Imposters was
  3. Which of the following is NOT true of the Enlightenment?
  4. John Locke believed education was central to social development because he
  5. Most of the philosophes were deists which means they
  6. In reality, enlightened despotism was the use of Enlightenment principles by monarchs to enhance the central government’s power and thereby their own.
  7. The chief editor of the Encyclopédie was
  8. The stated purpose of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was
  9. Most Europeans at the time saw the French Revolution as a
  10. The bourgeoisie included
  11. Members of the First and Second Estates:
  12. In September 1791, the National Assembly passed a constitution which granted voting rights in which
  13. The sans–culottes were:
  14. During the French Revolution, the Committee of Public Safety
  15. In 1804, a magnificent ceremony was held in which Napoleon
  16. Napoleon’s support of public education was based on his desire to
  17. Napoleon’s efforts to enforce the Continental System enmeshed him in two catastrophic blunders:
  18. The Continental System:
  19. After Napoleon abdicated in 1814,
  20. Which of the following states remained outside of Napoleon’s control?
  21. Compare the content of the Declaration of Independence (1776) with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789. Include both similarities and differences and give reasons why they are alike and different in these ways. What Enlightenment ideas are represented in each of these documents? Write three paragraphs.

Set 2

  1. In the course lecture presentation, which of the following was given as a goal of the Enlightenment?
  2. Which Enlightenment-era writer was the author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman?
  3. Which of the following is NOT true of the Enlightenment?
  4. Voltaire was able to fully develop his Enlightenment ideas during his time in
  5. Most of the philosophes were deists which means they
  6. In reality, enlightened despotism was the use of Enlightenment principles by monarchs to enhance the central government’s power and thereby their own.
  7. The most important book of the Enlightenment was
  8. The stated purpose of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was
  9. The finances of the French government in the later eighteenth century were in disarray, primarily because:
  10. Eighteenth–century French society was divided into three legally defined groupings:
  11. The Estates General was:
  12. Which of the following is NOT true of the Storming of the Bastille?
  13. The sans–culottes were:
  14. Maximilien Robespierre
  15. Which of the following is NOT true of Napoleon Bonaparte?
  16. The Concordat of 1801:
  17. Napoleon’s efforts to enforce the Continental System enmeshed him in two catastrophic blunders:
  18. The Continental System:
  19. In the video about Napoleon, his coronation was portrayed as
  20. Which of the following states remained outside of Napoleon’s control?

HIEU 202 Test 3

  1. Britain’s system of roads, canals, and railways was funded largely by private investors rather than government financing.
  2. Which of the following was the first to industrialize?
  3. In the video that charted changes in 200 countries over 200 years, what two criteria were used to measure quality of life?
  4. The Industrial Revolution affected the social structure by
  5. The English Factory Acts of the early nineteenth century:
  6. According to the video lecture on the Industrial Revolution, by what means were large factories and railroads financed?
  7. In the video lecture on the Industrial Revolution, three words were used to frame the discussion. Which of the following was NOT one of those words?
  8. Why is the word “classical” used to describe 19th‐century liberalism?
  9. The Romantics and the philosophes agreed on some things and disagreed on others. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
  10. Among the most basic elements of conservative thinking was the idea that
  11. Classical liberals of the nineteenth century generally opposed democracy, because:
  12. Nationalism and romanticism are compatible in the belief that
  13. Early socialists like Saint–Simon, Fourier, and Owen tended to believe that:
  14. The most serious threat to Austrian unity in the nineteenth century came from:
  15. All of the following experienced at least one revolution in the 1820s. The only revolution to succeed was in
  16. Britain was the freest state in Europe in the early decades of the nineteenth century, but it was far from democratic.
  17. Which of the following best represents the purpose of the Congress of Vienna?
  18. Which of the following may be considered a guiding principle of the Congress of Vienna?
  19. Which of the following did NOT experience revolution in 1848?
  20. The course lecture presentation on Restoration and Revolution focused on one state to illustrate the process of revolution in the 1830s through 1848. Which state was used?
  21. Using material from the course lecture presentation, describe the impact of the Revolutions of 1848. Identify at least three of the five points given in the lecture. Explain the points using at least one paragraph for each point to give a total of at least three paragraphs.

Set 2

  1. The eighteenth-century growth in population
  2. The first stages of industrial development in England primarily involved:
  3. In the video that charted changes in 200 countries over 200 years, what two criteria were used to measure quality of life?
  4. The three broad groups of nineteenth–century urban workers included all of the following EXCEPT
  5. In the nineteenth century, compared to England, most European states
  6. In the video lecture on the Industrial Revolution, three words were used to frame the discussion. Which of the following was NOT one of those words?
  7. In the video lecture, which of the following was given as an example demonstrating the democratizing effects of the Industrial Revolution?
  8. Why is the word “classical” used to describe 19th-century liberalism?
  9. The Romantics saw native languages, songs and legends as the unique creations of a people. By valuing a nation’s past, romanticism contributed to
  10. Conservatives like Edmund Burke appreciated human rational capacities,
  11. Classical liberals of the nineteenth century generally opposed democracy, because:
  12. Nationalism shared with
  13. Early socialists like Saint–Simon, Fourier, and Owen tended to believe that:
  14. The most serious threat to Austrian unity in the nineteenth century came from:
  15. The Concert of Europe met revolutionary uprisings in Spain and Italy with severity. In both instances
  16. Leaders in Britain believed the reason England had avoided revolution in 1848 was
  17. France emerged from the Congress of Vienna
  18. Which of the following may be considered a guiding principle of the Congress of Vienna?
  19. The final outcome of the Revolution of 1848 in France was
  20. The course lecture presentation on Restoration and Revolution focused on one state to illustrate the process of revolution in the 1830s through 1848. Which state was used?
  21. Using material from the course lecture presentation, describe the impact of the Revolutions of 1848. Identify at least three of the five points given in the lecture. Explain the points using at least one paragraph for each point to give a total of at least three paragraphs.
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  3. HIEU 201 Test 3 2020
  4. HIEU 201 Test 2 2020
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  6. HIEU 202 Test 2 2021
  7. HIEU 202 Test 3 2021
  8. HIEU 202 Quiz 3 2024