EVAN 101 Methods of Evangelism Paper

Liberty EVAN 101 Methods of Evangelism Paper Answers

Your writing must be presented in 4 parts as follows.

 Part ONEEvangelistic Method #1—You must research one of these “Intellectual” Methods: The Romans Road or Four Spiritual Laws. Your research can be done on the Internet, with periodicals or with books. Wikapedia is not a credible source for this paper. You must report the following:

  • Summary of the method
  • Advantages of using this method—NOTE: These must be specific to this method. It is not acceptable to say that an advantage is that people will be reached with the Gospel.
  • Disadvantages of using this method—NOTE: These must be specific to this method. It is not acceptable to say that a disadvantage is that people may not accept Christ.


Part TWO—Evangelistic Method #2—Follow the same guidelines as method #1; however you need to choose one of these “Relational” Methods: Lifestyle Evangelism, Friendship Evangelism, or Servant Evangelism


Part THREEEvangelistic Method #3—Follow the same guidelines as method #1; however you need to choose one of these “Confrontational” Methods: Evangelism Explosion, Way of the Master, or Door to Door Evangelism


Part FOURApplication of These Methods to Your Own Life—From these 3 methods, choose the one that most suits you. Why is this the best method for you? Is this also the best method for approaching those in your life who are non-Christians? Why or why not?


BIBLIOGRAPHY—Cite all of the sources that you used. You must have at least 3 different sources other than the Bible. Please note that Wikapedia is not a credible source for this paper. Using the format provided (see end of document) create a “References” page.


You will be graded on the following criteria:

  • Formatting—Your paper must be in current APA, MLA, or Turabian style (whichever corresponds to your degree program). If you need assistance with how to format your paper, please click the following link. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.
  • (8 points)
  • Section 1—Evangelistic Method #1 – Intellectual (18 points)
  • Section 2—Evangelistic Method #2 – Relational (18 points)
  • Section 3—Evangelistic Method #3 – Confrontational (18 points)
  • Section 4—Application of these methods (19 points)
  • References—9 points
  • Communication skills—As the term continues, more points will be devoted to your communication skills. As a student of a liberal arts university, you are not only expected to know the content of this course, but you are expected to be able to communicate it properly. Is your writing clear and understandable? Have you used proper grammar? Do you have an excessive number of typographical errors? (10 points)
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  1. EVAN 101 Methods of Evangelism Paper
  2. EVAN 101 Method of Evangelism Set 2