EDUC 784 Quiz 1

EDUC 784 Quiz 1

  1. Students should participate in assessment projects but should not be involved in conducting or assessing assessment projects.
  2. At Cochise College, faculty described what student outcomes assessment is not. Their list included —
  3. The most basic assessment responsibility of students is to participate in both direct and indirect assessment activities.
  4. Expectations for each individual or group involved in assessment help to clarify and delineate which of the following?
  5. Examples of activities used to collect routine assessment data that do not need IRB approval include all but
  6. Faculty members need not be involved in assessment activities if there is a committee that controls the assessment process.
  7. Faculty have a better chance of achieving the objectives of learning if they explain to students what they want them to
  8. Faculty can report their assessment efforts annually as —
  9. Serving on assessment committees and task forces are two examples of —
  10. Typical guidelines for applying to receive a faculty assessment grant include all but
  11. The most important element in eliciting student acceptance of assessment is
  12. If you were talking to faculty about the three R’s of assessment, which of the following would not be included:
  13. Which one of the following is not a way that faculty have an opportunity to learn about assessment on their own campuses?
  14. Assessment resources for faculty include which of the following?
  15. Which of the following would not be why faculty and administrators resist assessment?
  16. Penn (2011) warns against “best intentions” that can impede assessment, such as underselling what can be accomplished through assessment.
  17. Hutchins (2010) advises “matching tasks to talents and needs to interests” to motivate students to take responsibility for an appropriate aspect of assessment.
  18. Resources to help students fulfill their assessment responsibilities include all of the following except
  19. Fortunately, information collected through assessment strategies rarely reflects upon individual faculty members.
  20. Feedback, opportunities for reflection, improved programs, and tangible rewards are all examples of —
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  1. EDUC 784 Quiz 1