EDUC 315 Quiz Children Adolescent Literature

EDUC 315 Quiz Children’s & Adolescent Literature

  1. Every reader can find books with which they engage deeply for different reasons. For example, folklore offers absolutes of:
  2. What do good books help students become?
  3. In what year did John Newbery open a bookstore where he published and sold books for children?
  4. What were chapbooks?
  5. What must young readers have the opportunity to see in the books that they encounter?
  6. A transactional view of reading asserts that meaning does not reside in the text alone, but meaning is created in:
  7. Research shows that avid reading really does make an individual:
  8. Readers construct meaning as they read based on:
  9. Stereotyped images of an ethnic group, a gender, or another subculture are only harmful to children of that group.
  10. In what year did U.S. publishing house Macmillan launch a children’s book department?
  11. According to Sipe, what are the basic ways that children respond to picture storybooks?
  12. Censorship _____________ specific material while selection _____________ specific material.
  13. For most children, picturebooks are their primary connection to:
  14. If children never see themselves in books, they receive the subtle message that:
  15. Lewis Carroll’s two books Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass are considered revolutionary because they were written:
  16. Narratives tell a story that:
  17. Iser argues that when we read we engage in:
  18. What term describes books that have setting, plot, and characters inextricably tied to the culture?
  19. Which author wrote the first American book for children?
  20. According to Bogdan, what type of response involves evaluating a text in terms of whether the text’s worldview conforms to the reader’s worldview?
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  1. EDUC 315 Quiz Children Adolescent Lit
  • Liberty University