EDUC 205 Quiz 3

EDUC 205 Quiz 3 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. Knowledge that is derived from previously acquired knowledge and not directly from environmental interactions is what perspective of Constructivism?
  2. Which of the following is NOT a problem‐solving strategy?
  3. Representations of real or imaginary situations that cannot be brought into the learning setting are known as:
  4. Teaching that is based on thoughtful decision making that takes into account knowledge about the students, the context, learning and motivation and knowledge about oneself is known as:
  5. Which of the following is NOT a perspective of Constructivism?
  6. Which of the following is NOT a suggested way to train students in problem‐solving skills?
  7. Which of the following is NOT a step in the novice‐to‐expert methodology?
  8. A psychological and philosophical perspective contending that individuals form or construct much of what they learn or understand is known as:
  9. is a form of socially meditated learning
  10. This premise of Constructivism states that cognitive processes do not reside solely in one’s mind but involves relations between a person and situation:
  11. The following are all principles of constructivist learning environments EXCEPT:
  12. Which of the following terms refers to the deliberate conscious control of cognitive activity?
  13. The changing of internal structures to provide consistency with the external reality is known as:
  14. Moving from specific examples to formulating general rules is known as:
  15. Learning through electronically delivered means is known as:
  16. Determining the source of support for conclusions about a problem is:
  17. Using criteria to judge adequacy of a problem is:
  18. According to Piaget, cognitive development depends on four factors: biological maturation, experience with the physical environment, and experience with the social environment and:
  19. Which one of the following men’s research influences Constructivism greatly?
  20. In Bruner’s theory of Cognitive Growth, which of the following is NOT a mode?
  21. The key concept in Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory is:
  22. Math algorisms, goals, and reading strategies are all examples of which type of knowledge?
  23. Which of the following is not an step in the insight model?
  24. Which of the following is NOT a stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
  25. IDEAL stands for:

Set 2

  1. Three of the following statements are true about inquiry learning as an instructional strategy. Which statement is false?
  2. Three of the following are benefits of peer interaction in the classroom. Which one is not a typical benefit of peer interaction?
  3. Bauer asks 9-year-old Anne to divide a pitcher of lemonade equally between two glasses, one each for her and her friend Kate. The two glasses are different shapes, with Anne’s being tall and thin and Kate’s being short and wide. After Anne pours the lemonade, Dr. Bauer says to her, “Look, the lemonade in your glass is higher than the lemonade in Kate’s glass. Did you give yourself more than you gave Kate?” “No,” Anne replies, “my glass is skinnier.” Dr. Bauer continues to ask Anne questions to determine how well she understands that height compensates for width in this situation. Dr. Bauer’s strategy can best be described as illustrating:
  4. In three of the following situations, interactions with peers might promote considerable learning. In which situation is an interaction with an adult (rather than with peers) more likely to be beneficial?
  5. Three of the following are potential disadvantages of a cooperative learning activity. Which one has not been identified as a disadvantage?
  6. From Piaget’s perspective, why might it be wise to postpone the teaching of complex fractions until middle school or high school?
  7. Roger is shown two piles of sand and says that each pile has the same amount. However, when one pile is flattened with a shovel, he now claims emphatically, “The flat pile has less sand.” Based on this information, Roger is probably in Piaget’s _______ stage of development.
  8. From Vygotsky’s perspective, why do cultural differences exist in people’s cognitive abilities?
  9. Three of the following statements reflect contemporary views of Piaget’s stages. Which statement is not accurate?
  10. Johansen, a sixth-grade teacher, wants to improve his students’ ability to learn effectively from what they read in their textbooks. Considering research results described in your Human Learning text, which technique should Mr. Johansen use?
  11. In her first trip to a zoo, 7-year-old Latisha notices that leopards have paws very similar in shape to her cat Snowball’s paws. She also notices that leopards walk in much the same way that Snowball does. Latisha starts to wonder if perhaps leopards are cats. Latisha’s thinking illustrates Piaget’s idea that thought is characterized by:
  12. Xavier loves to write poetry. Often he uses techniques that his favorite poets use, but typically he modifies these techniques to better suit his own style. This situation illustrates which one of the following concepts in Vygotsky’s theory?
  13. Three of the following are examples of scaffolding. Which of the following is not?
  14. Which one of the following strategies is most likely to help students learn from a discovery learning activity?
  15. Piaget spoke of egocentrism as a characteristic of preoperational thought. Three of the following are examples of egocentrism as Piaget defined it. Which one is not an example of preoperational egocentrism?
  16. Three of the following teaching practices are consistent with Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Which one is not?
  17. Three of the following teachers are providing scaffolding to help their students learn. Which one is not necessarily providing scaffolding?
  18. Which one of the following statements best describes Piaget’s view of how children acquire knowledge about the world?
  19. Which one of the following alternatives is the best example of service learning?
  20. Which one of the following is the best example of problem-based learning?
  21. Vygotsky proposed that thought and language are:
  22. Which one of the following examples best shows one or more students using a procedure known as scripted cooperation while studying?
  23. In Vygotsky’s view, opportunities to engage in pretend play (e.g., playing “house” or “doctor”) have which one of the following effects?
  24. Which one of the following issues reflects a fundamental difference between Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories of cognitive development?
  25. In Vygotsky’s theory, three of the following would be considered lower mental functions. Which one would be considered a higher mental function?
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  2. EDUC 205 Quiz 3 Set 2