EDAS 648 Quiz 3 Revenue

EDAS 648 Quiz 3 Revenue: Local vs. State Control

Module 3: Week 3

  1. The larger the number of school districts in a state…
  2. Which of the following is one of the reasons why education was omitted from the United States Constitution?
  3. Which of the following were among Cubberley’s important contributions to the eld of educational finance?
  4. George Strayer and Robert Haig introduced what many consider to be the real theory of equalization with their foundation program concept. Identify which of the following was included in the fundamental factors or standards that they proposed.
  5. The entities primarily responsible for the maintenance and operation of public schools in the United States are
  6. Describing the education finance systems of the 50 states is complex. Some commonalities do exist. Which of the following is specifically mentioned as a commonality in Chapter Six?
  7. The foundation program concept was an improvement over the older methods of distributing state funds to local school districts.
  8. The predominant theme in school finance practice for the first half of the twentieth century was equalization of educational opportunity.
  9. The development of public-school finance theory and practice can be divided into twenty stages or periods.
  10. In the early history of the colonies, land grants for the establishment and support of schools were common, especially in Massachusetts.
  11. The A Nation at Risk report indicated that public schools in the United States were significantly ahead of schools in Western Europe in every significant category.
  12. The states have used a number of different school finance plans. The foundation program introduced by Strayer and Haig should be a minimum and not a maximum program.
  13. A potential danger in allocating state funds for education includes the use of state monies used to supplant rather than supplement local monies for education.
  14. The taxation patterns for education in the newly formed United States were largely
  15. Which state has the highest state contribution for public education?
  16. Which statement indicates the current trend in local taxation practices?
  17. Which of the following is an accurate statement about school board members?
  18. Which of the following statements would be an improvement that would result from reducing the number of school districts?
  19. The Education Commission of the States (ECS) indicates that members of boards of education have the function of deliberating and acting on various education issues. Identify the one below that is not part of their listing:
  20. The ability of a local school district to pay the costs of education without state or federal support is a function of which of the following variables?
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