COUC 604 Quiz 1

COUC 604 Quiz 1 Liberty University

COUC 604 Quiz Crisis Counseling Introduction and Skills

Modules 1 — 4: Weeks 1 — 4

  1. According to Hill’s ABC-X model of crises,
  2. The effects of a stressor or crisis event may be mediated by
  3. According to Boss (2002), __________ is a continuous variable, whereas __________ is a dichotomous variable.
  4. According to Raphael (2000), the full impact of trauma frequently is felt
  5. According to authors such as James (2008) and Slaikeu (1994), a crisis
  6. The Task Model proposed by Jackson-Cherry utilizes the following aspects in the assessment:
  7. Ecological crises as defined by the applied theory are
  8. Within the mental health community, paraprofessionals
  9. The main role of law enforcement is
  10. The most dangerous setting for counseling practice is a
  11. Regarding in-home counseling. All of the following are true EXCEPT that
  12. As a best practice, self-referrals should be screened by phone for
  13. Rapport building in cross cultural counseling may be hindered by
  14. Ongoing training should be provided to counselors with high risk populations that includes
  15. SAMHSA puts forth six key principles for working from a trauma informed perspective:
  16. It is best for a suicidal client be transported to the hospital by anyone EXCEPT:
  17. FERPA is also known as the
  18. __________ prompted the enactment of FERPA.
  19. Release of public health information to law enforcement is allowed only
  20. According to FERPA, threatening remarks made by a student overheard by school personnel
  21. HIPAA has adversely affected counseling practice through
  22. FERPA ended the practice of
  23. Under HIPAA protected health information (PHI) is applicable to
  24. HIPAA stands for
  25. Reflecting skills are NOT
  26. “Are you thinking of killing yourself?” and “How old were you when your parents divorced,” are examples of
  27. All of the following are at the bottom of the microskills hierarchy EXCEPT
  28. A __________ summary is used to help clients transition from one topic to another and can provide direction.
  29. Client: (describing difficulties at work) “I try, honestly, but I don’t get anywhere. Working hard doesn’t seem to make any difference; I am still behind” Choose the response that best demonstrates a reflection of feeling.
  30. Summarizing can be used to
  31. In a crisis situation, it is best for the counselor’s tone of voice to
  32. Reflecting feelings can
  33. An appropriate time to use a close-ended question would be
  34. Reflecting back to a client the essence of something they have shared is considered a
  35. Use of technology, rather than “in person” death notifications should
  36. Death by suicide creates special circumstances for the bereaved in addition to the loss of their loved one. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
  37. Which of the following items could be helpful for children who have lost a parent?
  38. The acronym _____ represents a four question spiritual assessment.
  39. The loss of a pet can be as upsetting as the loss of a loved one. Which of the following is NOT a true statement?
  40. Death notifications should be conducted
  41. __________ are universal reactions to grief and loss.
  42. When giving a death notification, you should
  43. In order of highest risk to lowest risk, which of the following is accurate, according to the NSPL concepts related to desire, intent, capability, and buffers?
  44. __________ is considered a warning sign of suicidal risk.
  45. Suicidal individuals who evidences that he or she may hurt himself or herself in 24 hours or less, stating specificity about a plan, intent, means, and method are considered
  46. It is crucial that _________ be emphasized when working with homicidal clients.
  47. The most common means by which homicide is carried out is through using
  48. Medium level threat clients
  49. The highest risk of violent and homicidal behavior has been found in individuals with…
  50. A suicide attempt gone awry occurs when the person wanted to

Other sets

  1. According to the Double ABC-X Model proposed by McCubbin and Patterson (1982), long-term change following a crisis event
  2. The procedures for working with clients in crisis begin with
  3. Compared to psychologists and psychiatrists, professional counselors
  4. According to Erich Lindemann, a psychiatrist and researcher who described acute grief, treatment for acute grief
  5. The Task Model proposed by Jackson-Cherry utilizes the following aspects in the assessment:
  6. was an early influence in the Weld of crisis intervention.
  7. According to Boss (2002), __________ is a continuous variable, whereas __________ is a dichotomous variable.
  8. Existential crises as defined by the applied theory are
  9. The majority of stalking cases involve
  10. Counselors working with clients at high risk for violence should do all of the following EXCEPT
  11. Ongoing training should be provided to counselors with high risk populations that includes
  12. According to OSHA, the factors that create a dangerous work environment and high risk for assault
  13. The main role of law enforcement is
  14. It is best for a suicidal client be transported to the hospital by anyone EXCEPT:
  15. As a best practice, self-referrals should be screened by phone for
  16. Regarding in-home counseling. All of the following are true EXCEPT that
  17. In disaster circumstances, counselors are expected to obtain consent through each of the following steps EXCEPT:
  18. FERPA ended the practice of
  19. Under HIPAA protected health information (PHI) is applicable to
  20. FERPA bestows all of the following rights EXCEPT
  21. In order to avoid therapeutic abandonment in disaster circumstances the counselor should
  22. The federal government may waive HIPAA penalties
  23. __________ prompted the enactment of FERPA.
  24. __________ is NOT required of counselors by HIPAA.
  25. An appropriate time to use a close-ended question would be
  26. Client: (describing difficulties at work) “I try, honestly, but I don’t get anywhere. Working hard doesn’t seem to make any difference; I am still behind” Choose the response that best demonstrates a reflection of feeling.
  27. “Are you thinking of killing yourself?” and “How old were you when your parents divorced,” are examples of
  28. In a crisis situation, it is best for the counselor’s tone of voice to
  29. Reflecting back to a client the essence of something they have shared is considered a
  30. A __________ summary is most commonly used at the start of a counseling session.
  31. “Why” questions do NOT usually
  32. Reflecting feelings can
  33. Client: “We’ve tried everything. We’ve promised to give her things if she’ll agree to stay home. We’ve tried to ground her. What else can I do?” Choose the response that best demonstrates a paraphrase.
  34. is a distilled version of the content of the client’s message that restates the facts and thoughts in different words and in a nonjudgmental way.
  35. The order of Kubler Ross’s five stages of death and dying is
  36. When giving a death notification, the information must be
  37. Which of the following is TRUE of Worden’s task model of grieving?
  38. What should crisis counselors do to address their own issues surrounding grief and loss?
  39. When giving a death notification, you should
  40. Which of the following would be consistent with Carl Rogers’s beliefs about working with a bereaved client?
  41. __________ are coping skills helpful to someone grieving a loss.
  42. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about grief?
  43. __________ is considered a warning sign of suicidal risk.
  44. A suicide attempt gone awry occurs when the person wanted to
  45. Medium level threat clients
  46. __________ are considered high risk for suicide.
  47. The primary motivation for school shootings appears to be
  48. The majority of workplace homicides involve
  49. Which of the following is the TRUEST statement?
  50. The most common means by which homicide is carried out is through using

Set 2

  1. According to Hill’s ABC-X model of crises,
  2. The procedures for working with clients in crisis begin with
  3. A cluster of symptoms including somatic distress, feelings of guilt, hostility, disorganization, and behavior changes experienced by the surviving family members of nearly 500 individuals who died in a tragic event in the 1940s was labeled “acute grief.” A disorder that is described in the DSM that seems to parallel acute grief is
  4. Within the mental health community, paraprofessionals
  5. Which of the following statements is TRUE? Crisis intervention
  6. The Task Model proposed by Jackson-Cherry utilizes the following aspects in the assessment:
  7. Ecological crises as defined by the applied theory are
  8. According to the Task Model proposed by Jackson-Cherry
  9. According to OSHA, the factors that create a dangerous work environment and high risk for assault
  10. Counselors working with clients at high risk for violence should do all of the following EXCEPT
  11. It is best for a suicidal client be transported to the hospital by anyone EXCEPT:
  12. A sole practitioner who experiences fear or intuitive red flags when screening a new client via phone should
  13. If a client states he is willing to be voluntarily hospitalized only if the counselor rides along to the hospital, the counselor should
  14. Regarding in-home counseling. All of the following are true EXCEPT that
  15. The most dangerous setting for counseling practice is a
  16. The majority of stalking cases involve
  17. Providing for locked, secured, confidential file storage in crisis situations is
  18. HIPAA has adversely affected counseling practice through
  19. Duty to protect
  20. Under HIPAA protected health information (PHI) is applicable to
  21. The federal government may waive HIPAA penalties
  22. FERPA stands for
  23. FERPA is also known as the
  24. In order to avoid therapeutic abandonment in disaster circumstances the counselor should
  25. “I am still in shock that my husband is having an affair. I really can’t believe it. I thought we had the perfect marriage. How could I have been so stupid to not see this was happening? I feel like such a fool.” Based on this scenario from the text, choose the option that is NOT an example of an effective paraphrase.
  26. All of the following are at the bottom of the microskills hierarchy EXCEPT
  27. A summary is used to help clients transition from one topic to another and can provide direction.
  28. A summary is frequently used at the end of a counseling session.
  29. “You have let your parents down, and this is what is difficult because their trust in you is the most important thing” would best be described as a
  30. “Are you thinking of killing yourself?” and “How old were you when your parents divorced,” are examples of
  31. Reflecting feelings can
  32. Which of the following is an example of an open question?
  33. Reflecting skills are NOT
  34. A summary is most commonly used at the start of a counseling session.
  35. The DSM-5 recommends considering the following diagnostic impression when working with someone showing symptoms of ‘complicated grief’ due to the death of a loved one
  36. What should crisis counselors do to address their own issues surrounding grief and loss?
  37. Death by suicide creates special circumstances for the bereaved in addition to the loss of their loved one. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
  38. Which of the following is TRUE of Worden’s task model of grieving?
  39. The loss of a pet can be as upsetting as the loss of a loved one. Which of the following isNOT a true statement?
  40. When giving a death notification, you should take into account
  41. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about grief?
  42. When giving a death notification, the information must be
  43. During the stage of a typical hostage situation, hostages would be most traumatized.
  44. In a crisis counseling program (CCP), the term “Accept the Face Value” means
  45. During the stage of a typical hostage situation, the hostage taker often becomes suicidal.
  46. Which of the following leadership roles can be found in a Multidisciplinary Crisis Response Team
  47. Which of the following statements about psychological first aid (PFA) is NOT true?
  48. According to the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) 2016 standards, all master’s level counselors-in-training must have curriculum pertaining to
  49. Psychological First Aid (PFA) can be used with
  50. A mental health clinician practicing psychological first aid (PFA) would be less likely to

COUC 604 Quiz 1 Liberty University

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  2. COUC 604 Quiz 1 Set 2
  3. COUC 604 Quiz 1 2022
  4. COUC 604 Quiz 1 2023
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