CHHI 520 Quiz Third and Fourth Century

CHHI 520 Quiz: Third and Fourth Century

  1. Ephraem the Syrian expressed his theology through ______.
  2. In the fourth century, ______ evangelized Ethiopia.
  3. Irenaeus was a disciple of ______.
  4. According to the Apostolic Tradition, prior to baptism, candidates received ______.
  5. The Homoeans affirmed that ______.
  6. In “On the Incarnation,” Athanasius argues ______.
  7. In 330, Constantine moved the empire’s capital to ______.
  8. Irenaeus’s aplogetics were directed toward the ______.
  9. In 202, ______ gave an edict against conversion to Judaism and Christianity.
  10. Tertullian was an advocate of infant baptism.
  11. As a bishop, Basil of Caesarea ______.
  12. The Life of Antony and Life of Pachomius recount the lives of ______.
  13. Cyprian argued that Christians who had sacrificed (lapsed) could not be readmitted into the church.
  14. According to the Nicaeno-Constantinopolitan Creed of 381, the Holy Spirit ______.
  15. Cyprian was consecrated bishop of Carthage just two years after his conversion.
  16. Gregory of Nazianzus’s five theological Orations especially emphasized the doctrines of
  17. From AD 356 – 361, Athanasius went into exile in ______.
  18. Origen’s biblical hermeneutics included ______.
  19. The term “homoousious” means ______.
  20. In 312, Constantine defeated Maxentius at ______.
  21. In his Apology, Tertullian ______.
  22. John Chrysostom was best known for ______.
  23. In the fourth and fifth centuries, baptisms were performed ______.
  24. The Paschal controversy involved ______.
  25. Decius’s persecution against the church included ______.
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  1. CHHI 520 Quiz Third Century
  • Liberty University