BIBL 425 Test 2

BIBL 425 Test 2 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. The discontinuity in God’s plan of salvation (salvation history) is shown in God’s having revealed his righteousness in Christ apart from the law of Moses (3:21a).
  2. What OT passage is clearly the basis for Paul’s point in 5:12: Adam’s disobedience introduced sin into the world and sin resulted in death?
  3. The two aspects of the peace God gives us in Christ include the “peace of God” and “peace with God.”
  4. What is perhaps the best sense of the preposition dia in the second line of 4:25 (165-166)?
  5. Paul teaches that Abraham was justified by his works (Rom 4).
  6. According to 3:25b-26, why did God accomplish redemption in this manner?
  7. Paul adds two key points in 3:24, emphasizing that we are justified freely by means of God’s grace, on the basis of his redemptive work accomplished in Christ.
  8. According to 3:21-22a, the heart of the gospel is that God’s righteousness is available to all who believe in Jesus Christ.
  9. Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our
  10. What central subtheme resurfaces in 3:29-30?
  11. In continuation of the diatribe style, Paul engages in dialogue once again with an imaginary conversation partner (3:27-31). Who is this?
  12. To whom does the description “the uncircumcised” refer (3:30)?
  13. According to 4:15, what does the Mosaic law bring?
  14. According to Romans 5:1-5, the results of justification by faith include (1) peace with God (5:1); (2) access to grace (5:2); (3) hope of glory (5:2); and (4) (5:5).
  15. What theme binds the section from 4:13-22?
  16. Paul alludes to two notable Old Testament examples of being justified by faith in 4:1-8. Who are they?
  17. Paul drives home the point in 5:12 that Adam’s fall introduced sin into the world and death came as a result.
  18. According to 6:5, believers are united with Christ in his death and in his resurrection.
  19. What event signaled a decisive shift in salvation history?
  20. Why must God’s righteousness be available for “all who believe” (3:22b-23)?
  21. Paul gives two fundamental reasons for the assurance that Christ will rescue believers from God’s wrath (5:5-11). These are (2) God’s  for us in Christ (5-8); and (2) God’s    for us in Christ (9-10).
  22. According to Moo, the “old self” in Rom. 6:6 is a relational and corporate concept rather than ontological.
  23. What Old Testament verse is foundational for Paul’s characteristic emphasis on justification by faith (see 4:3, 8, also Gal 3:6)?
  24. The genitive construction: pisteos Iesou Christou in Rom. 3:22a has sparked debate. Discuss what is debatable about this phrase. Offer a solution. (100–150 words)

Set 2

  1. According to 6:5, believers are united with Christ in his death and in his resurrection.
  2. According to Moo, the “old self” in Rom. 6:6 is a relational and corporate concept rather than ontological.
  3. Select the reason Paul introduces Abraham into his argument in chapter 4.
  4. What event signaled a decisive shift in salvation history?
  5. The discontinuity in God’s plan of salvation (salvation history) is shown in God’s having revealed his righteousness in Christ apart from the law of Moses (3:21a).
  6. What does the description “our old self” in 6:6 most likely refer to?
  7. What is Paul driving at in 4:10 when he notes the chronological sequence of Abraham’s justification (Gen 15:6) and the institution of circumcision (Gen 17)?
  8. What OT passage is clearly the basis for Paul’s point in 5:12: Adam’s disobedience introduced sin into the world and sin resulted in death?
  9. What does Paul most often depict when he refers to being saved/salvation ( sozo)?
  10. In continuation of the diatribe style, Paul engages in dialogue once again with an imaginary conversation partner (3:27-31). Who is this?
  11. The Greek term hilasterionpoints to the mercy seat that covered the ark of the covenant. As such it depicts the place where atonement for sins was accomplished. This term conveys the sense of hilasterion
  12. Name the theme that dominates the first (5:1-11) and last (8:18-39) paragraphs, framing the argument in this section.
  13. What central subtheme resurfaces in 3:29-30?
  14. Since God justifies on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ, the Mosaic Law is nullified.
  15. Paul gives two fundamental reasons for the assurance that Christ will rescue believers from God’s wrath (5:5-11). These are (2) God’s __for us in Christ (5-8); and (2) God’s __ for us in Christ (9-10).
  16. What role does the Mosaic law have in justification? Select the option below that best represents the overall teaching of Romans.
  17. Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our _____ (4:25).
  18. What does the “body of sin” (6:6) refer to?
  19. To whom does the description “the circumcised” refer (3:30)?
  20. What is gezerah shewa?
  21. What is the topic that emerges as the unifying focal point in 5:1-11?
  22. Why must God’s righteousness be available for “all who believe” (3:22b-23)?
  23. According to 4:15, what does the Mosaic law bring?

Set 3

  1. Paul teaches that Abraham was justified by his works (Rom 4).
  2. Specify the nuance of the dikaio– language in 6:15-23.
  3. To whom does the description “the circumcised” refer (3:30)?
  4. What is Paul driving at in 4:10 when he notes the chronological sequence of Abraham’s justification (Gen 15:6) and the institution of circumcision (Gen 17)?
  5. According to 3:22b-23, God’s righteousness is not available for “all who believe”?
  6. What is the topic that emerges as the unifying focal point in 5:1-11?
  7. In continuation of the diatribe style, Paul engages in dialogue once again with an imaginary conversation partner (3:27-31). Who is this?
  8. The term “offspring” ( sperma) in 4:16-17 refers only to the Jews as the physical descendents of Abraham.
  9. The Greek term hilasterionpoints to the mercy seat that covered the ark of the covenant. As such it depicts the place where atonement for sins was accomplished. This term conveys the sense of hilasterion
  10. What is perhaps the best sense of the preposition diain the second line of 4:25 (165-166)?
  11. The NIV is probably correct in translating “law” ( nomos) in 3:27 as “principle” especially since Paul tends to avoid associating faith with the Mosaic law.
  12. Paul most likely states that “we were buried with Christ into death” in order to indicate the Christian’s identification with Christ “in all of the major events of his redemptive work”.
  13. What is the key verse upon which Paul grounds his argument in chapter 4?
  14. According to 3:25a, howwas God able to redeem people in Christ?
  15. What does the “body of sin” (6:6) refer to?
  16. Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our _____ (4:25).
  17. The discontinuity in God’s plan of salvation (salvation history) is shown in God’s having revealed his righteousness in Christ apart from the law of Moses (3:21a).
  18. Why must God’s righteousness be available for “all who believe” (3:22b-23)?
  19. What Old Testament verse is foundational for Paul’s characteristic emphasis on justification by faith (see 4:3, 8, also Gal 3:6)?
  20. What is gezerah shewa?
  21. In 4:25, Paul describes Jesus our Lord (v. 24) in two parallel lines. What OT passage does the first line of 4:25 reflect?
  22. Since God justifies on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ, the Mosaic Law is nullified.
  23. According to Romans 5:1-5, the results of justification by faith include (1) peace with God (5:1); (2) access to grace (5:2); (3) hope of glory (5:2); and (4) ______ (5:5).
  24. The genitive construction: pisteos Iesou Christouin Rom. 3:22a has sparked debate. Discuss what is debatable about this phrase. Offer a solution. (100–150 words)

Set 4

  1. The discontinuity in God’s plan of salvation (salvation history) is shown in God’s having revealed his righteousness in Christ apart from the law of Moses (3:21a).
  2. The term “offspring” (sperma) in 4:16‐17 refers only to the Jews as the physical descendents of Abraham.
  3. According to 3:25a, how was God able to redeem people in Christ?
  4. According to Moo, the “old self” in Rom. 6:6 is a relational and corporate concept rather than ontological.
  5. Since God justifies on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ, the Mosaic Law is nullified.
  6. According to 3:25b‐26, why did God accomplish redemption in this manner?
  7. Paul most likely states that “we were buried with Christ into death” in order to indicate the Christian’s identification with Christ “in all of the major events of his redemptive work”.
  8. To fall short of God’s glory (doxa) in 3:22b‐23 means that due to sin and apart from Christ, persons will not share in God’s glory or awesome presence.
  9. What is gezerah shewa?
  10. Paul gives two fundamental reasons for the assurance that Christ will rescue believers from God’s wrath (5:5‐11). These are (2) God’s __for us in Christ (5‐8); and (2) God’s __ for us in Christ (9‐10).
  11. What role does the Mosaic law have in justification? Select the option below that best represents the overall teaching of Romans.
  12. In 4:25, Paul describes Jesus our Lord (v. 24) in two parallel lines. What OT passage does the first line of 4:25 reflect?
  13. What is Paul driving at in 4:10 when he notes the chronological sequence of Abraham’s justification (Gen 15:6) and the institution of circumcision (Gen 17)?
  14. According to 6:5, believers are united with Christ in his death and in his resurrection.
  15. Paul adds two key points in 3:24, emphasizing that we are justified freely by means of God’s grace, on the basis of his redemptive work accomplished in Christ.
  16. What Old Testament verse is foundational for Paul’s characteristic emphasis on justification by faith (see 4:3, 8, also Gal 3:6)?
  17. In continuation of the diatribe style, Paul engages in dialogue once again with an imaginary conversation partner (3:27‐31). Who is this?
  18. According to 4:15, what does the Mosaic law bring?
  19. The two aspects of the peace God gives us in Christ include the “peace of God” and “peace with God.”
  20. Select the reason Paul introduces Abraham into his argument in chapter 4.
  21. What is the basis on which God justifies both Jews and Gentiles (3:29‐30)?
  22. What is the topic that emerges as the unifying focal point in 5:1‐11?
  23. What does Paul most often depict when he refers to being saved/salvation (sozo)?
  24. The genitive construction: pisteos Iesou Christou in Rom. 3:22a has sparked debate. Discuss what is debatable about this phrase. Offer a solution. (100–150 words)
  25. What is the key verse upon which Paul grounds his argument in chapter 4?
  26. What central subtheme resurfaces in 3:29‐30?
  27. Paul teaches that Abraham was justified by his works (Rom 4).
  28. What event signaled a decisive shift in salvation history?
  29. The NIV is probably correct in translating “law” (nomos) in 3:27 as “principle” especially since Paul tends to avoid associating faith with the Mosaic law.
  30. To whom does the description “the circumcised” refer (3:30)?
  31. Paul drives home the point in 5:12 that Adam’s fall introduced sin into the world and death came as a result.
  32. What theme binds the section from 4:13‐22?
  33. To whom does the description “the uncircumcised” refer (3:30)?
  34. Name the theme that dominates the first (5:1‐11) and last (8:18‐39) paragraphs, framing the argument in this section.
  35. Specify the nuance of the dikaio‐ language in 6:15‐
  36. According to 3:21‐22a, the heart of the gospel is that God’s righteousness is available to all who believe in Jesus Christ.
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