AVIA 400 Final

AVIA 400 Quiz Final

  1. A recent International Air Transport Association (IATA) Phraseology Study found the use of ___________ by ATC was the biggest communication issue for 2,070 airline pilots surveyed.
  2. Communication on the flight deck is primarily accomplished through written words and body language.
  3. Cues to distance/depth perception that solely depend on stimuli that reside in the outside world, as opposed to physiological mechanisms, are known as
  4. The auditory sense is omnidirectional and verbal messages are transient.
  5. When numerical values are rapidly changing (e.g., airspeed, altitude) both the direction and rate of change is more dicult for pilots to interpret on a(n) __________ display compared to a(n) ___________ display.
  6. You are at least ________ times more likely to see another aircraft if air traffic control alerts you to its location (e.g., “traffic, one o’clock, five miles, westbound, six thousand”).
  7. The “margin of safety” is the least during the ________ phase of flight.
  8. The _________ is used when we estimate the frequency or probability of something by the ease with which instances or associations can be recalled.
  9. occurs when the use of automated systems during high workload phases of flight doesn’t decrease, but increases overall pilot workload compared to flying a non- automated aircraft.
  10. Controllers experience _________ when managing two or more aircraft from different airlines with the same call number (e.g., UAL 123, DAL 123) or from the same airline with similar call signs (e.g., UAL 123, UAL 213).
  11. A study of 2,801 U.S. GA accidents that occurred between 2008 and 2010 found the pilot’s actions, decision making, or cockpit management was the cause of 70 percent of fatal airplane accidents.
  12. Most VFR-into-IMC accidents occur on the last leg of a return trip to home.
  13. A basic __________ involves continuous feedback enabling continuous control to maintain a given set point.
  14. Words that sound the same as other words, but have different meanings, are called
  15. Decision making in its most basic form involves ________ .
  16. About a third of all worldwide major and substantial-damage transport-category turbojet and turboprop aircraft accidents are runway-related accidents, with 97 percent of those classified as runway
  17. Which strategy below is not recommended to help manage automation?
  18. Airline policies and operational requirements have historically discouraged pilots from practicing their hand-flying skills; the FAA estimates that automation is used 90 percent of the time in airline flight operations.
  19. Early Boeing 747 pilots, sitting at almost twice the eye-to-wheel height than they were accustomed to in the previous generation of narrow-bodied aircraft, experienced ________ optic ow and had the illusion of taxing at a _________ speed.
  20. Information on displays and the design of controls is often called
  21. The worst runway incursion (RI) accident on U.S. soil occurred because a controller forgot another airplane was on the runway.
  22. Aircraft control and display design has led to aircraft accidents.
  23. After reading an accident report, what appears patently obvious to us after the fact did not appear obvious to the pilot before the fact. This is known as the
  24. You forget a heading and altitude clearance by a controller because immediately after receiving the clearance you are questioned by the captain about some other aspect of the flight status. This is known as _________ interference.
  25. An analysis of 191 ASRS reports, where crews overshot or undershot their assigned altitude by 1,000 feet, found that that the ________ thousand-foot pairing was by far the most common altitude combination at 38 percent of altitude busts.
  26. NASA researchers studied 12 major airline accidents that involved hull loss or loss of life and that were deemed to involve significant levels of acute situational stress on the part of the flight crew after the onset of non-normal/emergency events that preceded the accident. They found that most of the 212 flight crew errors identified did not involve the pilots forgot something.
  27. Time pressures have contributed to accidents and incidents.
  28. An NTSB study of 37 U.S. air carrier accidents, in which the actions of the flight crew were cited as a causal or contributing factor, found that monitoring/challenging failures occurred in 84 percent of them.
  29. The process of detecting and orienting toward sensory inputs is known as
  30. Multiple tasks are usually not accomplished simultaneously (in parallel), but sequentially (in series), with an individual’s attention switching rapidly back and forth between them. This is known as
  31. A pilot incorrectly reads back a clearance to ATC, and the controller fails to catch the error. This is known as
  32. Accomplishing two different tasks simultaneously is as effective as doing them separately.
  33. Evaluating 28,000 incident reports submitted by pilots and air traffic controllers during the first five years of the ASRS, researchers found more than 70 percent involved problems with voice communications.
  34. The left alternator light illuminates, and the crew carries out the steps prescribed in the illumination of alternator light checklist. This is an example of __________ behavior.
  35. Communication breakdown between flight crewmembers and between controllers and pilots has contributed to several fatal aircraft accidents.
  36. Ambiguous messages consist of words, phrases, or sentences that have only one meaning.
  37. We judge an object to be further away when it is blocked, or occluded, by another object. The object that overlays the other is seen as being closer. This monocular cue to distance/depth perception is known as
  38. When you use rules of thumb to make decisions, you are said to be using
  39. The interpretation of visual sensations (inputs) is known as visual
  40. True multitasking is essentially a myth.
  41. The flight deck should be designed to accommodate the limitations and capabilities of the human operator, not the other way around. This is known as
  42. The phenomenon of multilingual pilots and/or controllers switching back and forth between English and their mother tongue, or unilingual English speakers switching between different English dialects (e.g., aviation English and normal English), is known as
  43. is the frequency with which a pilot directs his or her gaze and attention to the flight instruments and associated flight guidance automation indicators and, if operating in VMC, the external environment.
  44. Using the light beam of a flashlight as a metaphor, __________ attention is the area we attend to, or where we point the flashlight.
  45. Which of the following, if actively in use on the flight deck, is the lowest level of automation?
  46. Between 2000 and 2014 in the United States, the leading item not monitored in 110 ASRS incident reports submitted by flight crews was the aircraft’s
  47. behaviors involve reliance on a pilot’s own experience and previously learned knowledge to solve a novel problem.
  48. Most side-stick-equipped aircraft provide little or no tactile feedback to the pilot flying (PF) from movements resulting from turbulence or control inputs from the other pilot.
  49. Hundreds of people have died because pilots have forgotten to set the aps to the proper takeoff setting.
  50. By design (and regulation), the primary flight instruments (sometimes called the “six pack” for traditional round-dial instruments) are located so they fall within the _________ of view of the pilot.
  51. Loss of proficiency in manual flying skills, and diminished ability of U.S. airline flight crews to y without advanced avionics and automated systems, was documented in a recent study conducted by the Flight Safety Foundation.
  52. Studies have shown that automobile drivers using cell phones while driving fail to see up to _______ percent of the information in their environment, even when they are looking straight ahead out the window!
  53. A pilot makes minor stick-and-rudder control inputs to remain within altitude and heading parameters when flying manually. This is an example of ________ behavior.
  54. You must decide whether you should continue VFR flight into gradually deteriorating weather or divert. If you think about your decision in terms of choices between two gains (e.g., certain preservation of life if you turn back/divert vs. the possibility of making it through the poor weather if you continue), you will tend to be risk averse. If you think about your decision in terms of choices between two losses (e.g., passenger displeasure, missed meetings/connections, etc., if you turn back/divert vs. the possibility of an accident should you continue), you will tend to be risk-seeking and continue. This type of thinking may be caused by the __________ bias.
  55. You are a new student pilot trying to learn how to taxi an airplane using rudder inputs. If you taxi trying using aileron inputs instead of rudder inputs, you are likely experiencing
  56. A basic ________ involves continuous feedback enabling continuous control to maintain a given set point.
  57. The traditional three-pointer altimeter (round dial) is an example of a(n) ___________ display.
  58. The attitude indicator, sometimes called the artificial horizon, is the only primary flight instrument that provides a direct indication of the aircraft’s pitch and bank attitude.
  59. Between 1972 and 2013 in the United States, the leading item not monitored in 25 major U.S. air carrier accidents that killed 894 people was the aircraft’s
  60. The attitude indicator is an example of a ___________.
  61. Designing controls to look like the device they control is known as
  62. Characteristics in the environment that are received by our sensory receptors in our eyes, ears, skin, etc., which aid us in accurately perceiving the outside world, are known as
  63. displays present qualitative, continuous information that represents the state of an aircraft attribute in symbolic or pictorial format, often with a moving indicator.
  64. List and very briey describe at least three major effects of noise— both short- and long-term—on pilot performance.

Set 2

  1. We judge an object to be further away when it is blocked, or occluded, by another object. The object that overlays the other is seen as being closer. This monocular cue to distance/depth perception is known as
  2. Which strategy below is not recommended to help manage automation?
  3. The newer rectangular electronic flat-panel primary displays—primary flight displays (PFDs) and multifunction displays (MFDs)—where related information is presented together for easy comparison, are examples of
  4. occurs when the use of automated systems during high workload phases of flight doesn’t decrease, but increases overall pilot workload compared to flying a non- automated aircraft.
  5. Accomplishing two different tasks simultaneously is as effective as doing them separately.
  6. NASA researchers studied 12 major airline accidents that involved hull loss or loss of life and that were deemed to involve significant levels of acute situational stress on the part of the flight crew after the onset of non-normal/emergency events that preceded the accident. They found that most of the 212 flight crew errors identified did not involve the pilots forgot something.
  7. Communication breakdown between flight crewmembers and between controllers and pilots has contributed to several fatal aircraft accidents.
  8. Ambiguous messages consist of words, phrases, or sentences that have only one meaning.
  9. Between 1972 and 2013 in the United States, the leading item not monitored in 25 major U.S. air carrier accidents that killed 894 people was the aircraft’s
  10. Which strategy below is not recommended to help manage automation?
  11. Which of the following, if actively in use on the flight deck, is the lowest level of automation?
  12. You are a new student pilot trying to learn how to taxi an airplane using rudder inputs. If you taxi trying using aileron inputs instead of rudder inputs, you are likely experiencing
  13. _ displays present qualitative, continuous information that represents the state of an aircraft attribute in symbolic or pictorial format, often with a moving indicator.
  14. After reading an accident report, what appears patently obvious to us after the fact did not appear obvious to the pilot before the fact. This is known as the
  15. Sustained attention needed for good vigilance/monitoring performance is very demanding of mental resources.
  16. The attitude indicator is an example of a ___________.
  17. The auditory sense is omnidirectional and verbal messages are transient.
  18. About a third of all worldwide major and substantial-damage transport-category turbojet and turboprop aircraft accidents are runway-related accidents, with 97 percent of those classified as runway
  19. The phenomenon of multilingual pilots and/or controllers switching back and forth between English and their mother tongue, or unilingual English speakers switching between different English dialects (e.g., aviation English and normal English), is known as
  20. Decision making in its most basic form involves ________ .
  21. Most VFR-into-IMC accidents occur on the last leg of a return trip to home.
  22. Words that sound the same as other words, but have different meanings, are called ________.
  23. Information on displays and the design of controls is often called ________.
  24. Cues to distance/depth perception that solely depend on stimuli that reside in the outside world, as opposed to physiological mechanisms, are known as
  25. The traditional three-pointer altimeter (round dial) is an example of a(n) ___________ display.
  26. Time pressures have contributed to accidents and incidents.
  27. You are at least ________ times more likely to see another aircraft if air traffic control alerts you to its location (e.g., “traffic, one o’clock, five miles, westbound, six thousand”).
  28. The worst runway incursion (RI) accident on U.S. soil occurred because a controller forgot another airplane was on the runway.
  29. The interpretation of visual sensations (inputs) is known as visual ________.
  30. Characteristics in the environment that are received by our sensory receptors in our eyes, ears, skin, etc., which aid us in accurately perceiving the outside world, are known as
  31. involves grouping bits of information into larger meaningful wholes and enhances learning and memory.
  32. Evaluating 28,000 incident reports submitted by pilots and air traffic controllers during the first five years of the ASRS, researchers found more than 70 percent involved problems with voice communications.
  33. involves designing displays and controls according to their function and how they are best understood by humans.
  34. The ________ is the tendency to blame internal characteristics in others for their attitudes, behavior or failures while blaming situational circumstances to excuse our own.
  35. When numerical values are rapidly changing (e.g., airspeed, altitude) both the direction and rate of change is more difficult for pilots to interpret on a(n) __________ display compared to a(n) ___________ display.
  36. Designing controls to look like the device they control is known as __________.
  37. The “margin of safety” is the least during the ________ phase of flight.
  38. A basic __________ involves continuous feedback enabling continuous control to maintain a given set point.
  39. Most side-stick-equipped aircraft provide little or no tactile feedback to the pilot flying (PF) from movements resulting from turbulence or control inputs from the other pilot.
  40. An analysis of 191 ASRS reports, where crews overshot or undershot their assigned altitude by 1,000 feet, found that that the ________ thousand-foot pairing was by far the most common altitude combination at 38 percent of altitude busts.
  41. Early Boeing 747 pilots, sitting at almost twice the eye-to-wheel height than they were accustomed to in the previous generation of narrow-bodied aircraft, experienced ________ optic flow and had the illusion of taxing at a _________ speed.
  42. ________ occurs when new information/activity interferes with the recall of previously stored information in long-term memory or material to be remembered (MTBR), in working memory.
  43. Hundreds of people have died because pilots have forgotten to set the flaps to the proper takeoff setting.
  44. By design (and regulation), the primary flight instruments (sometimes called the “six pack” for traditional round-dial instruments) are located so they fall within the _________ of view of the pilot.
  45. A pilot makes minor stick-and-rudder control inputs to remain within altitude and heading parameters when flying manually. This is an example of ________ behavior.
  46. The flight deck should be designed to accommodate the limitations and capabilities of the human operator, not the other way around. This is known as
  47. Using the light beam of a flashlight as a metaphor, __________ attention is the area we attend to, or where we point the flashlight.
  48. A study of 2,801 U.S. GA accidents that occurred between 2008 and 2010 found the pilot’s actions, decision making, or cockpit management was the cause of 70 percent of fatal airplane accidents.
  49. A recent International Air Transport Association (IATA) Phraseology Study found the use of ___________ by ATC was the biggest communication issue for 2,070 airline pilots surveyed.
  50. non-standard and/or ambiguous phraseology
  51. You must decide whether you should continue VFR flight into gradually deteriorating weather or divert. If you think about your decision in terms of choices between two gains (e.g., certain preservation of life if you turn back/divert vs. the possibility of making it through the poor weather if you continue), you will tend to be risk averse. If you think about your decision in terms of choices between two losses (e.g., passenger displeasure, missed meetings/connections, etc., if you turn back/divert vs. the possibility of an accident should you continue), you will tend to be risk-seeking and continue. This type of thinking may be caused by the __________ bias.
  52. Aircraft control and display design has led to aircraft accidents.
  53. An NTSB study of 37 U.S. air carrier accidents, in which the actions of the flight crew were cited as a causal or contributing factor, found that monitoring/challenging failures occurred in 84 percent of them.
  54. _ displays present quantitative, discrete numeric information that is helpful in determining precise values, and usually involves less mental effort and fewer mental computations to interpret exact values.
  55. The flight deck should be designed to accommodate the limitations and capabilities of the human operator, not the other way around. This is known as
  56. You forget a heading and altitude clearance by a controller because immediately after receiving the clearance you are questioned by the captain about some other aspect of the flight status. This is known as _________ interference.
  57. The attitude indicator, sometimes called the artificial horizon, is the only primary flight instrument that provides a direct indication of the aircraft’s pitch and bank attitude.
  58. A pilot incorrectly reads back a clearance to ATC, and the controller fails to catch the error. This is known as
  59. Between 2000 and 2014 in the United States, the leading item not monitored in 110 ASRS incident reports submitted by flight crews was the aircraft’s
  60. Controllers experience _________ when managing two or more aircraft from different airlines with the same call number (e.g., UAL 123, DAL 123) or from the same airline with similar call signs (e.g., UAL 123, UAL 213).
  61. A basic ________ involves continuous feedback enabling continuous control to maintain a given set point.
  62. The left alternator light illuminates, and the crew carries out the steps prescribed in the illumination of alternator light checklist. This is an example of __________ behavior.
  63. ________ behaviors involve reliance on a pilot’s own experience and previously learned knowledge to solve a novel problem.
  64. Communication on the flight deck is primarily accomplished through written words and body language.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. AVIA 400 Final Set 2
  2. AVIA 400 Final
  3. AVIA 400 Quiz Final 2023
  • Liberty University