OBST 651 Quiz Creation

OBST 651 Quiz: Creation, History, and the Ancient Near East

  1. Oswalt lists the following common features of myths
  2. For Oswalt, continuity as an idea in the ancient Near East and many other cultures can best be classified as
  3. In his book, The Bible Among the Myths, John Oswalt endeavors to prove that the Old Testament offers a distinctive view of reality which underlies the New Testament.
  4. Walton does not believe there is even one instance in the entire Bible where God reveals to Israel a scientific truth beyond their own culture.
  5. The traditional view accepts __________________ as the author of the book of Genesis (power point).
  6. In contrast to myth, the Bible’s view of God as transcendent can be seen in the following characteristics of OT religion.
  7. The single most important aspect of the way of thinking that characterizes myth for Oswalt is that
  8. In Oswalt’s book, this scholar proposed that Israel’s understanding of reality arose as a late creative fiction by a Yahwist in the 6th century B.C..
  9. Gordon Wenham sees Gen. 1-11 as _____________.
  10. Oswalt’s defines ________ as the philosophical principle that asserts that all things are continuous with one another.
  11. Ancient historiography would allow for Genesis 1-11 to contain ____________ stories
  12. is the use of thought forms and stories that were common in the ancient Near Eastern culture while filling them with radically new meaning (Currid).
  13. The archetypal view of John Walton denies that there was a real Adam.
  14. Currid’s work affirms that the biblical writers employed polemical theology as an instrument to underscore the uniqueness of the Hebrew world view versus the flawed conceptions of the surrounding nations in the ancient Near East.
  15. In his explication of an old earth creation view C. John Collins allows for the possibility that Adam
  16. Oswalt notes that phenomenological definitions of myth describe the common characteristics of myth which include.
  17. Oswalt notes that etymological definitions of myth applied to the Old Testament would stress the falsity of the claims being made in the story.
  18. Walton’s view insists that physical death (except for humanity) must have existed before the Fall.
  19. For Walton, Genesis 1 contains __________.
  20. Kenton Sparks suggests that Genesis 1-11 reflects _______________.
  21. In days 4-6 the ________________ of the cosmos are installed in their appropriate positions and given their appropriate roles.
  22. Oswalt notes that the only three world religions that believe in a transcendent God derived their view from the Old Testament.
  23. The purpose of polemical theology is to demonstrate the essential ________ between Hebrew thought and ancient Near East beliefs and practices (Currid).
  24. James Hoffmeier believes that the incorporation of Genesis 1-11 into the broader scheme of _______ in Genesis means that the author intended his ancient audience to see these real events that occurred in history.
  25. Walton believes that the word ‘beginning’ in Gen. 1:1 refers to
  26. For Currid, the inclusion of the statement that “God created the great sea creatures” in Gen. 1:21 functions as a polemic against the ___________ myth that saw a large serpent or sea creature as the enemy of the god Baal.
  27. Old-Earth geologists believe that the Earth is ___________ years old.
  28. In Walton’s interpretation of Days 1-3 in Gen. 1, functions are established.
  29. Currid believes that the designation of the luminaries in Gen. 1:16 as “the greater light ,” “the lesser light,” and “the stars,”is an Israelite polemic against the common view in the ancient Near East that the sun, moon and stars were
  30. Currid addresses the polemics in the Genesis Flood story by suggesting that in contrast to the sovereign control over the Flood exhibited by God in the Genesis account the gods in the Epic of Gilgamesh
  31. The Old Testament was written first
  32. For Walton the temple comes into existence by _________________.
  33. This approach seeks to give a modern scientific explanation for the details in the creation texts of Genesis
  34. According to the power point, differences between ancient Near East creation myths and the Old Testament creation accounts include.
  35. One evidence for Walton’s temple view pertains to the ______________ built into the design of the Jewish Temple
  36. The classical documentary hypothesis verified that Moses wrote the book of Genesis in the 15th century B.C.
  37. Walton favors the ‘intelligent design movement’ and ‘irreducible complexity’ as the best argument against Neo-darwinism to date.
  38. In contrast to the myths of the ancient Near East, the Old Testament depicts God’s interactions with humans in the arena of unique, nonrepeatable events of time and space
  39. Which idea best describes John Walton’s view of the statement in Gen. 1:2 that the earth was ‘formless and void’
  40. Walton believes that the principle factor that separates a biblical view of origins from a modern scientific view is that the biblical view is characterized by a pervasive
  41. Rather than evidence of syncretism or borrowing, Currid argues that many parallels between ancient Near Eastern literature and the Old Testament may be properly understood through the right use of polemical theology.
  42. For Walton, function of the created celestial objects in day four relates primarily to
  43. The evolutionary creation view of Denis Lamoreux affirms there was a real Adam and Eve.
  44. John Walton asserts that ontology, defined as what it means to exist in the ancient Near East and Israel was
  45. Oswalt defines myth as a form of expression whether literary or oral, whereby the continuities among the human, natural and divine realms are expressed and actualized.
  46. One of the beauties of Walton’s temple view is that it __________________.
  47. Oswalt states that unlike the ancient Near Eastern myths, in the Bible God is not the cosmos, and the cosmos is not God and thus God is radically other than His creation.
  48. As William Barrick notes, the young earth creation view believes in a literal historical Adam who was supernaturally created by God within the last 6- 10,000 years.
  49. In the ancient Near Deity rests in a ________________.
  50. One of Walton’s conclusions (Prop. 18) is that empirical science should not favor teleology or dysteleology but should remain neutral on the issue.
  51. Utilizing the power point and readings, define the four views of the historical Adam and defend one of the views. In doing so, be sure to interact with some of the criticisms raised against your view by those holding other positions.
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  1. OBST 651 Quiz Creation History & Ancient Near East
  • Liberty University