THEO 313 Quiz 2

THEO 313 Quiz 2: Person of Christ: Deity

  1. Simply stated, “The doctrine of the Trinity teaches that the one true God eternally exists as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
  2. Trinitarianism is the Christian variety of ____, carrying forward the OT’s insistence that God is one (Deut. 6:4).
  3. While the doctrine of the Trinity is primarily promised and foreshadowed in the OT, it is analyzed and indicated only in the NT.
  4. The necessity of publicly refuting heresies such as modalism and subordinationism helped codify trinitarian theology.
  5. is any reduction of the three persons to mere modes, phases, or manifestations of the one God, while subordinationism is any demotion of the Son or Holy Spirit from full deity.
  6. The Athanasian Creed says, Christians confess the Triune God without “confounding the persons or dividing the substance.”
  7. The Greek term ____ is used in the Nicene Creed to signify that the Father and Son are coessential or consubstantial.
  8. The Western churches assert that the Spirit proceeds from the Father and from the Son as from one common source; this view is called Monopatrism because of the Western addition of that Latin word (meaning “and from the Son”) to the Nicene Creed, is a modification of the creed’s teaching that the Spirit “proceeds from the Father.”
  9. ____, meaning “and from the Son, recognizes the Spirit as the bond of union between the Father and the Son.
  10. Since the second century, the classic trinitarian formula has been ____ phrase “one essence, three persons.”
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  1. THEO 313 Quiz 2 2021
  • Liberty University