PSYC 545 Quiz Educational Assessment

PSYC 545 Quiz: Educational Assessment

  1. For admission to college, you may be required to take a test published by the American College Testing Program (ACT). The ACT is what type of test?
  2. Visitors to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) website learn that CCSS focuses on developing all of the following EXCEPT
  3. Students who plan to attend graduate school will MOST likely take which test?
  4. Diagnostic tests are MOST typically used to
  5. In order to determine whether or not a learning disability exists, a psychologist may evaluate
  6. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was officially added to the federal list of disabling conditions that can qualify a child for special services in
  7. According to the Close-Up in Chapter 10, during the Great Cultural Revolution that began in China in 1978,
  8. On a psychoeducational test battery, an intra-individual comparison may be made to evaluate a testtaker’s
  9. Some achievement test batteries contain locator tests that
  10. The intra-individual comparison of psychoeducational test scores is used MOST for
  11. A school district desires to purchase an achievement test that will be administered annually to the students in that district for the purpose of monitoring progress. It
    is your job is to select a test. Your test selection strategy is to
  12. The Common Core’s English expert, Sandra Stotsky,
  13. Advocates of standardized testing in the schools argue that testing can
  14. Undergraduate admissions criteria such as motivation and interest can best be judged by:
  15. The Miller Analogies Test (MAT) consists of multiple-choice analogy items that assess
  16. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) was presented as a list of uniform standards. However, as documented in the textbook, the CCSS
  17. The Woodcock-Johnson III is based MOST on which theory of cognitive abilities?
  18. The term mental orthopedics refers to the use of intelligence test data to improve
  19. Critics of the Common Core State Standards have raised questions about the untested nature of the program. More specifically, the questions has been raised, “Would it have been more reasonable to model a new, large-scale, nationwide undertaking after
  20. A criticism of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is that it contains recommendations for educational practices that are not widely supported in the scholarly literature. One such practice is referred to in the CCSS as
  21. Both the SAT and the ACT are used to
  22. Not conveyed in the program’s title, nor in the website’s brief description of it, is the extensive ________ function of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
  23. Research on the CBCL analyzed parent ratings of over 58,000 teenagers. The data
  24. Although the federal government did not create the Common Core State
    (CCSS), the federal government’s monetary incentives to participating states
  25. An informant marks items describing the presence or absence of specified behaviors, thoughts, events or circumstances. The informant is MOST likely completing a
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  1. PSYC 545 Quiz Educational Assessment
  • Liberty University