HLTH 640 Quiz 1 Food Choices

HLTH 640 Quiz 1: Food Choices and Guidelines, Digestion, and Carbohydrates

  1. Minerals contain a single element.
  2. Most Americans need to increase of fruits and vegetables to improve health.
  3. Which of the following represents an anthropometric measurement?
  4. One gram of carbohydrate and one gram of protein provide 4 kilocalories.
  5. The best approach to meeting nutritional needs is the take the highest quality nutritional supplements.
  6. Healthy People 2020 describes the current and ideal eating patterns of Americans.
  7. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fat are all organic.
  8. Water is a component of every body cell.
  9. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey is conducted to
  10. Non-communicable diseases include conditions such as
  11. Mary has passed a national exam after four years of nutrition training at a university. Her name tag reads
  12. Most Americans overconsume
  13. The study of food and the nutrients needed to sustain life and for reproduction is called
  14. Although most Americans agree that breakfast is important, 25% routinely skip breakfast.
  15. Energy-yielding nutrients include carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  16. To accurately assess the information on a website, its funding source should always be identified.
  17. Minerals are
  18. Juan knows that he only eats a small number of foods and that he mostly eats junk foods. Therefore he needs
  19. Biochemical and laboratory data are similar.
  20. Overweight persons may need to ________ their fat consumption in order to lose weight.
  21. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins
  22. The American diet contains too much added sugars, sodium, and saturated fat.
  23. Since most Americans do not eat enough fiber, the best solution would be to take fiber supplements.
  24. Clinical assessment of hair, fingernails, and lips best provides insight in a person’s
  25. One gram of carbohydrate, protein, fat and alcohol provide calories as follows
  26. Ana wants to lose weight so she should try to eat more ________ foods.
  27. The quantity of food which is usually eaten at one sitting is a
  28. Men have a higher RDA for iron than women because of womens’ monthly menstruation.
  29. In recent years, America’s incidence of overweight and obesity has been
  30. The ________ are designed to help individuals age 2 and over improve the quality and content of their diet and make other lifestyle choices to lower their risk of chronic diseases and conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis, and obesity.
  31. Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDRs) recommend that ________ should provide more calories than either proteins or fats.
  32. Dried fruits and nuts are high in fat and calories, but they are also
  33. The RDAs are
  34. If a serving provides 20 percent or more of the %DV for a nutrient, it is considered high in that nutrient.
  35. On the new food label, serving sizes and calories per serving are larger.
  36. A food label can carry a nutrient content claim using descriptive terms such as free, high, or extra lean, as long as it ________ strict FDA criteria.
  37. A meal that contains foods from ________ is part of a balanced, and healthy diet.
  38. Individuals who are providing reasonable but not excessive amounts of foods and
    nutrients are meeting the diet principle of
  39. Which of the following should be limited to maintain health
  40. Fatty foods are usually energy-dense because 1 gram of fat provides more than twice as many calories as one gram of protein or carbohydrate
  41. Apple pie is ________, but a fresh apple is ________.
  42. Recommendations such as 1) measure your foods until you recognize a healthy portion size, 2) use smaller glasses and plates, 3) divide larger packages of food into individual portion sizes, and 4) share meals when eating out would be helpful to Americans who wish to
  43. Nutrient-dense foods contain ________ nutrients and ________ calories.
  44. The recommended size of approximately 3 ounces of cooked meat, chicken, or fish is equivalent to
  45. Portion ________, or perceiving larger portions of food as appropriate sizes, may be contributing to obesity
  46. A meal that contains foods from every food group is part of a ________ diet.
  47. Americans should aim to meet the RDA or AI and to be ________ for each nutrient daily while maintaining sufficient energy intake.
  48. Many people overestimate the correct portion size.
  49. Dried fruit (apple rings) and whole fruit (apple) are nutritionally superior to fruit pies (apple pie) because unprocessed fruit is
  50. The DRIs, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, MyPlate, the Nutrition Facts Panel, and the Exchange List for Healthy Eating are designed to help ________ to eat healthy.
  51. The ________ receives bile from the liver through the common hepatic duct.
  52. The three components of the ________ are ascending, descending, transverse
  53. The villi and microvilli are the site of nutrient
  54. Once a bolus of food mixes with gastric juices in the stomach, it becomes
  55. A college student, has just been diagnosed with IBS needs to eat a low FODMAP diet–foods which are fermented, oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.
  56. The process of excreting or removing undigested and unabsorbed food components from the body is called
  57. The large intestine absorbs
  58. GI flora are
  59. are circular muscular rings which open and close in response to nerve input.
  60. Carbohydrates, proteins, and the fat-soluble vitamins are transported in the bloodstream through the hepatic portal vein to the liver.
  61. The duodenum, jejunum, and ileum represent the
  62. Each ________ contains capillaries and a lacteal for picking up nutrients absorbed through the enterocytes and transporting them throughout the body.
  63. The LES contracts to prevent stomach contents from returning to the
  64. GI disorders such as ulcers, GERD, and irritable bowel syndrome are life- threatening because they block nutrient digestion and absorption.
  65. Peristalsis is repeated waves of contractions of circular muscles which help prevent food from moving backward in the esophagus.
  66. Individuals who produce less saliva than usual are likely to have trouble
  67. Longtitudinal, circular and diagonal muscles are needed to facilitate contraction and expansion of the
  68. Yogurt is a probiotic because it contains live cultures.
  69. Nondigestible starch found in plant foods that promotes the growth and health of your GI flora are
  70. The fingerlike projections which line the small intestine increase the surface area to maximize absorption and help mix the partially digested chyme with intestinal secretions are
  71. The only site for absorption of water is the small intestine.
  72. The ________ of food in the GI tract involves ingestion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, propulsion, absorption, and elimination.
  73. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when consumed in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host, but prebiotics are non- digestible starch found in plant foods that promotes the growth and health of your GI flora.
  74. Fat-soluble vitamins and long-chain fatty acids are transported via the lymphatic system, and eventually drains into the subclavian vein.
  75. The process of moving nutrients from the GI tract into the circulatory system.
  76. The purpose of carbohydrate digestion is to produce
  77. The longer a food is chewed, the longer the action of amylase.
  78. The more diverticula a person has, the better.
  79. The more fiber that is eaten, the better.
  80. The key function of carbohydrates is to provide energy.
  81. Ketone bodies are the incomplete breakdown products of fat.
  82. Carbohydrates contain
  83. Sugar alcohols do not cause tooth decay but they provide kilocalories.
  84. Excess glucose is converted and stored as body fat.
  85. The RDA for carbohydrates is
  86. Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignins represent
  87. Hypoglycemia symptoms include dizziness, shaking, and weakness which results from the release of too much
  88. One of the best ways to reduce sugar is to consume less soft drinks and more water.
  89. There are different tolerance levels to a variety of lactose containing foods, and individuals may need to determine their own tolerance for eating some portions of lactose containing foods.
  90. Prediabetes symptoms are ________.
  91. For persons with diabetes, the higher the Glycemic Index of a food, the better.
  92. Pectins, beta-glucan, gums and psyllium represent
  93. Diverticulitis is the formation of pouches in the pancreas.
  94. Which of the following represents storage sites of glycogen?
  95. Which of the following travels to the colon undigested and most of it is eliminated from the body?
  96. Functional fiber is more nutritious than soluble or insoluble fiber.
  97. The primary function of carbohydrates is to provide
  98. Most plant foods contain both soluble and insoluble fibers.
  99. Carbohydrates provide energy and spare protein.
  100. Which of the following contributes bulk to the food mass in the gut?
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  1. HLTH 640 Quiz 1 Food Choices
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