ENGL 221 Quiz 4,5,6

ENGL 221 Quiz 4

  1. This reading assignment says that humans need to imitate both “the fox and the lion; because the lion is defenceless against traps and a fox is defenceless against wolves.”
  2. This character was adapted as a child and grew up in a happy home.
  3. Machiavelli is . . .
  4. This character seems to easily forget that he killed a stranger.
  5. This person has a unique habit in his communication. Often he makes a statement, then he “under cuts” that statement with a conclusion which opposes what he said at first. He transitions from the first to the final perspective with words such as “however,” “none the less,” etc. In other words, this person first gives what is expected to be said about an issue, then he gets to the real truth of the matter: the unpleasant facts of harsh reality. Who is this person in this week’s readings?
  6. This character is a hero because he or she displays great faith, mercy, and forgiveness.
  7. Name the character in the reading assignments who says this: “If all men were good, this precept would not be good; but because men are wretched creatures who would not keep their word to you, you need not keep your word to them.”
  8. This character tries to avoid doing great evils in his life, but he ends up doing them anyway.
  9. This character dies by hanging.
  10. When readers first meet this character, he is loved and respected by his community, and he seems to have a complete life. However, at the end of the reading assignment, the readers are lead to view this character as broken, empty, shamed, and friendless.

Set 2

  1. Name the character in the reading assignments who says this: “If all men were good, this precept would not be good; but because men are wretched creatures who would not keep their word to you, you need not keep your word to them.”
  2. This character was adapted as a child and grew up in a happy home.
  3. In “The Prince,” what does Niccolo Machiavelli teach his readers?
  4. This character tries to avoid doing great evils in his life, but he ends up doing them anyway.
  5. Often readers do not notice this detail, but this character weeps several times at key moments in the story.
  6. This person has a unique habit in his communication. Often he makes a statement, then he “under cuts” that statement with a conclusion which opposes what he said at first. He transitions from the first to the final perspective with words such as “however,” “none the less,” etc. In other words, this person first gives what is expected to be said about an issue, then he gets to the real truth of the matter: the unpleasant facts of harsh reality. Who is this person in this week’s readings?
  7. When readers first meet this character, he is loved and respected by his community, and he seems to have a complete life. However, at the end of the reading assignment, the readers are lead to view this character as broken, empty, shamed, and friendless.
  8. Machiavelli is . . .
  9. This character is a hero because he or she displays great faith, mercy, and forgiveness.
  10. This reading assignment has a playfulness with words and ideas. There is a repetition of words and images related to sight, blindness, seeing, and eyes. These are related to many connections about people understanding or not understanding the truth. Which reading assignment has this repetition?

ENGL 221 Quiz 5

  1. What seems to be Genji’s favorite way of communicating his deepest feelings?
  2. In “The Tale of Genji” by Murasaki Shikibu, whose mother is old and dying?
  3. In this passage about love, the readers learn that the female partner has golden hair and powerful eyes.
  4. This passage does not directly use the word “love,” but it shows (or demonstrates) the respect, honor, kindness, and service which are the foundation of true love.
  5. This male lover in the reading assignments is known as a great warrior. He continues to have great physical strength and success, yet he is tender toward his lover.
  6. The author of this passage describes love as a dream, as powerful, as giving blows (hitting the person), as an arrow shot from a bow, and as catching the person on fire.
  7. In this passage, the two lovers also have a son.
  8. This male lover in the reading assignments has great social influence in his community. He seems tender toward his lover, yet he is fundamentally selfish.
  9. This male lover in the reading assignments has economic security. He does not have political position, military power, or unusual physical power. He is also tender and respectful toward his lover.
  10. In this passage, the two lovers experience a moment of calm surrounded by conflict: a small battle has immediately happened before the lovers meet and another battle is expected.

ENGL 221 Quiz 6

  1. Where does Augustine find the answers to life’s meaning?
  2. In this reading assignment, the person begins by talking at length about his childhood.
    He ends his passage also using a very brief image of himself as a child. This speaker is very humble.
  3. Where does Paul (in chs. 5–8 of Romans) find the answers to life’s meaning?
  4. This author does not focus on our self and its purification. Rather, this author points us toward the Mystery of reality which is beyond our grasp. Many images are used to point to this Mystery. One image is muddy water that becomes clear.
  5. Where does Lao Tzu find the answers to life’s meaning?
  6. Within this reading assignment, rivers are very important to the author. Rivers represent the movement of life, yet the continuing presence of that life. Rivers teach us to look at life as changing, yet not changing.
  7. When this person looks deeply within his heart, he only finds confusion, guilt, and regrets. He does not find hope within himself, nor does he find hope in learning to find oneness with the universe. He finds hope by escaping himself and turning to God.
  8. In one of the reading assignments, a person is honored because he is particularly good
    at listening. This is an important point in this passage: learning to listen. Who is known for his listening ability?
  9. In the Confessions, what does Augustine do to find help with his personal and spiritual struggles?
  10. In the reading assignments, where do we find these exact words? “Bad deeds, and deeds hurtful to ourselves, are easy to do; what is beneficial and good, that is very difficult to do.” This person also writes that we should seek to be free from greed, pleasure, love, and fear.
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  1. ENGL 221 Quiz 4
  2. ENGL 221 Quiz 6
  3. ENGL 221 Quiz 5
  4. ENGL 221 Quiz 4 2021
  • Liberty University