EDUC 500 Quiz 1

EDUC 500 Quiz 1 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. According to Piaget, knowledge comes from which of the following:
  2. Which is not considered a criterion for learning?
  3. Symbols that cultures create to help people think, communicate and solve problems are referred to as:
  4. Nurture has a greater effect than nature on the following domain of development:
  5. Correlational research deals with exploring ______________ that exist between two variables.
  6. The abilities that make up formal operational thought include:
  7. Two positions on the origin of knowledge and its relationship to the environment are ___________.
  8. In the formal operational stage, the preadolescent is beginning to think:
  9. Behavior and cognitive theories agree that both the learning environment and differences among learners can affect learning, but they have different views on the emphasis of each of these factors. Which statement is the most accurate according to Schunk and Slavin (2018)?
  10. To determine cause and effect, a(n) _______________study is necessary.
  11. Instruction adapted to the current developmental stage of the child is called:
  12. Knowledge and skills relating to reading that children usually develop from experience with books and other print media before the beginning of formal reading instruction in school is known as:
  13. Discontinuous theories of development focus on:
  14. Two-year-old Lizzie encounters a squirrel and calls it “mouse.” Which of Piaget’s terms best describes her thinking?
  15. ______________ is critical, for without it all learning would be “situationally specific”.
  16. Which cognitive characteristic is Athena showing when she plays hide and seek and pulls the drape over her head with the rest of her body showing believing no one will see her?
  17. Which of the following cognitive characteristics explains the difficulty preoperational children have with the beaker of water problem (conservation of volume)?
  18. Piaget believed that children are born with an innate tendency to make sense of their own environments by creating:
  19. Aristotle’s contribution to psychology was his principles of association applied to __________.
  20. _______________theories stress the construction of knowledge and skills, the development of mental structures and memory networks, and the cognitive processing of information and beliefs.
  21. Theories and research findings help to advance the field of learning, but their ultimate contribution must be __________________________.
  22. The formal operational stage emerges:
  23. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development proposes that:
  24. Which of the following is most likely to help a concrete operational child solve conceptual problems?
  25. According to Piaget, the process of adjusting schemes in response to the environment by means of assimilation and accommodation is:
  26. A student knows that if 2 + 5 = 7, then 7 – 5+2. This requires which of the following cognitive characteristics?
  27. Which of the following best describes Piaget’s idea of disequilibrium?
  28. Rationalism reflects the idea that knowledge derives from _____________without recourse to the senses.
  29. Laboratory research is conducted in _______ whereas field research is conducted _____.
  30. Seriation, an important task children learn during the concrete operational stage, is characterized by which ability

Set 2

  1. Behavior and cognitive theories agree that both the learning environment and differences among learners can affect learning, but they have different views on the emphasis of each of these factors. Which statement is the most accurate according to Schunk and Slavin (2018)?
  2. Which is not considered a criterion for learning?
  3. According to our text, which statement is the most accurate definition of learning?
  4. Correlational research deals with exploring ______________ that exist between two variables.
  5. Seriation, an important task children learn during the concrete operational stage, is characterized by which ability?
  6. Two-year-old Lizzie encounters a squirrel and calls it “mouse.” Which of Piaget’s terms best describes her thinking?
  7. A student knows that if 2 + 5 = 7, then 7 – 5+2. This requires which of the following cognitive characteristics?
  8. Theories and research findings help to advance the field of learning, but their ultimate contribution must be __________________________.
  9. You are teaching a tenth-grade class of average ability students. Your lesson involves abstract ideas. Which of the following would be the most accurate supposition you could make about your class as you plan activities?
  10. Symbols that cultures create to help people think, communicate and solve problems are referred to as:
  11. Transitivity involves the ability to:
  12. From Vygotsky’s view point, which would be the best description of developmentally appropriate activities?
  13. Dahlia’s toy is covered by a blanket, but the child does not remove the blanket to look for the toy because he believes the toy is gone. This scenario shows an infant’s inability to grasp which idea?
  14. Laboratory research is conducted in _______ whereas field research is conducted _____.
  15. Continuous theories of development assume that development occurs:
  16. Which of the following best describes Piaget’s idea of disequilibrium?
  17. In the formal operational stage, the preadolescent is beginning to think:
  18. Which of the following is most likely to help a concrete operational child solve conceptual problems?
  19. Instruction adapted to the current developmental stage of the child is called:
  20. According to Piaget, assimilation occurs:
  21. Aristotle’s contribution to psychology was his principles of association applied to __________.
  22. Discontinuous theories of development focus on:
  23. Sometimes, when old ways of dealing with the world simply don’t work, a child might modify an existing scheme in light of new information or a new experience. This is a process called:
  24. Which of the following cognitive characteristics explains the difficulty preoperational children have with the beaker of water problem (conservation of volume)?
  25. Piaget believed that children are born with an innate tendency to make sense of their own environments by creating:
  26. The importance of the bioecological approach is in emphasizing:
  27. _______________theories stress the construction of knowledge and skills, the development of mental structures and memory networks, and the cognitive processing of information and beliefs.
  28. The abilities that make up formal operational thought include:
  29. Which cognitive characteristic is Athena showing when she plays hide and seek and pulls the drape over her head with the rest of her body showing believing no one will see her?
  30. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development proposes that:


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  1. EDUC 500 Quiz 1 Set 2
  2. EDUC 500 Quiz 1