CLED 365 Exam 2

CLED 365 Quiz 2: Ordering Your Private World

CLED 365 Exam 2 Liberty University

  1. According to chapter 15 of Servants of the Servant, Jesus’ Upper Room Discourse describes a relationship between slave and master characterized by prayerful intimacy, abiding love, willing obedience, and lasting fruit.
  2. According to chapter 12 of Servants of the Servant, Daniel shied away from revealing the whole truth of God’s revelations to the kings of Babylon.
  3. According to chapter 14 of Servants of the Servant, authentic kingdom leaders stay focused on the essentials, strive to maintain unity, and sound out a coherent message to a fractured world.
  4. According to chapter 15 of Servants of the Servant, Jesus exhorted his leaders-in-training to give first priority to their public ministry.
  5. According to chapter 12 of Servants of the Servant, Daniel was able to maintain calm in the midst of accusations, because he left his vindication to God.
  6. According to chapter 11 of Ordering Your Private World, the author states: “As I write [in my journal], I am aware that what I am writing may actually be what God wants to tell me.”
  7. According to chapter 11 of Ordering Your Private World, concern for privacy is a legitimate reason for not attempting to journal.
  8. According to chapter 11 of Ordering Your Private World, one of the enemy’s tactics is to surround believers with “interfering noises of civilization” that drown out the voice of God.
  9. According to chapter 10 of Ordering Your Private World, if the spiritual center of our private world goes undisciplined, we will lack a vital, life-giving friendship with Christ.
  10. According to chapter 13 of Servants of the Servant, Nehemiah faced dissention from surrounding peoples, but none from his own people in Jerusalem.
  11. According to chapter 13 of Servants of the Servant, Nehemiah faced dissention from surrounding peoples, but none from his own people in Jerusalem.
  12. According to chapter 12 of Ordering Your Private World, the act of meditation is like tuning the spirit to heavenly frequencies.
  13. According to chapter 15 of Servants of the Servant, Jesus makes his own interpretation of the Law the standard that possesses binding authority in the new covenant community.
  14. According to the Epilogue of Ordering Your Private World, the author uses George Washington as an example of someone who had ordered his private world well.
  15. According to chapter 16 of Servants of the Servant, Jesus pointed to his own sacrificial manner of life and to his substitutionary death as the concrete example of what it means to be a servant-leader.
  16. According to chapter 13 of Ordering Your Private World, men typically find it more difficult to pray with their spouses than women because men are more reluctant to admit their personal weaknesses.
    According to chapter 14 of Servants of the Servant, at the center of the kingdom message is the demand of repentance that accosts the personality of the listener.
  17. According to chapter 12 of Ordering Your Private World, the third step in spiritual discipline is “pushing the enter key” through reflection and meditation.
  18. According to chapter 16 of Servants of the Servant, when kingdom leaders encounter the latest proposals in leadership theory, they should pause to remember Jesus’ words: “Go and do likewise.”
  19. According to chapter 12 of Servants of the Servant, the gravitational center of Daniel’s life is his confidence in a sovereign God who rules history and will accomplish his redemptive purposes.
  20. According to chapter 13 of Ordering Your Private World, the acts of worship and intercession are admissions of personal weakness.
  21. According to chapter 14 of Servants of the Servant, faithfulness to Jesus’ mission will invite opposition, suffering, and perhaps even death.
  22. According to chapter 14 of Ordering Your Private World, God observed the rhythm of work and rest established and established it as a precedent for everyone else.
  23. According to chapter 14 of Ordering Your Private World, workaholism is recognized as one of the great addictions. People who would never touch a drop of alcohol can be among the most serious work addicts.
  24. According to chapter 15 of Servants of the Servant, Dependence on traditions and structures characterizes all authentic kingdom ministry.
  25. According to chapter 10 of Ordering Your Private World, letting the spiritual center fall into disrepair means that we gain an increased awareness of our real size in comparison to the Creator.
  26. According to chapter 12 of Servants of the Servant, Daniel is an example of demonstrating spiritual vitality in a secular setting.
  27. According to chapter 14 of Ordering Your Private World, a restless work style produces a restless person.
  28. According to chapter 13 of Servants of the Servant, Nehemiah’s prayer life is mentioned little in the biblical account of his life.
  29. According to chapter 15 of Servants of the Servant, Jesus’ disciples must become leaders who continually unmask their souls before the invasive searchlight of Scripture.
  30. According to chapter 10 of Ordering Your Private World, the spiritual center of a person’s private world is the point at which we most intimately commune with our heavenly Father.
  31. According to chapter 13 of Ordering Your Private World, the inner gardens of many private worlds are in a state of disorder because their prayer lives are not adequately developing.
  32. According to chapter 14 of Ordering Your Private World, Jesus often withdrew to seek solitude in order to
    According to chapter 14 of Ordering Your Private World, Rest was not meant to be a necessity, but a luxury for those who have achieved spiritual maturity.
  33. According to chapter 12 of Servants of the Servant, Daniel rose to the top of the political scene in Babylon by setting his own beliefs to the side.
  34. According to chapter 13 of Ordering Your Private World, until we believe that prayer is a real and highly significant activity, we will never acquire the habits of worship and intercession.
  35. According to chapter 13 of Ordering Your Private World, the practical side of worship and intercession has to do with when to pray, how to pray, and what to pray about.
  36. According to chapter 16 of Servants of the Servant, the mark of kingdom greatness is servanthood.
  37. According to chapter 10 of Ordering Your Private World, the author uses the metaphor of a pasture to describe his idea of the “inner spiritual center.”
  38. According to chapter 16 of Servants of the Servant, Kingdom leaders are willing to occupy less esteemed roles and to undertake menial tasks in order to facilitate the success of others through their service.
  39. According to chapter 14 of Ordering Your Private World, the goal of “rest” is to do absolutely nothing.
    According to chapter 14 of Ordering Your Private World, the author argues that the Sabbath must be observed on a particular day of the week.
  40. According to chapter 12 of Ordering Your Private World, the first step in spiritual discipline is learning to listen to God.
  41. According to chapter 14 of Ordering Your Private World, there can be little order in the private world of the human being when there is no appreciation for the meaning and pursuit of genuine rest.
  42. According to the Epilogue of Ordering Your Private World, coming from the “spinning-wheel experience,” we are less apt to be seduced by the false promises and seductions of those out to capture the soul.
  43. According to chapter 11 of Ordering Your Private World, keeping a journal is a way to listen to God.
  44. According to the Epilogue of Ordering Your Private World, most Christians are really seeking an ordered private world as a top priority, but just can’t get a hold of it.
  45. According to chapter 12 of Servants of the Servant, Daniel confessed that the God of heaven alone had revealed the mystery of the king’s dream.
  46. According to chapter 14 of Servants of the Servant, Jesus was a trained rabbi with a polished academic resume.
    According to chapter 13 of Servants of the Servant, Nehemiah’s success was due to his selfless and sacrificial example, along with God’s favor.
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