HSCO 511 Quiz Group Dynamics

HSCO 511 Quiz: Group Dynamics and Development

  1. norms articulate what people should avoid doing; norms articulate what people typically do.
  2. All of the following are appropriate ways to begin a session EXCEPT:
  3. Which of the following is NOT one of Jacobs et al.’s perspectives on the relationship between content and process in a group meeting?
  4. Coworkers, sports teams, and study groups are while audiences, bystanders and crowds are             .
  5. When a group is formally organized in a hierarchical structure,
  6. Which of the following is NOT identified by Jacobs et al. as a potential problem for a group?
  7. Which of the following is FALSE about the purpose of a group?
  8. Which of the following statement is true?
  9. Roland decides that he wants to do more for the group. He starts helping other members by taking on some of their work and organizing fund raisers. Donald is providing
  10. To become effective, Jacobs et al. recommend that new group leaders
  11. Which of the following is NOT a common group planning mistake?
  12. An interactionist approach to roles argues they are
  13. Goal-focused team work is cohesion whereas liking for a group is
  14. According to Jacobs et al., which of the following can be a MISTAKE with regard to group rules?
  15. Which of the following is FALSE regarding ethical group practices? The leader should
  16. Which of the following is NOT essential to pre-group planning?
  17. For groups with a culturally diverse membership, this stage may last longer because members may be uncomfortable with one another?
  18. Which of the following does NOT characterize an advantage of group work?
  19. During what stage do members share what they’ve learned and how they have changed as a result of group membership?
  20. In a social skills group for adolescents, the leader uses exercises to help members learn skills to improve peer relationships. Which leadership style is being utilized?
  21. Experts who study group development generally believe that
  22. Which exercise is NOT appropriate to use in the first session of a group?
  23. If the leader sees that a change of purpose is needed, he or she should
  24. If there are group members who are not clear about the group’s purpose, the following is recommended, EXCEPT
  25. To set a positive tone in the first session of the group, the leader should
  26. Social comparison theory argues people join groups because of
  27. Which of the following is task-focused rather than relationship-focused?
  28. Which of the following qualities is typically found in a social (or secondary) group?
  29. During the beginning stage of a counseling group, when a member brings up a topic unrelated to the purpose of the group, the leader should
  30. According to Jacobs et al., the single most important therapeutic force of a group is the
  31. All of the following activities would be appropriate for the first group session EXCEPT
  32. Which of the following is NOT associated with “second session let down?”
  33. Which of the following is TRUE about member screening?
  34. Which one illustrates the multilevel nature of cohesion?
  35. Group formation is influenced significantly by all these factors EXCEPT
  36. Most roles fit into one of two broad categories: roles and
  37. Cohesion enhances group performance when
  38. Explaining how the group will be conducted and the role of the group leader will accomplish the following, EXCEPT
  39. In a therapy group, members expect everyone to communicate and share their thoughts and feelings. All members agree on informal rules regarding who should talk and for how long. This group has high levels of compatibility
  40. Which is a characteristic of norms?
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  1. HSCO 511 Quiz Group Dynamics
  • Liberty University