HIUS 360 Quiz World War II

HIUS 360 Quiz: World War II

  1. In 1947, a record 3.8 million babies were born and rising borth levels continued until 1964. By 1958, kids fifteen years and under made up almost one-third of the population, hence the famous moniker the _______________ generation.
  2. The ______________ of 1942 raised the excess profits tax from 60 percent to 90 percent, making it virtually impossible for rapid growth through reinvested profits.
  3. Post World War II families purchases homes at an unprecedented pace, giving way to the rise of the “suburbs”—outlying residential communities developed out of farmland—the most famous being William Levitt’s Long Island, New York community called _______________.
  4. One important shift that helped bring the Great Depression to an end was the _______________________ that occurred in the mid 1940s.
  5. British historian Paul Johnson’s assessment of World War II asserted, “The real engine of Allied victory was the ________________.”
  6. One factor making the U.S. steel industry uncompetitive was that American firms labored under a union system that nations such as Japan had avoided.
  7. Inflation during the 1960s and 1970s was a result of not the “military industrial complex,” but rather the federal deficits mostly driven by domestic spending.
  8. According to Dr. Robert Higgs, the measured increases in civilian “well-being” (total consumer expenditures adjusted for inflation) can be attributed to government price controls on consumer goods during the war.
  9. Which of the following was a government incentive for multinational expansion post World War II?
  10. Increased safety and environmental regulation in the 1960s-1980s were displayed in the slowing growth of the _______ industry.
  11. The United States government spent around _______________ on World War II.
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  1. HIUS 360 World War II