EXSC 545 Quiz 1

EXSC 545 Quiz 1 Skills, Attention and Focus

Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1 — Module 2: Week 2.

  1. All of the following regarding closed-loop control are accurate except
  2. The inverted-U principle examines the relationship between __________.
  3. The change in the information provided by the optical array is called __________.
  4. Which of the following is NOT generally involved in the execution of a motor skill?
  5. State whether the task is best classified as discrete, serial, or continuous: riding a bicycle.
  6. describes processing that is quick, done in parallel, and is involuntary. It does not demand attention, is more prominent during the later stages of learning, and takes lots of practice.
  7. Dorsal vision is used to make __________ in already programmed actions.
  8. Evidence suggests that during a Stroop task, the color of the ink and the word spelled by the ink are initially processed
  9. Visual information, useful for object identification and control of movement in the visual environment, travels from the retina to which part of the brain?
  10. The tendency for visual information to supersede information coming from the other senses during perception is termed
  11. When it comes to talking on the phone while driving, research suggests that hands-free talking __________ in comparison to handheld talking.
  12. is the stage of information processing in which the person organizes the motor system to produce the desired output.
  13. When an expert reverts from a(n) __________ to a(n) __________ focus of attention, the consequences to performance can be negative and result in “choking.”
  14. When a skill is produced reliably and on demand, where luck plays a minimal role, the goal is achieved with
  15. The process of rehearsing information keeps it available in the __________.
  16. Reaction time and decision making are not influenced by which of the following?
  17. Proprioception includes all of the following except
  18. According to Hick’s Law, choice RT increases a constant amount every time the number of stimulus-response alternatives is
  19. Sensory information that primarily comes from sources outside of a person’s body is called
  20. The interval of elapsed time after a suddenly presented stimulus until the beginning of the response is called the
  21. Mixing the batter for baking a cake would be best described as
  22. This visual system is used to detect the orientation of the body in the environment, is nonconscious, and takes in all of the visual eld.
  23. Which of the following does not provide proprioceptive information to a performer?
  24. is the period of time that passes from the presentation of a stimulus to the beginning of a person’s response. It begins when the stimulus is presented and ends when the movement is initiated.
  25. s the stage of information processing in which a person decides what to do with the information provided.
  26. The process of __________ information keeps it available in the short-term memory.
  27. State whether the task is best classified as discrete, serial, or continuous: washing the dishes.
  28. Using logical deduction, scientists can determine certain __________ a given theory makes. These form the basis of __________, which can be tested in the laboratory.
  29. State whether the task is best classified as discrete, serial, or continuous: throwing a dart at a target.
  30. State whether the task is best classified as discrete, serial, or continuous: rowing a boat.
  31. __________ is the level of excitement of a person’s central nervous system.
  32. Perceptual narrowing does not result in which of the following?
  33. Automatic processing is thought to be the result of __________.
  34. State whether the task is best classified as discrete, serial, or continuous: performing a dance routine
  35. Producing __________ muscular activity in order to produce movements is one of the critical elements for almost any skill.
  36. is a type of information processing that is deliberate and requires consciousness. It is slow, sequential, demanding of attention, voluntary, and more prominent during the early stages of learning.
  37. The components of stimuli from sources such as vision, audition, and touch are thought to be __________ in the stimulus identification stage.
  38. Saccadic eye movements are characterized by __________.
  39. Perceptual narrowing occurs when __________.
  40. The three stages of information processing between input and output include all of the following except
  41. Describe the three types of memory systems (short-term sensory, short-term memory and long-term memory). Provide a detailed plan on how to incorporate all three systems to most effectively learn and retain a motor skill of your choice.


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