EDUC 733 Instructional Design Part 8

EDUC 733 Instructional Design Project Part 8 – Implementing and Evaluating Instructional Interventions

Great educators are first reflective thinkers. In this final stage of the Instructional Design Project, the candidate will reflect on the work he/she has done in the previous 7 parts. Where did the candidate strategically plan for buy-in? Once instruction actually has taken place, instructional designers reflect on actual results by asking questions. What are the pitfalls that were experienced by the implementers of the instruction or by the learners themselves? Were the outcomes and objectives met? If so, how? If not, why not? They then use answers to the questions to identify the adjustments that may need to be made. In this term, the candidate will not have time to implement the ID plan. Instead, the candidate will conclude the project by carefully considering and reflecting on his/her work and predicting the future results and learning needs.

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  1. EDUC 733 Part 8
  • Liberty University