CJUS 640 Quiz 4

CJUS 640 Quiz 4 Liberty University

  1. What are the advantages of mediation over litigation? Who is more likely to seek litigation?
  2. How does legal custody differ from physical custody? Which custody arrangement are common and which are not?
  3. Which allegations of recovered memories should be suspect?
  4. Suggestive questions can best be described as _____ leading questions _____.
  5. Several longitudinal studies have revealed that the majority of youngsters that have been through a divorce:
  6. One problem with the BICS is that it can:
  7. Considering the child first and foremost in a custody decision has been reinforced by the establishment of the:
  8. More often than not, children define family in terms of:
  9. Shared legal custody is also known as:
  10. What is the best description of the NICHD Investigative Interview protocol?
  11. Psychologists become involved in cases that include child custody arrangements because psychological evaluation of one or both of the parents is either required or recommended. In contrast to forensic evaluations, in which individuals may feign psychological disturbance, known as _____, in parental evaluations, individuals are more likely to hide psychological problems, which is known as
  12. Jennifer’s parents are contemplating divorce and have not been able to agree on custody issues. The fight for custody has already impacted Jennifer, as her dropping grades demonstrate. Unfortunately, the state where the family lives does not have:
  13. Kathryn’s parents recently divorced. During the hearing for custody, it was determined that her mother would have legal and physical custody. This type of custody is known as:
  14. Testifying about what someone else said outside of court is called:
  15. Research has shown that children _____ sometimes have difficulty distinguishing between imagined and real events.
  16. New assessment tools have been developed to better evaluate a child’s relationship with his or her parents. Which of the following tests is NOT one of these new instruments?
  17. The tender years doctrine once prevailed as the standard for deciding child custody. This rule dictated that:
  18. According to the text, the use of an anatomically detailed doll with children less than 6 years of age _____ the number of false allegations of sexual abuse.
  19. We should be especially skeptical of allegedly recovered memories in the following conditions EXCEPT:
  20. Aisha has been going through an emotionally tough time after the separation from her long- term partner, and her psychotherapist suggested some hypnotic sessions. During these sessions, Aisha has started vaguely recalling being fondled by her father as a baby while he was giving her baths. Memories of this type are referred to as:
  21. The concept of repression was developed by:
  22. In recent decades, the instances of joint legal custody have been:
  23. There are good reasons why most states allow hearsay testimony when a child is the alleged victim. Which of the following is NOT one of these reasons?
  24. According to the text, children who recant previous allegations of sexual abuse are likely to have been abused by a:
  25. One reason why adult hearsay witness testimony may be perceived differently from that of a child, is that:
  26. When there is a history of spousal abuse, the abuser may use the mediation process to have access to the victim. In this case, mediation:
  27. Another way that children are able to testify in a case is through the use of a closed-circuit television (CCTV). Its use allows the judge and jury to see the child without exposing the alleged victim to the emotional trauma that may present itself while in the presence of the defendant. In the case of Maryland v. Craig, the Court decided that the _____ the child _____ the defendant’s right to confront his or her accuser.
  28. One criticism of projective tests, particularly the Rorschach Inkblot Test, is that:
  29. How are child witnesses perceived by jurors? What kind of measures do the courts take to protect child witnesses?
  30. How do the best interest of the child standard (BICS) and the tender years doctrine differ?

Set 2

  1. People who are incarcerated not only suffer from _______________ deficiencies but also routinely lack the __________________ needed to obtain and perform adequately in the workforce.
  2. Many inmates who are eligible for prison education programs do not participate
  3. Prison libraries offer inmates a stress-free alternative to education.
  4. Currently, the courses required for federal inmates include basic literacy, ____________________, and classes that are needed to obtain a high school diploma or GED.
  5. Drug users in general tend to commit violent crimes at high rates, but seriously addicted drug users commit both violent and property crimes at very high rates.
  6. In 1949, the ____________________ was established, which allowed the exchange of ideas in prison education.
  7. The long-term goals of the Correctional approaches to Alcohol or Other Drug (AOD) treatment are to reduce __________, __________, and __________.
  8. Outpatient programs tended to emphasize certain areas (thinking errors, problem-solving sills, and relapse prevention) but neglect others (AIDS, models of addiction).
  9. Describe the three main methods of providing college education to inmates.
  10. ____________________ are a specific type of self-help group that rely on a particular philosophy of recovery that emphasizes the importance of accepting addiction as a disease.
  11. Evidence suggests that certain medications may be useful in the treatment of addiction.
  12. Although enrollment is at an all-time high, it has been questioned whether GEDs reduce recidivism after release. Explain why?
  13. The term ____________________ is often used to reflect the fact that group members give and receive advice, encouragement, and support.
  14. The Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) program tracks drug use among booked arrestees in 35 large urban areas.  The study found _________ was the most commonly used drug follow ___________.
  15. Of all the different educational offerings in prisons, ________________ is the most debated by politicians, the pubic, the media, professors, and students.

Set 3

  1. Matthew’s parents divorced after a tumultuous marriage. It was difficult for him to understand what happened because he had become somewhat accustomed to all of the fighting. In addition, the divorce resulted in a difficult financial situation, and he had to change schools. Despite these circumstances, Matthew made great strides, finished high school with high grades, and completed college in three years. He possesses personality traits that help him overcome difficult situations. This group of personality traits is referred to as:
  2. New assessment tools have been developed to better evaluate a child’s relationship with his or her parents. Which of the following tests is NOT one of these new instruments?
  3. What is the best description of the NICHD Investigative Interview protocol?
  4. Research has shown that children _____ sometimes have difficulty distinguishing between imagined and real events.
  5. Hearsay testimony is sometimes admissible in trials where a child is an alleged victim because:
  6. One criticism of projective tests, particularly the Rorschach Inkblot Test, is that:
  7. There are good reasons why most states allow hearsay testimony when a child is the alleged victim. Which of the following is NOT one of these reasons?
  8. One problem with the BICS is that it can:
  9. According to the text, children who recant previous allegations of sexual abuse are likely to have been abused by a:
  10. According to the text, children who supposedly suffer from child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome (CSAAS) are likely to show behavioral symptoms that could also be evident in children misled into admitting such abuse. These symptoms include all of the following EXCEPT:
  11. Shared legal custody means that:
  12. According to the text, custody arrangements reveal that sole physical custody is granted to the mother approximately _____ of the time.
  13. The rights and responsibilities of parents in the determination of custody are called:
  14. Psychologists become involved in cases that include child custody arrangements because psychological evaluation of one or both of the parents is either required or recommended. In contrast to forensic evaluations, in which individuals may feign psychological disturbance, known as _____, in parental evaluations, individuals are more likely to hide psychological problems, which is known as
  15. A projective test measures an individual’s response to:
  16. In the 2000s, claims of recovered memories ______, mostly in response to
  17. The repression hypothesis posits that traumatic memories can be maintained in the _____ for years.
  18. Which of the following statements reflects the current state of knowledge about Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)?
  19. In the case of divorce under English common law, children were considered to be:
  20. More often than not, children define family in terms of:
  21. There are several conclusions that can be drawn from research on implanting false memories. Which of the following conclusions is NOT correct?
  22. Two components of the presumed child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome (CSAAS) are the denial of abuse and recantation of abuse. Researchers who analyzed actual interviews with sexually abused children found that, in reality, denial and recantation of abuse:
  23. When reviewing sexual abuse testimony given by children at trial, it appears that jurors are _____ to believe young children compared to adolescents.
  24. According to the text, the use of an anatomically detailed doll with children less than 6 years of age _____ the number of false allegations of sexual abuse.
  25. We should be especially skeptical of allegedly recovered memories in the following conditions EXCEPT:
  26. How are child witnesses perceived by jurors? What kind of measures do the courts take to protect child witnesses?
  27. Which allegations of recovered memories should be suspect?
  28. How does legal custody differ from physical custody? Which custody arrangement are common and which are not?
  29. How do the best interest of the child standard (BICS) and the tender years doctrine differ?
  30. What are the advantages of mediation over litigation? Who is more likely to seek litigation?
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  1. CJUS 640 Quiz 4 2020
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