HIUS 221 Primary Source and Presentation 4,5,6

HIUS 221 Primary Source and Presentation 4, 5, 6 Liberty

Primary Source and Presentation 4

  1. How many witnesses are necessary in order to convict someone of treason?
  2. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the Constitution, as listed in its Preamble?
  3. How many Senators represent each state?
  4. What does Amendment Four prevent?
  5. According to the video presentation, it can be said American produced the Constitution rather than the Constitution producing
  6. According to the video presentation, who requested that Madison draft a new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation?
  7. According to the video presentation, which of the following caused issues between American merchant shipping and the British?
  8. According to the video presentation, which section of the United States ignored the Embargo Act and continued to trade with Great Britain?
  9. Which action repealed or ended a set of acts that since 1798 had limited free speech in the young United States?
  10. Which Acts temporarily limited free speech in the young United States (1798)?

Primary Source and Presentation 5

  1. According to the video presentation, upon viewing a battle scene, who was inspired to write a poem that in time became the U.S. National Anthem ?
  2. According to the video presentation, who were the primary War Hawks?
  3. According to the video presentation, which of these is NOT a significance of the War of 1812?
  4. According to the video presentation, which key American city was burned by the British during the War of 1812?
  5. According to the video presentation, what was the new party on the rise in Jacksonian America?
  6. According to the video presentation, what professions did Jackson occupy before being elected to the Presidency?
  7. According to the video presentation, what was considered a controversial action toward Native Americans on the part of Jackson during his presidency?
  8. According to the video presentation, which of these was NOT a requirement to vote in Jacksonian America?
  9. Which South Carolina politician has been described as the preeminent southern apologist for the institution of slavery?
  10. According to the video on the Bank War, which act did President Jackson push in 1836 requiring federal land purchases to be done in gold and/or silver?

Primary Source and Presentation 6

  1. According to the video presentation, Horace Mann sought to reform?
  2. According to the video presentation, which view of abolitionism best describes William Lloyd Garrison?
  3. According to the video presentation, which perfectionist group practiced “Complex Marriage”?
  4. According to the video presentation, who was the most prominent New England Unitarian?
  5. According to the video presentation, who is the Father of Modern Revivalism?
  6. According to the video presentation, (True A False B) the 2nd Great Awakening enhanced the role of women in reform movements?
  7. According to the video presentation, who was the leader of the ONEIDA Communittee?
  8. According to the video presentation, the Unitarian drive for reform was largely from the belief that…?
  9. According to the video presentation, Charles Finney was known for his…?
  10. According to the video presentation, (True A False B) the 2nd Great Awakening took place in the north-east.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. HIUS 221 Presentation Review 4
  2. HIUS 221 Presentation Review 5
  3. HIUS 221 Presentation Review 6